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Elija paneles personalizables y kits premezclos - O - MAPmates™ de señalización celular
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Paneles personalizados y kits premezclados
Nuestra amplia cartera de productos consta de paneles multiplex que le permiten elegir, dentro del panel, los analitos que mejor se ajustan a sus requisitos. En una pestaña distinta puede elegir el formato de citocina premezclada o un kit single plex.
Kits de señalización celular y MAPmates™
Elija los kits preparados para poder explorar las vías o los procesos enteros. O diseñe sus propios kits eligiendo single plex MAPmates™ según las directrices proporcionadas.
No deben combinarse los siguientes MAPmates™: -MAPmates™ que requieren un tampón de ensayo diferente. -Pares MAPmate™ fosfoespecíficos y totales, por ejemplo, GSK3β y GSK3β (Ser 9). -MAPmates™ con panTyr y específicos de sitio; por ejemplo, receptor del fosfo-EGF y fosfo-STAT1 (Tyr701). -Más de 1 fosfo-MAPmate™ para una sola diana (Akt, STAT3). -La GAPDH y la β-tubulina no pueden combinarse con kits o MAPmates™ que contengan panTyr.
Número de referencia
Descripción para pedidos
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Seleccione una especie, un tipo de panel, un kit o un tipo de muestra
Para empezar a diseñar su kit MILLIPLEX® MAP, seleccione una especie, un tipo de panel o un kit de interés.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Catalogue Number
Ordering Description
Este artículo se ha añadido a favoritos.
Tipo de panel
Kit seleccionado
Número de referencia
Descripción para pedidos
Precio de catálogo
96-Well Plate
Número de referencia
Descripción para pedidos
Precio de catálogo
Añadir más reactivos (Se necesita tampón y un kit de detección para usar con MAPmates)
Número de referencia
Descripción para pedidos
Precio de catálogo
Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Opción para ahorrar espacio Los clientes que adquieran múltiples kits pueden optar por ahorrar espacio de almacenamiento retirando el embalaje del kit y recibiendo los componentes de sus ensayos multiplex en bolsas de plástico para un almacenamiento más compacto.
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El producto se ha añadido a su carrito
Ahora puede personalizar otro kit, elegir un kit premezclado, tramitarlo o cerrar la herramienta de pedidos.
Atención: Nos hemos mudado. Los productos Merck Millipore ya no pueden adquirirse en MerckMillipore.comMás información
Sigma-AldrichMyeloperoxidase Inhibitor-II - CAS 1256348-67-0 - Calbiochem
A 5-fluorotryptamine derivative that inhibits myeloperoxidase/MPO activity (IC50 = 18 nM) via direct affinity interaction with enzyme active site heme pyrrole ring D, while exhibiting much reduced affinity toward serotonin reuptake transporter/SERT (Ki = 631 nM). Kinetic studies reveal that the inhibitor acts as a good one-electron donor for the intermediate Compound I "Fe(IV)=O...Por•+", facilitating the formation of Compound II (Fe(IV)-OH...Por) and thereby preventing the reduction of Compound I directly to the resting state "Fe(IV)...Por" via the "halogenation cycle", while, on the other hand, behaves as a poor electron donor for Compound II, thereby preventing the completion of the "peroxidase cycle" by stalling the further reduction of Compound II to the resting state.
Please note that the molecular weight for this compound is batch-specific due to variable water content.
Catalogue Number
Brand Family
4-(5-Fluoro-1H-indol-3-yl)butanamide, MPO Inhibitor II
Soubhye, J., et al. 2013. J. Med. Chem.56, 3943. Soubhye, J., et al. 2010. J. Med. Chem.53, 8747.
Note that this data sheet is not lot-specific and is representative of the current specifications for this product. Please consult the vial label and the certificate of analysis for information on specific lots. Also note that shipping conditions may differ from storage conditions.
16-August-2013 JSW
4-(5-Fluoro-1H-indol-3-yl)butanamide, MPO Inhibitor II
A 5-fluorotryptamine derivative that inhibitis the MPO-catalyzed Cl-/chloride-to-OCl-/hypochlorite oxidation in the presence of H2O2 (IC50 = 18 nM by taurine/2-aminoethan-sulfonic acid chlorination assay) as well as MPO-mediated LDL ApoB-100 (ApoB100; apolipoprotein B-100) oxidation (IC50 = 18 nM by ELISA) via direct affinity binding at the myeloperoxidase active site through ϖ-ϖ interaction between its indole and the the enzyme's heme pyrrole ring D, while exhibiting much reduced affinity toward serotonin reuptake transporter/SERT (Ki = 631 nM). Kinetic studies reveal that the inhibitor acts as a good one-electron donor for the intermediate Compound I "Fe(IV)=O...Por•+", facilitating the formation (k3 = 1,6 x 107 M-1 s-1) of Compound II (Fe(IV)-OH...Por) and thereby preventing the reduction of Compound I directly to the resting state "Fe(IV)...Por" via the "halogenation cycle", while, on the other hand, behaves as a poor electron donor for Compound II, thereby preventing the completion of the "peroxidase cycle" by stalling the further reduction of Compound II to the resting state (k4 = 92 M-1 s-1). Toxicology study using Wistar Han male rats reports no signs of adverse effects post single 10 mg/kg i.p. dosage, while signs of adverse effects are observed within the 24 h, but not after, post a higher i.p. dosage at 100 mg/kg.
Light beige powder
Intert gas (Yes/No)
Packaged under inert gas
CAS number
Chemical formula
Structure formula
≥95% by HPLC
DMSO (100 mg/ml). Use only fresh DMSO for reconstitution.
Protect from light
+2°C to +8°C
Do Not Freeze
Ok to freeze
Special Instructions
Following reconstitution, aliquot and freeze (-20°C). Stock solutions are stable for up to 6 months at -20°C.
Standard Handling
Soubhye, J., et al. 2013. J. Med. Chem.56, 3943. Soubhye, J., et al. 2010. J. Med. Chem.53, 8747.