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Upstream Bioprocessing
From Pre-clinical to Manufacturing


Accelerate Your Process Development

Maximize Productivity

Meet Quality Requirements

Simplify Operations

Scale Up

Prevent Contaminants

Take the Right Path Upstream

Video: Upstream ecosystem

You are developing a monoclonal antibody and a world of potential is ahead of you. However, your time to realize this potential is limited. You need to act quickly to get your biological drug to market, but have you considered the impact of your decisions as you are developing upstream? Decisions may be difficult to reverse or will require significant backtracking and resources. With our upstream ecosystem, you get your upstream development right the first time.

Lay the Groundwork for Downstream Success

Explore our upstream ecosystem and find the right path to effectively balance speed to market, product quality, process efficiency and scalability while ensuring patient safety.

Accelerate Your Process Development Maximize Productivity Scale Up
Meet Quality Requirements Simplify Operations Prevent Contaminants

The Upstream Ecosystem

Our upstream ecosystem is comprised of cell line and media platforms, cell line development, cell line and product characterization services, single-use bioreactors and mixers, process development services, and next generation processing programs. Our experts will save you precious time, optimize performance, improve feasibility and sustainability, while laying the groundwork for downstream success.

Develop upstream right the first time with BioReliance® End-to-End Solutions

Break Down Roadblocks
to Clinical Success

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Application Guide

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our supply chain programs

Supply Robustness
and Control