The spatial and temporal organization of origin firing during the S-phase of fission yeast. Kaykov, A; Nurse, P Genome research
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Eukaryotes duplicate their genomes using multiple replication origins, but the organization of origin firing along chromosomes and during S-phase is not well understood. Using fission yeast, we report the first genome-wide analysis of the spatial and temporal organization of replication origin firing, analyzed using single DNA molecules that can approach the full length of chromosomes. At S-phase onset, origins fire randomly and sparsely throughout the chromosomes. Later in S-phase, clusters of fired origins appear embedded in the sparser regions, which form the basis of nuclear replication foci. The formation of clusters requires proper histone methylation and acetylation, and their locations are not inherited between cell cycles. The rate of origin firing increases gradually, peaking just before mid S-phase. Toward the end of S-phase, nearly all the available origins within the unreplicated regions are fired, contributing to the timely completion of genome replication. We propose that the majority of origins do not fire as a part of a deterministic program. Instead, origin firing, both individually and as clusters, should be viewed as being mostly stochastic. | | 25650245
Cyclin-dependent kinase regulates the length of S phase through TICRR/TRESLIN phosphorylation. Sansam, CG; Goins, D; Siefert, JC; Clowdus, EA; Sansam, CL Genes & development
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S-phase cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) stimulate replication initiation and accelerate progression through the replication timing program, but it is unknown which CDK substrates are responsible for these effects. CDK phosphorylation of the replication factor TICRR (TopBP1-interacting checkpoint and replication regulator)/TRESLIN is required for DNA replication. We show here that phosphorylated TICRR is limiting for S-phase progression. Overexpression of a TICRR mutant with phosphomimetic mutations at two key CDK-phosphorylated residues (TICRR(TESE)) stimulates DNA synthesis and shortens S phase by increasing replication initiation. This effect requires the TICRR region that is necessary for its interaction with MDM two-binding protein. Expression of TICRR(TESE) does not grossly alter the spatial organization of replication forks in the nucleus but does increase replication clusters and the number of replication forks within each cluster. In contrast to CDK hyperactivation, the acceleration of S-phase progression by TICRR(TESE) does not induce DNA damage. These results show that CDK can stimulate initiation and compress the replication timing program by phosphorylating a single protein, suggesting a simple mechanism by which S-phase length is controlled. | | 25737283
The DNA repair endonuclease Mus81 facilitates fast DNA replication in the absence of exogenous damage. Fu, H; Martin, MM; Regairaz, M; Huang, L; You, Y; Lin, CM; Ryan, M; Kim, R; Shimura, T; Pommier, Y; Aladjem, MI Nature communications
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The Mus81 endonuclease resolves recombination intermediates and mediates cellular responses to exogenous replicative stress. Here, we show that Mus81 also regulates the rate of DNA replication during normal growth by promoting replication fork progression while reducing the frequency of replication initiation events. In the absence of Mus81 endonuclease activity, DNA synthesis is slowed and replication initiation events are more frequent. In addition, Mus81-deficient cells fail to recover from exposure to low doses of replication inhibitors and cell viability is dependent on the XPF endonuclease. Despite an increase in replication initiation frequency, cells lacking Mus81 use the same pool of replication origins as Mus81-expressing cells. Therefore, decelerated DNA replication in Mus81-deficient cells does not initiate from cryptic or latent origins not used during normal growth. These results indicate that Mus81 plays a key role in determining the rate of DNA replication without activating a novel group of replication origins. | | 25879486
Spontaneous slow replication fork progression elicits mitosis alterations in homologous recombination-deficient mammalian cells. Wilhelm, T; Magdalou, I; Barascu, A; Técher, H; Debatisse, M; Lopez, BS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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Homologous recombination deficient (HR(-)) mammalian cells spontaneously display reduced replication fork (RF) movement and mitotic extra centrosomes. We show here that these cells present a complex mitotic phenotype, including prolonged metaphase arrest, anaphase bridges, and multipolar segregations. We then asked whether the replication and the mitotic phenotypes are interdependent. First, we determined low doses of hydroxyurea that did not affect the cell cycle distribution or activate CHK1 phosphorylation but did slow the replication fork movement of wild-type cells to the same level than in HR(-) cells. Remarkably, these low hydroxyurea doses generated the same mitotic defects (and to the same extent) in wild-type cells as observed in unchallenged HR(-) cells. Reciprocally, supplying nucleotide precursors to HR(-) cells suppressed both their replication deceleration and mitotic extra centrosome phenotypes. Therefore, subtle replication stress that escapes to surveillance pathways and, thus, fails to prevent cells from entering mitosis alters metaphase progression and centrosome number, resulting in multipolar mitosis. Importantly, multipolar mitosis results in global unbalanced chromosome segregation involving the whole genome, even fully replicated chromosomes. These data highlight the cross-talk between chromosome replication and segregation, and the importance of HR at the interface of these two processes for protection against general genome instability. | | 24347643
