Three-dimensional epithelial and mesenchymal cell co-cultures form early tooth epithelium invagination-like structures: expression patterns of relevant molecules. Li Xiao,Takeki Tsutsui Journal of cellular biochemistry
Epithelium invagination is the key feature of early tooth development. In this study, we built a three-dimensional (3D) model to represent epithelium invagination-like structure by tissue engineering. Human normal oral epithelial cells (OECs) and dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) were co-cultivated for 2-7 weeks on matrigel or collagen gel to form epithelial and mesenchymal tissues. The histological change and gene expression were analyzed by HE staining, immunostaining, and quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). After 4 weeks of cultivation, OECs-formed epithelium invaginated into DPSCs-derived mesenchyme on both matrigel and collagen gel. OEC-DPSC co-cultures on matrigel showed typical invagination of epithelial cells and condensation of the underlying mesenchymal cells. Epithelial invagination-related molecules, CD44 and E-cadherin, and mesenchymal condensation involved molecules, N-cadherin and Msx1 expressed at a high level in the tissue model, suggesting the epithelial invagination is functional. However, when OECs and DPSCs were co-cultivated on collagen gel; the invaginated epithelium was transformed to several epithelial colonies inside the mesenchyme after long culture period. When DPSCs were co-cultivated with immortalized human OECs NDUSD-1, all of the above-mentioned features were not presented. Immunohistological staining and qRT-PCR analysis showed that p75, BMP2, Shh, Wnt10b, E-cadherin, N-cadherin, Msx1, and Pax9 are involved in initiating epithelium invagination and epithelial-mesenchymal interaction in the 3D OEC-DPSC co-cultures. Our results suggest that co-cultivated OECs and DPSCs on matrigel under certain conditions can build an epithelium invagination-like model. This model might be explored as a potential research tool for epithelial-mesenchymal interaction and tooth regeneration. | 22234822
Oral administration of recombinant adeno-associated virus-mediated bone morphogenetic protein-7 suppresses CCl(4)-induced hepatic fibrosis in mice. Hao, ZM; Cai, M; Lv, YF; Huang, YH; Li, HH Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy
Fibrogenesis and hepatocyte degeneration are the main pathological processes in chronic liver diseases. Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) is the key profibrotic cytokine in hepatic fibrosis. Bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7) is a potent antagonist of TGF-β1 and an antifibrotic factor. In this study, we generated a recombinant adeno-associated virus carrying BMP-7 (AAV-BMP-7) and tested its ability to suppress carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4))-induced hepatic fibrosis when orally administered to mice. Our results show that the ectopic expression of BMP-7 in gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa due to the AAV-BMP-7 administration led to the long-term elevation of serum BMP-7 concentrations and resulted in the drastic amelioration of CCl(4)-induced hepatic fibrosis in BALB/c mice. Immunostaining for α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and desmin demonstrated that AAV-BMP-7 inhibited the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) in the fibrotic mouse liver. Moreover, the ectopic expression of BMP-7 promoted hepatocyte proliferation, as confirmed by an increase in the amount of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-positive hepatocytes in the mice that received AAV-BMP-7. Our results clearly indicate that BMP-7 is capable of inhibiting hepatic fibrosis and promoting hepatocyte regeneration. We suggest that oral AAV-BMP-7 could be developed into a safe, simple, and effective therapy for hepatic fibrosis. | 22850680