ANG II receptor subtype 1a gene knockdown in the subfornical organ prevents increased drinking behavior in bile duct-ligated rats. Walch, JD; Nedungadi, TP; Cunningham, JT American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology
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Bile duct ligation (BDL) causes congestive liver failure that initiates hemodynamic changes, resulting in dilutional hyponatremia due to increased water intake and vasopressin release. This project tested the hypothesis that angiotensin signaling at the subfornical organ (SFO) augments drinking behavior in BDL rats. A genetically modified adeno-associated virus containing short hairpin RNA (shRNA) for ANG II receptor subtype 1a (AT1aR) gene was microinjected into the SFO of rats to knock down expression. Two weeks later, BDL or sham surgery was performed. Rats were housed in metabolic chambers for measurement of fluid and food intake and urine output. The rats were euthanized 28 days after BDL surgery for analysis. A group of rats was perfused for immunohistochemistry, and a second group was used for laser-capture microdissection for analysis of SFO AT1aR gene expression. BDL rats showed increased water intake that was attenuated in rats that received SFO microinjection of AT1aR shRNA. Among BDL rats treated with scrambled (control) and AT1aR shRNA, we observed an increased number of vasopressin-positive cells in the supraoptic nucleus that colocalized with ΔFosB staining, suggesting increased vasopressin release in both groups. These results indicate that angiotensin signaling through the SFO contributes to increased water intake, but not dilutional hyponatremia, during congestive liver failure. | | 25009217
An essential role for the K+-dependent Na+/Ca2+-exchanger, NCKX4, in melanocortin-4-receptor-dependent satiety. Li, XF; Lytton, J The Journal of biological chemistry
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K(+)-dependent Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchangers are broadly expressed in various tissues, and particularly enriched in neurons of the brain. The distinct physiological roles for the different members of this Ca(2+) transporter family are, however, not well described. Here we show that gene-targeted mice lacking the K(+)-dependent Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchanger, NCKX4 (gene slc24a4 or Nckx4), display a remarkable anorexia with severe hypophagia and weight loss. Feeding and satiety are coordinated centrally by melanocortin-4 receptors (MC4R) in neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). The hypophagic response of Nckx4 knock-out mice is accompanied by hyperactivation of neurons in the PVN, evidenced by high levels of c-Fos expression. The activation of PVN neurons in both fasted Nckx4 knock-out and glucose-injected wild-type animals is blocked by Ca(2+) removal and MC4R antagonists. In cultured hypothalamic neurons, melanocyte stimulating hormone induces an MC4R-dependent and sustained Ca(2+) signal, which requires phospholipase C activity and plasma membrane Ca(2+) entry. The Ca(2+) signal is enhanced in hypothalamic neurons from Nckx4 knock-out animals, and is depressed in cells in which NCKX4 is overexpressed. Finally, MC4R-dependent oxytocin expression in the PVN, a key essential step in satiety, is prevented by blocking phospholipase C activation or Ca(2+) entry. These findings highlight an essential, and to our knowledge previously unknown, role for Ca(2+) signaling in the MC4R pathway that leads to satiety, and a novel non-redundant role for NCKX4-mediated Ca(2+) extrusion in controlling MC4R signaling and feeding behavior. Together, these findings highlight a novel pathway that potentially could be exploited to develop much needed new therapeutics to tackle eating disorders and obesity. | | 25096581
Discrete melanocortin-sensitive neuroanatomical pathway linking the ventral premmamillary nucleus to the paraventricular hypothalamus. Gautron, L; Cravo, RM; Elmquist, JK; Elias, CF Neuroscience
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The physiological effects of melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4-R) on metabolism have been hypothesized to be mediated individually or collectively by neuronal groups innervating the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVH). The present study was designed to identify MC4-R-expressing neurons that innervate the PVH using retrograde tract tracing techniques in the MC4-R-GFP reporter mice. Our initial mapping identified very limited projections from MC4-R-expressing neurons to the PVH. This included a defined population of MC4-R-positive neurons located in the ventral premmamillary nucleus (PMv). Anterograde tracing experiments confirmed projections from PMv neurons to the medial parvicellular subdivision of the PVH, in close proximity to oxytocin neurons and β-endorphin-containing fibers. Given the known stimulatory effects of leptin and sexual odorants exposure on many PMv neurons, it was expected that MC4-R-expressing neurons in the PMv might be responsive to leptin and activated by odors exposure. Contrary to expectation, MC4-R-GFP neurons in the PMv do not respond to leptin as demonstrated by double labeling for GFP and leptin-induced phosphorylated STAT3. However, we found that Fos expression is induced in a large subset of MC4-R-GFP neurons in the PMv in response to opposite sex odors. Collectively, these results provide evidence for a previous unrecognized role of MC4-R expressed by neurons innervating the PVH that are also sensitive to reproductive cues. | | 23485805