CDK phosphorylation of SLD-2 is required for replication initiation and germline development in C. elegans. Gaggioli, V; Zeiser, E; Rivers, D; Bradshaw, CR; Ahringer, J; Zegerman, P The Journal of cell biology
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Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) plays a vital role in proliferation control across eukaryotes. Despite this, how CDK mediates cell cycle and developmental transitions in metazoa is poorly understood. In this paper, we identify orthologues of Sld2, a CDK target that is important for DNA replication in yeast, and characterize SLD-2 in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. We demonstrate that SLD-2 is required for replication initiation and the nuclear retention of a critical component of the replicative helicase CDC-45 in embryos. SLD-2 is a CDK target in vivo, and phosphorylation regulates the interaction with another replication factor, MUS-101. By mutation of the CDK sites in sld-2, we show that CDK phosphorylation of SLD-2 is essential in C. elegans. Finally, using a phosphomimicking sld-2 mutant, we demonstrate that timely CDK phosphorylation of SLD-2 is an important control mechanism to allow normal proliferation in the germline. These results determine an essential function of CDK in metazoa and identify a developmental role for regulated SLD-2 phosphorylation. | | 24535824
Polycomb proteins control proliferation and transformation independently of cell cycle checkpoints by regulating DNA replication. Piunti, A; Rossi, A; Cerutti, A; Albert, M; Jammula, S; Scelfo, A; Cedrone, L; Fragola, G; Olsson, L; Koseki, H; Testa, G; Casola, S; Helin, K; d'Adda di Fagagna, F; Pasini, D Nature communications
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The ability of PRC1 and PRC2 to promote proliferation is a main feature that links polycomb (PcG) activity to cancer. PcGs silence the expression of the tumour suppressor locus Ink4a/Arf, whose products positively regulate pRb and p53 functions. Enhanced PcG activity is a frequent feature of human tumours, and PcG inhibition has been proposed as a strategy for cancer treatment. However, the recurrent inactivation of pRb/p53 responses in human cancers raises a question regarding the ability of PcG proteins to affect cellular proliferation independently from this checkpoint. Here we demonstrate that PRCs regulate cellular proliferation and transformation independently of the Ink4a/Arf-pRb-p53 pathway. We provide evidence that PRCs localize at replication forks, and that loss of their function directly affects the progression and symmetry of DNA replication forks. Thus, we have identified a novel activity by which PcGs can regulate cell proliferation independently of major cell cycle restriction checkpoints. | | 24728135
Tax impairs DNA replication forks and increases DNA breaks in specific oncogenic genome regions. Chaib-Mezrag, H; Lemaçon, D; Fontaine, H; Bellon, M; Bai, XT; Drac, M; Coquelle, A; Nicot, C Molecular cancer
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Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-I) is a human retrovirus associated with adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), an aggressive CD4 T-cell proliferative disease with dismal prognosis. The long latency preceding the development of the disease and the low incidence suggests that the virus itself is not sufficient for transformation and that genetic defects are required to create a permissive environment for leukemia. In fact, ATL cells are characterized by profound genetic modifications including structural and numerical chromosome alterations.In this study we used molecular combing techniques to study the effect of the oncoprotein Tax on DNA replication. We found that replication forks have difficulties replicating complex DNA, fork progression is slower, and they pause or stall more frequently in the presence of Tax expression. Our results also show that Tax-associated replication defects are partially compensated by an increase in the firing of back-up origins. Consistent with these effects of Tax on DNA replication, an increase in double strand DNA breaks (DDSB) was seen in Tax expressing cells. Tax-mediated increases in DDSBs were associated with the ability of Tax to activate NF-kB and to stimulate intracellular nitric oxide production. We also demonstrated a reduced expression of human translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases Pol-H and Pol-K in HTLV-I-transformed T cells and ATL cells. This was associated with an increase in DNA breaks induced by Tax at specific genome regions, such as the c-Myc and the Bcl-2 major breakpoints. Consistent with the notion that the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway is hyperactive in HTLV-I-transformed cells, we found that inhibition of the NHEJ pathway induces significant killing of HTLV-I transformed cells and patient-derived leukemic ATL cells.Our results suggest that, replication problems increase genetic instability in HTLV-I-transformed cells. As a result, abuse of NHEJ and a defective homologous repair (HR) DNA repair pathway can be targeted as a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of adult T-cell leukemia. | | 25185513
