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Ensayos de unión a receptores

MultiScreenHTS plates provide the benefits of filtration in a convenient, automation-friendly, 96-well format.



Información para pedidos

Placas MultiScreenHTS de 96 pocillos con membrana Durapore (PVDF) Borrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónTamaño de poroTamaño de envase
MSGVN2B50MultiScreenHTS GV; 0,22 µm, opaca, no estéril 0.22 µm 50
MSHVN4B50MultiScreenHTS HV; 0,45 µm, opaca, no estéril 0.45 µm 50
MSDVN6B50MultiScreenHTS DV; 0,65 µm, opaca, no estéril 0.65 µm 50

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Placas MultiScreenHTS de 384 pocillos con membrana Durapore (PVDF) Borrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónTamaño de poroTamaño de envase
MZHVN0W10MultiScreenHTS HV; 0,45 µm, blanca, no estéril 0.45 µm 10
MZHVN0W50MultiScreenHTS HV; 0,45 µm, blanca, no estéril 0.45 µm 50

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Placas de filtración MultiScreenHTS de 96 pocillos con filtro de fibra de vidrioBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónTamaño de poroTamaño de envase
MSFBN6B10MultiScreenHTS FB; 1,0/0,65 µm, opaca, no estéril 1.0 / 0.65 µm 10
MSFBN6B50MultiScreenHTS FB; 1,0/0,65 µm, opaca, no estéril 1.0 / 0.65 µm 50
MSFBNXB50MultiScreenHTS+ Hi Flow FB Filter Plate 1.0 / 0.65 µm 50
MSFCN6B10MultiScreenHTS FC; 1,2/0,65 µm, opaca, no estéril 1.2 / 0.65 µm 10
MSFCN6B50MultiScreenHTS FC; 1,2/0,65 µm, opaca, no estéril 1.2 / 0.65 µm 50
MSFCNXB50MultiScreenHTS+ FC Filter Plate, Hi Flow, opaque, non-sterile 1.2 / 0.65 µm 50

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Placas de filtración MultiScreenHTS de 384 pocillos con filtro de fibra de vidrioBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónTamaño de poroTamaño de envase
MZFBN0W10MultiScreenHTS 384 FB; 1,0/0,65 µm, opaca, no estéril 1.0 / 0.65 µm 10
MZFBN0W50MultiScreenHTS 384 FB; 1,0/0,65 µm, opaca, no estéril 1.0 / 0.65 µm 50
MZFCN0W10MultiScreenHTS 384 FC; 1,2/0,65 µm, opaca, no estéril 1.2 / 0.65 µm 10
MZFCN0W50MultiScreenHTS 384 FC; 1,2/0,65 µm, opaca, no estéril 1.2 / 0.65 µm 50

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Placas MultiScreen HarvestBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónTamaño de poroTamaño de envase
MAHFB1H60MultiScreen Harvest APFB, opaca, pocillo de 100 µl 1.0 / 0.65 µm 60
MAHFC1H60MultiScreen Harvest APFC, opaca, pocillo de 100 µl 1.2 / 0.65 µm 60

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AccesoriosBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónTamaño de envase
MSVMHTS00Colector de vacío MultiScreenHTS 1
MAVM0960RColector de vacío MultiScreen de 96 pocillos 1
MATAHCL00Cinta adhesiva de sellado MultiScreen, transparente, no estéril 100
MSTPCWH50Adaptador Packard Top Count para la placa MultiScreen HTS de 96 pocillos 50

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Referencias bibliográficas

Visión general referenciasAplicación
Receptor binding assay for nitric oxide- and heme-independent activators of soluble guanylate cyclase.
Peter Schmidt, Matthias Schramm, Henning Schroder and Johannes-Peter Stasch
Analytical Biochemistry 314 (1): 162-165  2003

High-throughput receptor-binding methods for somatostatin receptor 2
Birin ET, Rohrer SP,Anal. Biochem. 2002 Aug 1; 307 (1):159-66
Anal. Biochem. 2002 Aug 1; 307 (1):159-66  2002

Quantitative and functional characterization of muscarinic receptor subtypes in insulin-secreting cell lines and rat pancreatic islets
Iismaa, Tiina P. et al.
Diabetes, 49, 3, 392, 2000  1999

Cell Harvesting, Receptor/Ligand Binding Assays
Development of 5-hydroxytryptamine(2A) receptor binding assay for high throughput screening using 96-well microfilter plates
Harms A, Gundisch D, Muller CE, Kovar KA
J Biomol Screen. 2000 Aug;5(4):269-78  1999

Islet cell membrane antigens activate diabetogenic (CD4.sup. +) T-cells in BB/Wor rat
Ellerman, Karen E. et al.
Diabetes, 48, 5, 975, 1999  1998

Cell Harvesting, Receptor/Ligand Binding Assays
Quantitative cell membrane-based radioligand binding assays for parathyroid hormone receptors.
Sam R. J. Hoare and Ted B. Usdin
Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 41 (2-3): 83-90  1998

An immunoassay for assessment of receptor tyrosine kinase autophosphorylation
Grace R. Nakayama, Zahra Parandoosh
Journal of immunological methods 225 (1999), 67-74  1998

Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship of a New Series of Potent AT1 Selective Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists: 5-(Biphenyl-4-ylmethyl) pyrazoles
Carmen, A., Gomez, L.A., Cavalcanti, F.L., deArriba, A.F., Garcia-Rafanell, J., and Forn, J.
J. Med. Chemical 40: 547-558  1997

Cell Harvesting, Receptor/Ligand Binding Assays
Mutagenesis of Acidic Residues in the Oxygenase Diomain of Inducible Nitric-Oxide Synthase Identifies a Glutamate Involved in Arginine Binding
Gachhui, R., Ghosh, D.K., Wu, C., Parkinson, J., Crane, B.R., Stuehr, D.J.
BioChemistry. 36:17. 5097 - 5103  1997

Cell Harvesting, Receptor/Ligand Binding Assays
Molecular Cloning of Murine CC CKR-4 and High Affinity Binding of Chemokines to Murine and Human CC CKR-4
Hoogewerf, A.J., Black, D., Proudfoot, A.E.I., Wells, T.N.C., Power, C.A.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 218, 337-343  1996

Cell Harvesting, Receptor/Ligand Binding Assays