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p53 Antibodies, Proteins & Kits

Millipore’s p53 antibodies demonstrate specificity against tumor antigen p53. See below for antibodies, kits, proteins and more for p53 research, based on the expertise of Upstate & Chemicon.

Tumor antigen p53 is found in the cytoplasm, nucleus, and endoplasmic reticulum. It functions as a tumor suppressor within a variety of tumors by either stimulating apoptosis or growth arrest in deference to cell type and physiological factors. p53 negatively regulates cell division during cell cycle regulation. It is also thought to be involved in the cross-over for Notch signaling. Defects in p53 expression have been implicated in several diseases including; choroid plexus papilloma, lung cancer, head/neck squamous cell carcinomas, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and hereditary adrenocortival carcinoma.



Información para pedidos

p53 AntibodiesBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónReactividad según especiesFormatoTamaño de envase
06-1283Anti-acetyl-p53 (Lys320) Antibody Ser humano, Chimpancé, Bovina Purificado por afinidad 100 µg
06-916Anti-acetyl-p53 (Lys373) Antibody Ser humano Suero 200 µL
06-758Anti-acetyl-p53 Antibody (Lys373, Lys382) Vertebrados Suero 200 µL
AB9985Anti-glutathione p53 (Cys141) Antibody Ser humano, Chimpancé, Macaco Rhesus, Ardilla terrestre, Mono, Hámster Purificado por afinidad 100 µL
CBL404Anti-p53 Antibody, aa 211-220, clone240 Bovina, Pollo, Ser humano, Hámster, Ratón, Mono, Rata Purificado 100 µg
05-224Anti-p53 Antibody, clone BP53-12 Ser humano Purificado 200 µL
17-613ChIPAb+ p53 - ChIP Validated Antibody and Primer Set Ser humano Purificado 25 assays
OP29Anti-p53 (Ab-3) (Mutant) Mouse mAb (PAb240) Bovina, Pollo, Hámster, Ser humano, Ratón, Rata
OP29LAnti-p53 (Ab-3) (Mutant) Mouse mAb (PAb240) Bovina, Pollo, Hámster, Ser humano, Ratón, Rata

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p53 ProteinsBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónTamaño de envase
14-865p53-GST (recombinant protein) 50 µg

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