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Fractogel® Ion Exchange Chromatography Resins


Fractogel® - The Established IEX Chromatography Media

For Reliable and Effective Protein Purification

Fractogel® media provides the reliability that your applications demand – optimal yields, efficient purification, and an extremely long product lifetime. The innovative tentacle technology of Fractogel® resins offers a number of advantages compared to conventional materials.

The Matrix

Fractogel® media consist of synthetic methacrylate based polymeric beads, providing excellent pressure stability resulting in high flow rates. Depending on your application, you can choose from medium sized M-type beads with a particle size of 40-90 μm, and small S-type beads with a particle size in the range of 20-40 μm.

The Tentacles
Fractogel® matrix

Tentacles are long, linear polymer chains that carry the functional ligands. All tentacles are covalently attached to hydroxyl groups of the Fractogel® matrix. This configuration provides a high surface area for biomolecules to bind without steric hindrance. The results: efficient separation and a high binding capacity even at high flow rates. A variety of ligands is available for different chromatography applications, including ion exchange, affinity, hydrophobic interaction, and size exclusion.

Tentacle Ion Exchange Chromatography Technology: How it Works

High Stability for Multiple of Chromatography Cycles

The excellent pressure stability of Fractogel® media enables very high throughput rates which in turn lead to excellent yields. The high binding capacity of Fractogel® media even at high flow rates saves valuable time and improves process economics. Due to the stronger binding, Fractogel® media provide more reliable results and can be flexibly used in many different applications. Its high stability enables efficient Cleaning in Place (CIP) using a sodium hydroxide solution, extending the lifetime of Fractogel® media even further, up to hundreds of purification and recovery cycles. Longer product lifetime minimizes replacement frequency and enables lower operating costs.

Fractogel® Media
All Fractogel® Products
Catalog Number Product Name  
116887Fractogel® EMD TMAE (S)
116884Fractogel® EMD DMAE (M)
114894Fractogel® EMD SE Hicap (M)
116885Fractogel® EMD TMAE Medcap (M)
110316Fractogel® EMD TMAE Hicap (M)
Showing 1 - 5 Results of 43  See All
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High-throughput Process Development: Utilizing the full potential of miniature chromatography columns

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