Identification of Salmonella Typhimurium Deubiquitinase SseL Substrates by Immunoaffinity Enrichment and Quantitative Proteomic Analysis. Nakayasu, ES; Sydor, MA; Brown, RN; Sontag, RL; Sobreira, TJ; Slysz, GW; Humphrys, DR; Skarina, T; Onoprienko, O; Di Leo, R; Deatherage Kaiser, BL; Li, J; Ansong, C; Cambronne, ED; Smith, RD; Savchenko, A; Adkins, JN Journal of proteome research
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Ubiquitination is a key protein post-translational modification that regulates many important cellular pathways and whose levels are regulated by equilibrium between the activities of ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinases. Here, we present a method to identify specific deubiquitinase substrates based on treatment of cell lysates with recombinant enzymes, immunoaffinity purification, and global quantitative proteomic analysis. As a model system to identify substrates, we used a virulence-related deubiquitinase, SseL, secreted by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium into host cells. Using this approach, two SseL substrates were identified in the RAW 264.7 murine macrophage-like cell line, S100A6 and heterogeneous nuclear ribonuclear protein K, in addition to the previously reported K63-linked ubiquitin chains. These substrates were further validated by a combination of enzymatic and binding assays. This method can be used for the systematic identification of substrates of deubiquitinases from other organisms and applied to study their functions in physiology and disease. | | 26147956
Evaluation of selected binding domains for the analysis of ubiquitinated proteomes. Nakayasu, ES; Ansong, C; Brown, JN; Yang, F; Lopez-Ferrer, D; Qian, WJ; Smith, RD; Adkins, JN Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
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Ubiquitination is an abundant post-translational modification that consists of covalent attachment of ubiquitin to lysine residues or the N-terminus of proteins. Mono- and polyubiquitination have been shown to be involved in many critical eukaryotic cellular functions and are often disrupted by intracellular bacterial pathogens. Affinity enrichment of ubiquitinated proteins enables global analysis of this key modification. In this context, the use of ubiquitin-binding domains is a promising but relatively unexplored alternative to more broadly used immunoaffinity or tagged affinity enrichment methods. In this study, we evaluated the application of eight ubiquitin-binding domains that have differing affinities for ubiquitination states. Small-scale proteomics analysis identified ~200 ubiquitinated protein candidates per ubiquitin-binding domain pull-down experiment. Results from subsequent Western blot analyses that employed anti-ubiquitin or monoclonal antibodies against polyubiquitination at lysine 48 and 63 suggest that ubiquitin-binding domains from Dsk2 and ubiquilin-1 have the broadest specificity in that they captured most types of ubiquitination, whereas the binding domain from NBR1 was more selective to polyubiquitination. These data demonstrate that with optimized purification conditions, ubiquitin-binding domains can be an alternative tool for proteomic applications. This approach is especially promising for the analysis of tissues or cells resistant to transfection, of which the overexpression of tagged ubiquitin is a major hurdle. | | 23649778
Sperm proteasomes degrade sperm receptor on the egg zona pellucida during mammalian fertilization. Zimmerman, SW; Manandhar, G; Yi, YJ; Gupta, SK; Sutovsky, M; Odhiambo, JF; Powell, MD; Miller, DJ; Sutovsky, P PloS one
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Despite decades of research, the mechanism by which the fertilizing spermatozoon penetrates the mammalian vitelline membrane, the zona pellucida (ZP) remains one of the unexplained fundamental events of human/mammalian development. Evidence has been accumulating in support of the 26S proteasome as a candidate for echinoderm, ascidian and mammalian egg coat lysin. Monitoring ZP protein degradation by sperm during fertilization is nearly impossible because those few spermatozoa that penetrate the ZP leave behind a virtually untraceable residue of degraded proteins. We have overcome this hurdle by designing an experimentally consistent in vitro system in which live boar spermatozoa are co-incubated with ZP-proteins (ZPP) solubilized from porcine oocytes. Using this assay, mimicking sperm-egg interactions, we demonstrate that the sperm-borne proteasomes can degrade the sperm receptor protein ZPC. Upon coincubation with motile spermatozoa, the solubilized ZPP, which appear to be ubiquitinated, adhered to sperm acrosomal caps and induced acrosomal exocytosis/formation of the acrosomal shroud. The degradation of the sperm receptor protein ZPC was assessed by Western blotting band-densitometry and proteomics. A nearly identical pattern of sperm receptor degradation, evident already within the first 5 min of coincubation, was observed when the spermatozoa were replaced with the isolated, enzymatically active, sperm-derived proteasomes. ZPC degradation was blocked by proteasomal inhibitors and accelerated by ubiquitin-aldehyde(UBAL), a modified ubiquitin protein that stimulates proteasomal proteolysis. Such a degradation pattern of ZPC is consistent with in vitro fertilization studies, in which proteasomal inhibitors completely blocked fertilization, and UBAL increased fertilization and polyspermy rates. Preincubation of intact zona-enclosed ova with isolated active sperm proteasomes caused digestion, abrasions and loosening of the exposed zonae, and significantly reduced the fertilization/polyspermy rates after IVF, accompanied by en-mass detachment of zona bound sperm. Thus, the sperm borne 26S proteasome is a candidate zona lysin in mammals. This new paradigm has implications for contraception and assisted reproductive technologies in humans, as well as animals. Artículo Texto completo | | 21383844
