Preparation of organotypic hippocampal slice cultures: interface method. De Simoni, Anna and Yu, Lily M Y Nat Protoc, 1: 1439-45 (2006)
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This protocol describes a method for making and culturing rat hippocampal organotypic slices on membrane inserts. Supplementary videos are included to demonstrate visually the different steps of the procedure. Cultured hippocampal slices has been increasingly used as a model for synaptic studies of the brain as they allow examination of mid to long term manipulations in a preparation where the gross cytoarchitecture of the hippocampus is preserved. Combining techniques such as molecular biology, electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry to study physiological or pathological processes can easily be applied to organotypic slices. The technique described here can be used to make organotypic slices from other parts of the brain, other rodent species and from a range of ages. This protocol can be completed in 3 h. | 17406432