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SE1M003M00 Unidad de filtración Steriflip-HV; 0,45 µm, PVDF, esterilizada por radiación gamma

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Replacement Information

Tabla espec. clave

EsterilidadVolumen de procesoTamaño de poro
Estéril50 mL0.45 µm
Número de catálogoSE1M003M00
Nombre comercial
  • Steriflip
DescripciónUnidad de filtración Steriflip-HV; 0,45 µm, PVDF, esterilizada por radiación gamma
Información preliminarOverview

The Steriflip filter unit is designed to work with standard 50 mL centrifuge tubes, which eliminates sample transfer. To filter, just attach the unit to a 50 mL centrifuge tube containing your sample, flip it over, and apply the vacuum. When finished, the filtrate collects in the attached 50 mL centrifuge tube.

New pore sizes ideal for Cell Isolation applications

Steriflip Nylon Net filters are now available in 40, 60 and 100 µm pore sizes, making them ideal for stem cell, cardiomyocite, neurological and skeletal tissue applications. The vacuum-assisted, closed system option ensures sample sterility while enabling faster separation of large volumes of cellular material and improved recoveries.

The Steriflip® filter unit eliminates messy pouring during sample transfer. Directly attach the unit to a 50 mL centrifuge tube containing your sample, flip it over, and apply vacuum. The filtrate collects in the attached 50 mL centrifuge tube. Steriflip® filters come in different pore sizes that are ideal for cell isolation. These include nylon net filters in 40, 60 and 100 µm pore sizes, which are ideal for stem cell, cardiomyocyte, neurological and skeletal tissue applications. The vacuum-assisted, closed system ensures sample sterility while enabling fast separation of large volumes of cellular material for efficient recoveries.

Features & Benefits

•Eliminates messy sample transfer via a simple vacuum-assisted, closed system

•Isolate cells from cellular debris using any of the various pore-sized nylon net filters

•Ideal for sterilizing small batches of culture media

•Attaches to any standard 50 mL centrifuge tube, eliminating unnecesary materials, time and risk of spillage


Sterilization of Aqueous Solutions (up to 50 mL), Sterile Filtration of Small Batches of Culture Media, Sterile Filtration of Buffers with High Value Protein or Small Molecule Components, Cell Isolation
Referencias bibliográficas
Información del producto
Conexión de entradaRosca doble con toma de vacío
Conexión de salidaDoble rosca para tubo de centrífuga de 50 ml
Código de coloresTransparente
Temperatura de funcionamiento máxima45 °C
ReceptorTubo de centrífuga con tapa, 50 ml
Quality LevelMQ400
Aplicación Clarificación de baja adsorción proteica de soluciones acuosas
Aplicaciones clave
  • Filtración esterilizante
Información biológica
EsterilizaciónRadiación gamma
Información fisicoquímica
Tamaño de poro0.45 µm
Volumen de retención0.6 mL
Altura138 mm
Diámetro6.4 cm
Área de filtración7 cm²
Capacidad del embudo50 mL
Volumen de proceso50 mL
Volumen50 mL
Diámetro del filtro (⌀)4 cm
Tamaño nominal de poro0.45 µm
Información de materiales
  • Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)
Material del dispositivo
  • MBS/Polipropileno
Información toxicológica
Información de seguridad según el GHS
Información de seguridad
Declaraciones de uso del producto
Declaración de uso
  • For research use only.
Información de almacenamiento y transporte
Información sobre embalaje
Información de transporte
Información complementaria
Global Trade Item Number
Número de referencia GTIN
SE1M003M00 04053252662218


Certificados de calidad

Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF222816
Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF223006
Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF224407
Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF224704
Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF230607
Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF230805
Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF231702
Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF233403
Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF234519
Certificate of Quality SE1M003M00-MPSF234808


Simply better membrane technology, simply better Stericup®filters.
Sterile Filtration You Trust

Manuales del usuario

User Guide - Steriflip® Filter