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Spoilage Detection for Beer


Granulated and Ready-to-Use Media for the Effective Cultivation of Beer Spoilers

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Merck offers a range of traditional solutions to test for beer spoilage microorganisms. Beer contamination can lead to undesirable changes in flavor and unwanted turbidity due to microorganism density, protein flocculation or changes in pH. Often, the growth of spoilage organisms results in the loss of whole batches of beer.

Traditional screening methods typically involve membrane filtration of a pre-defined volume of beer, enrichment in a liquid broth (if needed) and subsequent plating on solid media. Merck offers a number of dehydrated and ready-to-use culture media for enrichment, isolation and enumeration, including the dedicated Universal Beer Agar and media for the general detection of Lactobacilli, yeasts and molds.

Spoilage Detection of Beer

Spoilage Detection of Beer

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Culture Media & Tests for Safe Beverages


Culture Media & Tests for Safe Beverages

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On-demand webinar: New & revised ISO 11133 and ISO 17410 standards

On-demand webinar:

New & revised
ISO 11133
ISO 17410

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Nuevo seminario virtual EN ISO 11133

Seminario virtual EN ISO 11133 a petición

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