Sequential steps in DNA replication are inhibited to ensure reduction of ploidy in meiosis. Hua, H; Namdar, M; Ganier, O; Gregan, J; Méchali, M; Kearsey, SE Molecular biology of the cell
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Meiosis involves two successive rounds of chromosome segregation without an intervening S phase. Exit from meiosis I is distinct from mitotic exit, in that replication origins are not licensed by Mcm2-7 chromatin binding, but spindle disassembly occurs during a transient interphase-like state before meiosis II. The absence of licensing is assumed to explain the block to DNA replication, but this has not been formally tested. Here we attempt to subvert this block by expressing the licensing control factors Cdc18 and Cdt1 during the interval between meiotic nuclear divisions. Surprisingly, this leads only to a partial round of DNA replication, even when these factors are overexpressed and effect clear Mcm2-7 chromatin binding. Combining Cdc18 and Cdt1 expression with modulation of cyclin-dependent kinase activity, activation of Dbf4-dependent kinase, or deletion of the Spd1 inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductase has little additional effect on the extent of DNA replication. Single-molecule analysis indicates this partial round of replication results from inefficient progression of replication forks, and thus both initiation and elongation replication steps may be inhibited in late meiosis. In addition, DNA replication or damage during the meiosis I-II interval fails to arrest meiotic progress, suggesting absence of checkpoint regulation of meiosis II entry. | | 23303250
Methylation of histone H3 on lysine 79 associates with a group of replication origins and helps limit DNA replication once per cell cycle. Fu, H; Maunakea, AK; Martin, MM; Huang, L; Zhang, Y; Ryan, M; Kim, R; Lin, CM; Zhao, K; Aladjem, MI PLoS genetics
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Mammalian DNA replication starts at distinct chromosomal sites in a tissue-specific pattern coordinated with transcription, but previous studies have not yet identified a chromatin modification that correlates with the initiation of DNA replication at particular genomic locations. Here we report that a distinct fraction of replication initiation sites in the human genome are associated with a high frequency of dimethylation of histone H3 lysine K79 (H3K79Me2). H3K79Me2-containing chromatin exhibited the highest genome-wide enrichment for replication initiation events observed for any chromatin modification examined thus far (23.39% of H3K79Me2 peaks were detected in regions adjacent to replication initiation events). The association of H3K79Me2 with replication initiation sites was independent and not synergistic with other chromatin modifications. H3K79 dimethylation exhibited wider distribution on chromatin during S-phase, but only regions with H3K79 methylation in G1 and G2 were enriched in replication initiation events. H3K79 was dimethylated in a region containing a functional replicator (a DNA sequence capable of initiating DNA replication), but the methylation was not evident in a mutant replicator that could not initiate replication. Depletion of DOT1L, the sole enzyme responsible for H3K79 methylation, triggered limited genomic over-replication although most cells could continue to proliferate and replicate DNA in the absence of methylated H3K79. Thus, prevention of H3K79 methylation might affect regulatory processes that modulate the order and timing of DNA replication. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that dimethylated H3K79 associates with some replication origins and marks replicated chromatin during S-phase to prevent re-replication and preserve genomic stability. | | 23754963
Distinct functions of human RECQ helicases WRN and BLM in replication fork recovery and progression after hydroxyurea-induced stalling. Sidorova, JM; Kehrli, K; Mao, F; Monnat, R DNA repair
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Human WRN and BLM genes are members of the conserved RECQ helicase family. Mutations in these genes are associated with Werner and Bloom syndromes. WRN and BLM proteins are implicated in DNA replication, recombination, repair, telomere maintenance, and transcription. Using microfluidics-assisted display of DNA for replication track analysis (ma-RTA), we show that WRN and BLM contribute additively to normal replication fork progression, and non-additively, in a RAD51-dependent pathway, to resumption of replication after arrest by hydroxyurea (HU), a replication-stalling drug. WRN but not BLM is required to support fork progression after HU. Resumption of replication by forks may be necessary but is not sufficient for timely completion of the cell cycle after HU arrest, as depletion of WRN or BLM compromises fork recovery to a similar degree, but only BLM depletion leads to extensive delay of cell division after HU, as well as more pronounced chromatin bridging. Finally, we show that recovery from HU includes apparent removal of some of the DNA that was synthesized immediately after release from HU, a novel phenomenon that we refer to as nascent strand processing, NSP. | Immunofluorescence | 23253856