Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
SNAP i.d.® 2.0 protein detection system for immunohistochemistry enables simultaneous, vacuum-driven processing of multiple IHC slides.
Issues with Your Tissues? Process all Your Slides in a SNAP for Streamlined IHC.
Variability – it’s the challenge you face in traditional immunohistochemistry (IHC) experiments. If you’re handling slides manually, using pap pens, pipetting, dipping and pouring, you risk slide-to-slide process variability, which may affect your results.
The SNAP i.d.® 2.0 Protein Detection System for Immunohistochemistry (IHC) introduces a new capability to the innovative, vacuum-driven SNAP i.d.® 2.0 system. The IHC slide holders allow you to block, probe, and stain up to 12 tissue slides per side (24 slides if both sides are used). Reduced handling time and multiple-slide processing make this system ideal for when you are optimizing antibody conditions and protocols.
Poster Spotlight
Read our new research poster recently presented at the 40th Annual National Society of Histotechnology: “A novel method for streamlined immunohistochemistry.”
Immunohistochemistry workflow includes blocking, antibody incubations, labeling and wash steps, all of which can be streamlined using the SNAP i.d.® 2.0 Protein Detection System for IHC.
SNAP i.d.® 2.0 IHC System Advantages:
Detection of NeuN in human cerebral cortex (FFPE): SNAP i.d.® 2.0 IHC System (left) vs. standard manual IHC protocol (right).
Key Features
Flexibility of multiple slide configurations enables the processing of 1 to 24 slides at a time
Compatible with standard IHC slides and protocols
Compatible with diverse tissue preparations including formalin-fixed or fresh frozen samples
Intuitive format
Incorporates blocking, washing, and antibody incubation and labeling steps
Systematizes handling multiple slides without the cost of automation
Test tracker feature on frame cover helps keep track of IHC steps