Our broad portfolio consists of multiplex panels that allow you to choose, within the panel, analytes that best meet your needs. On a separate tab you can choose the premixed cytokine format or a single plex kit.
Cell Signaling Kits & MAPmates™
Choose fixed kits that allow you to explore entire pathways or processes. Or design your own kits by choosing single plex MAPmates™, following the provided guidelines.
The following MAPmates™ should not be plexed together:
-MAPmates™ that require a different assay buffer
-Phospho-specific and total MAPmate™ pairs, e.g. total GSK3β and GSK3β (Ser 9)
-PanTyr and site-specific MAPmates™, e.g. Phospho-EGF Receptor and phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701)
-More than 1 phospho-MAPmate™ for a single target (Akt, STAT3)
-GAPDH and β-Tubulin cannot be plexed with kits or MAPmates™ containing panTyr
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To begin designing your MILLIPLEX® MAP kit select a species, a panel type or kit of interest.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
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96-Well Plate
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Add Additional Reagents (Buffer and Detection Kit is required for use with MAPmates)
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Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Space Saver Option Customers purchasing multiple kits may choose to save storage space by eliminating the kit packaging and receiving their multiplex assay components in plastic bags for more compact storage.
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MilliporePellet Paint® NF Co-Precipitant
Non-fluorescent visible DNA co-precipitant for automated sequencing applications
More>>Non-fluorescent visible DNA co-precipitant for automated sequencing applications Less<<
Pellet Paint® NF Co-Precipitant MSDS (material safety data sheet) or SDS, CoA and CoQ, dossiers, brochures and other available documents.
Pellet Paint NF Co-Precipitant is a
nonfluorescent dye-labeled carrier compatible
with fluorescent sequencing. It facilitates
rapid removal of BigDye Terminators during
the alcohol precipitation of cycle sequencing
reaction products. Cycle sequencing reactions
can be precipitated rapidly with 1 µl of carrier
per reaction and centrifugation times of 10
minutes. The easily visualized carrier provides
a simple confirmation that precipitation
has occurred. Sequencing reaction products
are efficiently pelleted and dye-labeled
terminators remain in the supernatant during
alcohol precipitation using the standard
Applied Biosystems precipitation protocols.
Resuspension of pelleted sequencing reaction
products in deionized formamide can be
confirmed by checking for dissolution of
the carrier. Pellet Paint NF Co-Precipitant
is fully compatible with the ABI PRISM®
BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready
Reaction. To avoid extra sample handling,
Pellet Paint NF Co-Precipitant can be added
directly to the reaction mix, template DNA,
crude PCR samples, or dilution buffer before
the cycle sequencing reaction. Although Pellet
Paint NF absorbs in the UV range, accurate
spectrophotometric measurements of DNA or
RNA samples are possible; the absorbance ratio
(provided with each package of Pellet Paint
NF) can be used as a correction factor when
determining nucleic acid concentration. Pellet
Paint NF Co-Precipitant has no detectable
effect on the sequencing reaction or sequence
accuracy. Pellet Paint NF Co-Precipitant is
a useful substitute for the original Pellet
Paint Co-Precipitant in applications where
fluorescent detection is used.
Note: European Patent No. EP0853680 has been issued to EMD Biosciences, Inc./Novagen for a method for precipitating nucleic acid with a visible carrier. US Patent pending
Catalogue Number
Brand Family
Features and benefits
Efficient and rapid precipitation of BigDye® cycle sequencing products
Efficient removal of dye terminators
Direct visualization and tracking of precipitated material
No effect on sequencing reaction
Substitute for original Pellet Paint® Co-Precipitant for fluorescent detection applications
Product Information
125 µl or 1 ml
Pellet Paint NF Co-Precipitant
1 ml or 8 ml
3 M Sodium Acetate, pH 5.2
This product is covered by U.S. Patents 7,550,447, 7,144,713, EP Patent 853,680, Canadian Patent 2,231,501 owned by EMD Chemicals Inc. or its Affiliates.
Taku Nakagawa, et al. (2007) Detection of circulating tumor cells in early-stage breast cancer metastasis to axillary lymph nodes. Clinical Cancer Research13, 4105-4110.