Selective up-regulation of JunD transcript and protein expression in vasopressinergic supraoptic nucleus neurones in water-deprived rats. Yao, ST; Gouraud, SS; Qiu, J; Cunningham, JT; Paton, JF; Murphy, D Journal of neuroendocrinology
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The magnocellular neurones (MCN) of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) undergo reversible changes during dehydration. We hypothesise that alterations in steady-state transcript levels might be partially responsible for this plasticity. In turn, regulation of transcript abundance might be mediated by transcription factors. We have previously used microarrays to identify changes in the expression of mRNAs encoding transcription factors in response to water deprivation. We observed down-regulation of 11 and up-regulation of 31 transcription factor transcripts, including members of the activator protein-1 gene family, namely c-fos, c-jun, fosl1 and junD. Because JunD expression and regulation within the SON has not been previously described, we have used in situ hybridisation and the quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction to confirm the array results, demonstrating a significant increase in JunD mRNA levels following 24 and 72 h of water deprivation. Western blot and immunohistochemistry revealed a significant increase in JunD protein expression following dehydration. Double-staining fluorescence immunohistochemistry with a neurone-specific marker (NeuN) demonstrated that JunD staining is predominantly neuronal. Additionally, JunD immunoreactivity is observed primarily in vasopressin-containing neurones with markedly less staining seen in oxytocin-containing MCNs. Furthermore, JunD is highly co-expressed with c-Fos in MCNs of the SON following dehydration. These results suggest that JunD plays a role in the regulation of gene expression within MCNs of the SON in association with other Fos and Jun family members. | | 22827527
Ablation of Sim1 neurons causes obesity through hyperphagia and reduced energy expenditure. Xi, D; Gandhi, N; Lai, M; Kublaoui, BM PloS one
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Single-minded 1 (Sim1) is a transcription factor necessary for development of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVH). This nucleus is a critical regulator of appetite, energy expenditure and body weight. Previously we showed that Sim1(+/-) mice and conditional postnatal Sim1(-/-) mice exhibit hyperphagia, obesity, increased linear growth and susceptibility to diet-induced obesity, but no decrease in energy expenditure. Bilateral ablation of the PVH causes obesity due to hyperphagia and reduced energy expenditure. It remains unknown whether Sim1 neurons regulate energy expenditure. In this study, Sim1cre mice were bred to homozygous inducible diphtheria toxin receptor (iDTR) mice to generate mice expressing the simian DTR in Sim1 cells. In these mice, Sim1 neuron ablation was performed by intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of diphtheria toxin. Compared to controls, mice with Sim1 neuron ablation became obese (with increased fat mass) on a chow diet due to increased food intake and reduced energy expenditure. In post-injection mice, we observed a strong inverse correlation between the degree of obesity and hypothalamic Sim1 expression. The reduction in baseline energy expenditure observed in these mice was accompanied by a reduction in activity. This reduction in activity did not fully account for the reduced energy expenditure as these mice exhibited decreased resting energy expenditure, decreased body temperature, decreased brown adipose tissue temperature, and decreased UCP1 expression suggesting an impairment of thermogenesis. In injected mice, hypothalamic gene expression of Sim1, oxytocin (OXT) and thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) was reduced by about 50%. These results demonstrate that Sim1 neurons in adult mice regulate both food intake and energy expenditure. Based on the body of work in the field, feeding regulation by Sim1 neurons likely occurs in both the PVH and medial amygdala, in contrast to energy expenditure regulation by Sim1 neurons, which likely is localized to the PVH. | | 22558467
The impact of neonatal bisphenol-A exposure on sexually dimorphic hypothalamic nuclei in the female rat. Adewale, HB; Todd, KL; Mickens, JA; Patisaul, HB Neurotoxicology
