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PFHYS0616 Flacon de culture cellulaire à 3 couches Millicell HY, T-600, stérile

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      Nom de marque
      • Millicell
      DescriptionFlacon de culture cellulaire à 3 couches Millicell HY, T-600, stérile
      AperçuFor more detailed HY Flask information, visit the HY Flask webpage.

      We can’t make your cells grow any faster, but with our flasks, you’ll spend less time in the hood.

      When growing large numbers of cells, you need a high throughput flask to save space and time. Each Millicell HY (high yield) flask provides a consistent, quality growth environment across all layers, with the same volume of media in each layer. Recovering cells is as easy as growing them. With easy access to pipetting or pouring, Millicell HY flasks deliver reproducible, high yields of healthy cells. Plus, they’ve been tested for use with stem cells.

      See how it works!

      Advantages of Millicell HY Flasks

      • Consistent, high cell yields and viability
      • Same media requirements (volume per unit area) as traditional T-flasks
      • Uniform culture conditions without media leaking or spillover between layers

      We can’t make your cells grow any faster, but with our flasks, you’ll spend less time in the hood. When growing large numbers of cells, you need a high throughput flask to save space and time. Each Millicell® HY (high yield) flask provides a consistent, quality growth environment across all layers, with the same volume of media in each layer. Recovering cells is as easy as growing them. With easy access to pipetting or pouring, Millicell® HY flasks deliver reproducible, high yields of healthy cells. Plus, they’ve been tested for use with stem cells.

      Features & Benefits

      • Consistent, high cell yields and viability
      • Same media requirements (volume per unit area) as traditional T-flasks
      • Uniform culture conditions without media leaking or spillover between layers


      • Cell Growth
      Alternate Names
      • High Yield Culture Flask
      Informations généralesWe can’t make your cells grow any faster, but with our flasks, you’ll spend less time in the hood.

      When growing large numbers of cells, you need a high throughput flask to save space and time. Each Millicell HY (high yield) flask provides a consistent, quality growth environment across all layers, with the same volume of media in each layer. Recovering cells is as easy as growing them. With easy access to pipetting or pouring, Millicell HY flasks deliver reproducible, high yields of healthy cells. Plus, they’ve been tested for use with stem cells.

      Advantages of Millicell HY Flasks:
      - Consistent, high cell yields and viability
      - Same media requirements (volume per unit area) as traditional T-flasks
      - Uniform culture conditions without media leaking or spillover between layers

      - Cell Growth
      Informations produit
      Device ConfigurationÀ 3 couches
      Température d'utilisation maximale45 °C
      Quality LevelMQ200
      ApplicationAdhérence, croissance et différenciation cellulaires pour de nombreuses applications
      Principales applications
      • Culture cellulaire
      Informations biologiques
      Informations physico-chimiques
      Volume de milieu de culture recommandé120 mL–180 mL
      Hauteur32 mm
      Largeur12 cm
      Longueur222 mm
      Surface600 cm²
      Informations sur les matériaux
      Matériau du dispositif
      • Polystyrène
      Informations sur l'emballage
      Global Trade Item Number
      Référence GTIN
      PFHYS0616 04053252661136