New high-performance water purification systems offer advanced monitoring features and unprecedented service

John Sweeney
Head of Lab Solutions
In busy biomedical laboratories, the choice of a water purification system is critical.
“Biomedical laboratory managers are under constant pressure to avoid clinical analyzer downtime,” says John Sweeney, Head of Merck’s Lab Solutions business. “Water is the most frequently used fluidic reagent is in clinical analyzers, and for labs handling thousands of samples a day, the choice of a water purification system is key to providing high-quality pure water and smooth operations.
“Our goal is to make the biomedical lab more productive – and our new AFS® E systems do exactly that.”
Merck’s new AFS® 40E / 80E / 120E and 150E systems, introduced on January 27, offer continuous real-time monitoring and remote control, plus a new generation of enhanced services for users, which together help maximize water purification system and analyzer uptime.
The new systems fulfill pure water needs for one or several high-throughput clinical analyzers, and are designed to provide clinical laboratories with an economical and reliable water purification solution for daily water volumes of up to 3,000 liters. They rely on two powerful technologies to produce water meeting CLSI® (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) standards: state-of-the art Elix® electrodeionization (EDI) technology, and ERA™ (Evolutive Reject Adjustment) technology.