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Now under intense scrutiny, due to its endocrine disrupting properties, the potential threat the plastics component bisphenol-A (BPA) poses to human health remains unclear. Found in a multitude of polycarbonate plastics, food and beverage containers, and medical equipment, BPA is thought to bind to estrogen receptors (ERs), thereby interfering with estrogen-dependent processes. Our lab has previously shown that exposure to BPA (50mg/kg bw or 50μg/kg bw) during the neonatal critical period is associated with advancement of puberty, early reproductive senescence and ovarian malformations in female Long Evans rats. Here, using neural tissue obtained from the same animals, we explored the impact of neonatal BPA exposure on the development of sexually dimorphic hypothalamic regions critical for female reproductive physiology and behavior. Endpoints included quantification of oxytocin-immunoreactive neurons (OT-ir) in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), serotonin (5-HT-ir) fiber density in the ventrolateral subdivision of the ventromedial nucleus (VMNvl) as well as ERα-ir neuron number in the medial preoptic area (MPOA), the VMNvl, and the arcuate nucleus (ARC). Both doses of BPA increased the number of OT-ir neurons within the PVN, but no significant effects were seen on 5-HT-ir fiber density or ERα-ir neuron number in any of the areas analyzed. In addition to hypothalamic development, we also assessed female sex behavior and body weight. No effect of BPA on sexual receptivity or proceptive behavior in females was observed. Females treated with BPA, however, weighed significantly more than control females by postnatal day 99. This effect of BPA on weight is critical because alterations in metabolism, are frequently associated with reproductive dysfunction. Collectively, the results of this and our prior study indicate that the impact of neonatal BPA exposure within the female rat hypothalamus is region specific and support the hypothesis that developmental BPA exposure may adversely affect reproductive development in females. | Immunohistochemistry | 20696184
Neuroanatomical evidence for reciprocal regulation of the corticotrophin-releasing factor and oxytocin systems in the hypothalamus and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of the rat: Implications for balancing stress and affect. Dabrowska J, Hazra R, Ahern TH, Guo JD, McDonald AJ, Mascagni F, Muller JF, Young LJ, Rainnie DG Psychoneuroendocrinology
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Activation of corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) is necessary for establishing the classic endocrine response to stress, while activation of forebrain CRF neurons mediates affective components of the stress response. Previous studies have reported that mRNA for CRF2 receptor (CRFR2) is expressed in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) as well as hypothalamic nuclei, but little is known about the localization and cellular distribution of CRFR2 in these regions. Using immunofluorescence with confocal microscopy, as well as electron microscopy, we demonstrate that in the BNST CRFR2-immunoreactive fibers represent moderate to strong labeling on axons terminals. Dual-immunofluorescence demonstrated that CRFR2-fibers co-localize oxytocin (OT), but not arginine-vasopressin (AVP), and make perisomatic contacts with CRF neurons. Dual-immunofluorescence and single cell RT-PCR demonstrate that in the hypothalamus, CRFR2 immunoreactivity and mRNA are found in OT, but not in CRF or AVP-neurons. Furthermore, CRF neurons of the PVN and BNST express mRNA for the oxytocin receptor, while the majority of OT/CRFR2 neurons in the hypothalamus do not. Finally, using adenoviral-based anterograde tracing of PVN neurons, we show that OT/CRFR2-immunoreactive fibers observed in the BNST originate in the PVN. Our results strongly suggest that CRFR2 located on oxytocinergic neurons and axon terminals might regulate the release of this neuropeptide and hence might be a crucial part of potential feedback loop between the hypothalamic oxytocin system and the forebrain CRF system that could significantly impact affective and social behaviors, in particular during times of stress.Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. | | 21481539
Acute hyperosmotic stimulus-induced Fos expression in neurons depends on activation of astrocytes in the supraoptic nucleus of rats. Hua Yuan,Bei Gao,Li Duan,Shan Jiang,Rong Cao,Ying-Fei Xiong,Zhi-Ren Rao Journal of neuroscience research