Autophagy influences glomerular disease susceptibility and maintains podocyte homeostasis in aging mice. Hartleben, B; Gödel, M; Meyer-Schwesinger, C; Liu, S; Ulrich, T; Köbler, S; Wiech, T; Grahammer, F; Arnold, SJ; Lindenmeyer, MT; Cohen, CD; Pavenstädt, H; Kerjaschki, D; Mizushima, N; Shaw, AS; Walz, G; Huber, TB The Journal of clinical investigation
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Injury and loss of podocytes are leading factors of glomerular disease and renal failure. The postmitotic podocyte is the primary glomerular target for toxic, immune, metabolic, and oxidant stress, but little is known about how this cell type copes with stress. Recently, autophagy has been identified as a major pathway that delivers damaged proteins and organelles to lysosomes in order to maintain cellular homeostasis. Here we report that podocytes exhibit an unusually high level of constitutive autophagy. Podocyte-specific deletion of autophagy-related 5 (Atg5) led to a glomerulopathy in aging mice that was accompanied by an accumulation of oxidized and ubiquitinated proteins, ER stress, and proteinuria. These changes resulted ultimately in podocyte loss and late-onset glomerulosclerosis. Analysis of pathophysiological conditions indicated that autophagy was substantially increased in glomeruli from mice with induced proteinuria and in glomeruli from patients with acquired proteinuric diseases. Further, mice lacking Atg5 in podocytes exhibited strongly increased susceptibility to models of glomerular disease. These findings highlight the importance of induced autophagy as a key homeostatic mechanism to maintain podocyte integrity. We postulate that constitutive and induced autophagy is a major protective mechanism against podocyte aging and glomerular injury, representing a putative target to ameliorate human glomerular disease and aging-related loss of renal function. | Western Blotting | 20200449
Potential roles for ubiquitin and the proteasome during ribosome biogenesis. Stavreva, DA; Kawasaki, M; Dundr, M; Koberna, K; Müller, WG; Tsujimura-Takahashi, T; Komatsu, W; Hayano, T; Isobe, T; Raska, I; Misteli, T; Takahashi, N; McNally, JG Molecular and cellular biology
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We have investigated the possible involvement of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) in ribosome biogenesis. We find by immunofluorescence that ubiquitin is present within nucleoli and also demonstrate by immunoprecipitation that complexes associated with pre-rRNA processing factors are ubiquitinated. Using short proteasome inhibition treatments, we show by fluorescence microscopy that nucleolar morphology is disrupted for some but not all factors involved in ribosome biogenesis. Interference with proteasome degradation also induces the accumulation of 90S preribosomes, alters the dynamic properties of a number of processing factors, slows the release of mature rRNA from the nucleolus, and leads to the depletion of 18S and 28S rRNAs. Together, these results suggest that the UPS is probably involved at many steps during ribosome biogenesis, including the maturation of the 90S preribosome. Artículo Texto completo | | 16782897
Intracellular retention, degradation, and signaling of glycosylation-deficient FGFR2 and craniosynostosis syndrome-associated FGFR2C278F. Hatch, NE; Hudson, M; Seto, ML; Cunningham, ML; Bothwell, M The Journal of biological chemistry
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Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and their receptors (FGFRs) are known to play a critical role in a variety of fundamental processes, including wound healing, angiogenesis, and development of multiple organ systems. Mutations in the FGFR gene family have been linked to a series of syndromes (the craniosynostosis syndromes) whose primary phenotype involves aberrant development of the craniofacial skeleton. Craniosynostosis syndrome-linked FGFR mutations have been shown to be gain of function in terms of receptor activation and have been presumed to result in increased levels of FGF/FGFR signaling. Unfortunately, studies attempting to link expression of mutant FGFRs with changes in cellular phenotype have yielded conflicting results. In an effort to better understand the biochemical consequences of these mutations on receptor function, here we have investigated the effect of the FGFR2C278F mutation of Crouzon craniosynostosis syndrome on receptor trafficking, ubiquitination, degradation, and signaling. We find that FGFR2C278F exhibits diminished glycosylation, increased degradation, and limited cellular sublocalization in the osteoblastic cell line, MC3T3E1(C4). Additionally, we show that trafficking and autoactivation of wild type FGFR2 is glycosylation-dependent. Both FGFR2C278F and unglycosylated wild type FGFR2 signal through phospholipase Cgamma in a ligand-independent manner as well as exhibit dramatically increased binding to the adaptor protein, Frs2. These findings suggest that autoactive FGFR2 can signal from intracellular compartments. Based upon our results, we propose that the functional signaling of craniosynostosis mutant, autoactive receptors is limited in some cell types by protective cellular responses, such as increased trafficking to lysosomes and proteasomes for degradation. | | 16844695