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XX3001200 Swinny Filter Holder 13 mm, stainless steel

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Catalogue NumberXX3001200
DescriptionSwinny Filter Holder 13 mm, stainless steel
Background InformationMake your own syringe filter! Microsyringe and Swinny filter holders give you the flexibility to select the membrane type and diameter that are most appropriate for your application. For sterile filtration, autoclave your filter holders with the membrane in place. Ultraclean or sterilize small volumes of liquids dispensed by a syringe or install in-line to filter larger volumes.

Features & Benefits
•Available in two sizes for a range of process volumes
•Durable stainless steel construction ensures years of use, decreasing waste from disposable syringe filters
•Autoclavable with filter in place for sterile filtration

Ultracleaning or Sterilization of Liquids

XX3001200 Swinny Filter Holder 13 mm, stainless steel
XX3002500 Microsyringe Filter Holder 25 mm, Luer-Lok, stainless steel
XX3002514 Microsyringe Filter Holder 25 mm, NPTF, stainless steel

Replacement Parts
XX30012RK Swinny 13 mm Replacement Parts Kit
XX30025RK Microsyringe 25 mm Replacement Parts Kit
Product Information
Applicable Device
  • Stainless Steel Syringe Filter Holder
Connections, Inlet/OutletFemale Luer-Lok Inlet
Fitting InletFemale Luer-Lok®
Fitting OutletMale Luer slip
Maximum Inlet Pressure, bar (psi)6.9 bar (100 psi)
Quality LevelMQ100
ApplicationSwinny Filter Holder 13mm, stainless steel
Biological Information
SterilizationAutoclavable with filter in-place
Physicochemical Information
Length3.3 cm
Diameter1.6 cm
Filtration Area0.8 cm²
Filter Diameter (⌀)13 mm
Prefilter Diameter (⌀)10 mm
Materials Information
Materials of ConstructionStainless steel housing, stainless steel screen, PTFE gaskets and O-rings
Seal MaterialPolytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
XX3001200 04053252466687