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Acute hyperosmolarity induced a time-dependent expression of Fos protein in both neurons and astrocytes of the rat supraoptic nucleus, with peak Fos expression occurring at 45 min in astrocytes and at 90 min in neurons after hypertonic stimulation in vivo. To determine whether the two cell types were activated separately or in an integrated manner, animals were pretreated with fluorocitrate, a glial metabolic blocker or carbenoxolone, a gap junction blocker followed by an acute hypertonic stimulation similar to that of the controls. Antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein, connexin 43, vasopressin, and oxytocin were used in serial sections to identify the cellular elements of the supraoptic nucleus. It was found that interruption of astrocyte metabolism with fluorocitrate significantly reduced Fos protein expression in both astrocytes and neurons, whereas blockage of gap junctions with carbenoxolone clearly reduced Fos protein expression in neurons, but not in astrocytes. These results indicate that both neurons and astrocytes in the rat supraoptic nucleus are involved in regulating osmolarity. Astrocytes are activated first, whereas connexin 43 functional hemichannels in SON astrocytes are required for the subsequent activation of the neurons. | | 19938175
Oxytocin-dopamine interactions mediate variations in maternal behavior in the rat. Shahrokh, DK; Zhang, TY; Diorio, J; Gratton, A; Meaney, MJ Endocrinology
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Variations in maternal behavior among lactating rats associate with differences in estrogen-oxytocin interactions in the medial preoptic area (mPOA) and in dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens (nAcc). Thus, stable, individual differences in pup licking/grooming (LG) are abolished by oxytocin receptor blockade or treatments that eliminate differences in the nAcc dopamine signal. We provide novel evidence for a direct effect of oxytocin at the level of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in the regulation of nAcc dopamine levels. Mothers that exhibit consistently increased pup LG (i.e. high LG mothers) by comparison with low LG mothers show increased oxytocin expression in the mPOA and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and increased projections of oxytocin-positive cells from both mPOA and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to the VTA. Direct infusion of oxytocin into the VTA increased the dopamine signal in the nAcc. Finally, high compared with low LG mothers show greater increases in dopamine signal in the nAcc during bouts of pup LG, and this difference is abolished with infusions of an oxytocin receptor antagonist directly into the VTA. These studies reveal a direct effect of oxytocin on dopamine release within the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system and are consistent with previous reports of oxytocin-dopamine interactions in the establishment and maintenance of social bonds. | | 20228171
Neuroanatomical Evidence for a Role of Central Melanocortin-4 Receptors and Oxytocin in the Efferent Control of the Rodent Clitoris and Vagina. Gelez H, Poirier S, Facchinetti P, Allers KA, Wayman C, Alexandre L, Giuliano F The journal of sexual medicine
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ABSTRACT Introduction. The clitoris and the vagina are the main peripheral anatomical structures involved in physiological changes related to sexual arousal and orgasm. Their efferent control and, more particularly, the neurochemical phenotype of these descending neuronal pathways remain largely uncharacterized. Aim. To examine if brain neurons involved in the efferent control of the clitoris and the vagina possess melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4-R) and/or contain oxytocin (OT). Methods. Neurons involved in the efferent control of the vagina and clitoris were identified following visualization of pseudorabies virus (PRV) retrograde tracing. PRV was injected into the vagina and clitoris in adult rats in estrous. On the fifth day postinjection, animals were humanely sacrificed, and brains were removed and sectioned, and processed for PRV visualization. The neurochemical phenotype of PRV-positive neurons was identified using double or triple immunocytochemical labeling against PRV, MC4-R, and OT. Double and triple labeling were quantified using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Main Outcome Measure. Neuroanatomical brain distribution, number and percentage of double-labeled PRV/MC4-R and PRV-/OT-positive neurons, and triple PRV-/MC4-R-/OT-labeled neurons. Results. The majority of PRV immunopositive neurons which also expressed immunoreactivity for MC4-R were located in the paraventricular and arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus. The majority of PRV positive neurons which were immunoreactive (IR) for OT were located in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), medial preoptic area (MPOA), and lateral hypothalamus. PRV positive neurons were more likely to be IR for MC4-R than for OT. Scattered triple-labeled PRV/MC4-R/OT neurons were detected in the MPOA and the PVN. Conclusion. These data strongly suggest that MC4-R and, to a less extent, OT are involved in the efferent neuronal control of the clitoris and vagina, and consequently facilitate our understanding of how the melanocortinergic pathway regulates female sexual function. Gelez H, Poirier S, Facchinetti P, Allers KA, Wayman C, Alexandre L, and Giuliano F. Neuroanatomical evidence for a role of central melanocortin-4 receptors and oxytocin in the efferent control of the rodent clitoris and vagina. J Sex Med **;**:**-**. | | 20345736