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100425 ISOSLIDE™ Azul alciano, pH 2,5 Preparados de control

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Número de referenciaEmbalaje Cant./Env.
1004250001 Caja de plástico 25 PC
Número de catálogo100425
DescripciónISOSLIDE™ Alcian blue pH 2,5 control slides
Visión de conjuntoThe ISOSLIDE™ Alcian blue Control Slides, pH 2.5 - with reference tissue for the detection of acid mucosubstances in histological tissue, are used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serve the purpose of the histological investigation and quality control of sample material of human origin, for example histological sections of e. g. the stomach or the intestine.
The ISOSLIDE™ Alcian blue, pH 2.5 Control Slides are prepared using sections of suitable animal material, that clearly visualize acid mucosubstances. Each package of ISOSLIDE™ control slides contains 25 slides. The tissue is applied onto the slide next to the white printed labelling field. One slide is already stained with the reference method (Alcian blue solution, pH 2.5 for microscopy, Cat. no. 101647, or Alcian Blue Staining Kit, pH 2.5, Cat. no. 132657) and is used for comparison. The 24 unstained slides are stained according to the corresponding protocol, using the Alcian blue staining, e.g. the Alcian blue staining solution or with the laboratory's own staining method. After the staining of the control slides, the staining result is to be compared with the laboratory material and the pre-stained control slide. The ISOSLIDE™ control slides are not quality-controlled for their application with molecular pathology methods and IHC.
This product is registered as IVD and CE marked. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
Información del producto
Código HS 3002 59 00
Quality LevelMQ400
Aplicación with reference tissue for the detection of acid mucosubstances in histological tissue
Información de seguridad según el GHS
Clase de almacenamiento10 - 13 Otros liquidos y sustancias sólidas
Información de almacenamiento y transporte
AlmacenamientoAlmacenar entre +15°C y +25°C.
Global Trade Item Number
Número de referencia GTIN
1004250001 04027269347192