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CMP472TS1 Milligard® PES 20" 1.2/0.45 µm Cartridge

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Replacement Information
Catalogue NumberCMP472TS1
Trade Name
  • Milligard®
DescriptionMilligard® PES 20" 1.2/0.45 µm Cartridge
Product Information
HS Code8421 29 90
Device ConfigurationCartridge
Housing MaterialPolypropylene (PP)
Maximum Differential Pressure, bar (psid)Forward: 5.52 bar (80 psid) at 4-25°C
Reverse: 1.38 bar (20 psid) at 25°C
Cartridge CodeCode 7 (2-226) O-ring and spear
Good Manufacturing PracticesThe product is manufactured in a facility which adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices. The manufacturing facility’s Quality Management System is approved by an accredited registering body to the appropriate ISO 9001 Quality Standard.
Quality LevelMQ400
Biological Information
Bacterial EndotoxinsAqueous extraction contains <0.25 EU/mL per device as determined using the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) test, meeting requirements of USP <85>, EP 2.6.14 and JP 4.01.
MediaMilligard® PES
SterilizationAutoclave wet 25x, 60 minute cycles at 128°C. In-line steam (wet): 10 forward cycles, 30 min.,
135 °C at ≤0.34 bar (5 psid) and 5 reverse cycles,
30 min., 135 °C at ≤0.07 bar (<1 psid)*.
*Devices were validated using steam at full differential pressure starting at 31 psid to a final differential pressure of 1 psid, resulting in a calculated average of 4 psid in forward and reverse directions.
Physicochemical Information
Pore Size1.2 / 0.45 µm
Indirect Food AdditiveAll component materials meet the FDA Indirect Food Additive requirements cited in 21 CFR 177-182.
Non-Fiber ReleasingThis product was manufactured with materials that meet the criteria for a "non-fiber releasing" filter as defined in 21 CFR 210.3 (b) (6).
Cartridge Nominal Length20 in. (50 cm)
Length636 mm (25 in.)
Diameter69 mm (2.71 in.)
Filtration Area1.2 m²(13 ft² )
Device Size20 in.
Materials Information
  • Polyethersulfone (PES)
Device Material
  • Polyethersulfone
Support MaterialPolypropylene
Vent Cap MaterialPolypropylene (PP)
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Transport Information
Supplemental Information
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
CMP472TS1 04054839617980


Material Qualification Dossier


Operational Excellence Dossier


Certificates of Quality

Certificate of Quality CMP472TS1-P020013510
Certificate of Quality CMP472TS1-P070011918
MILLIGARD PES 0.45 - A171760A26
MILLIGARD PES 0.45 - P015511517
Milligard® PES Cartridge Filter - A186999724

Technical Info

How Membrane Prefilters Enhance Bioprocessing Efficiency
Processing mAb streams - How a bioburden reduction filter can improve process efficiency
Steam-in-Place Sterilization of Filtration Trains containing Milligard®PES Prefilters

User Guides

User Guide -Opticap® Small Scale 300, Opticap® XL and XLT , and T-line Capsules
User Guide - Filters with Milligard®PES Membrane

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