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Discos de membrana de ultrafiltración

Membranes for use with stirred cells

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Información para pedidos

Ultracel PL-1, 1.000 NMWLBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PLAC0251025 mm 10
PLAC0431044.5 mm 10
PLAC0471047 mm 10
PLAC0621063.5 mm 10
PLAC0761076 mm 10
PLAC0900590 mm 5
PLAC15005150 mm 5

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Ultracel PL-3, 3.000 NMWLBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PLBC0251025 mm 10
PLBC0431044.5 mm 10
PLBC0471047 mm 10
PLBC0621063.5 mm 10
PLBC0761076 mm 10
PLBC0900590 mm 5
PLBC15005150 mm 5

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Ultracel PL-5, 5.000 NMWLBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PLCC0251025 mm 10
PLCC0431044.5 mm 10
PLCC0471047 mm 10
PLCC0621063.5 mm 10
PLCC0761076 mm 10
PLCC0900590 mm 5
PLCC15005150 mm 5

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Ultracel PL-10, 10.000 NMWLBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PLGC0251025 mm 10
PLGC0431044.5 mm 10
PLGC0471047 mm 10
PLGC0621063.5 mm 10
PLGC0761076 mm 10
PLGC0900590 mm 5
PLGC15005150 mm 5

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Ultracel PL-30, 30.000 NMWLBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PLTK0251025 mm 10
PLTK0431044.5 mm 10
PLTK0471047 mm 10
PLTK0621063.5 mm 10
PLTK0761076 mm 10
PLTK0900590 mm 5
PLTK15005150 mm 5

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Ultracel PL-100, 100.000 NMWLBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PLHK0251025 mm 10
PLHK0431044.5 mm 10
PLHK0471047 mm 10
PLHK0621063.5 mm 10
PLHK0761076 mm 10
PLHK0900590 mm 5
PLHK15005150 mm 5

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Biomax® Membrane, 5,000 MWCOBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PBCC0251025 mm 10
PBCC0431044.5 mm 10
PBCC0471047 mm 10
PBCC0621063.5 mm 10
PBCC0761076 mm 10

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Biomax® Membrane, 10,000 MWCOBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PBGC0251025 mm 10
PBGC0431044.5 mm 10
PBGC0471047 mm 10
PBGC0621063.5 mm 10
PBGC0761076 mm 10

Volver al principio

Biomax® Membrane, 30,000 MWCOBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PBTK0251025 mm 10
PBTK0431044.5 mm 10
PBTK0471047 mm 10
PBTK0621063.5 mm 10
PBTK0761076 mm 10

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Biomax® Membrane, 50,000 MWCOBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PBQK0251025 mm 10
PBQK0431044.5 mm 10
PBQK0471047 mm 10
PBQK0621063.5 mm 10
PBQK0761076 mm 10

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Biomax® Membrane, 100,000 MWCOBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PBHK0251025 mm 10
PBHK0431044.5 mm 10
PBHK0471047 mm 10
PBHK0621063.5 mm 10
PBHK0761076 mm 10

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Biomax-300, 300.000 NMWLBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PBMK0251025 mm 10
PBMK0431044.5 mm 10
PBMK0471047 mm 10
PBMK0621063.5 mm 10
PBMK0761076 mm 10
PBMK0900590 mm 5
PBMK15005150 mm 5

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Biomax® Membrane, 500,000 MWCOBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
PBVK0251025 mm 10
PBVK0431044.5 mm 10
PBVK0471047 mm 10
PBVK0621063.5 mm 10
PBVK0761076 mm 10

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0.1um Hydrophilic Durapore®Borrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
VVLP0622563.5 mm PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.1 µm, 63.5 mm, white, plain, 25
VVLP0762576 mm PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.1 µm, 76 mm, white, plain, 25

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0.22um Hydrophilic Durapore®Borrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
GVWP0622563.5 mm PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.22 µm, 63.5 mm, white, plain, 25
GVWP0762576 mm PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.22 µm, 76mm, white, plain, 25

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0.45um Hydrophilic Durapore®Borrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDiámetro del filtro (⌀)Tamaño de envase
HVLP0622563.5 mm PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.45 µm, 63.5 mm, white, plain, 25
HVLP0762576 mm PVDF, Hydrophilic, 0.45 µm, 76mm, white, plain, 25

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Stirred Cell AccessoriesBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referencia

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Referencias bibliográficas

Visión general referenciasAplicación
MicroRNA expression detected by oligonucleotide microarrays: System establishment and expression profiling in human tissues
Omer Barad, Eti Meiri, Amir Avniel, Ranit Aharonov, Adi Barzilai, Isaac Bentwich, Uri Einav, Shlomit Gilad, Patrick Hurban, Yael Karov, Edward K. Lobenhofer, Eilon Sharon, Yoel M. Shiboleth, Marat Shtutman, Zvi Bentwich and Paz Einat
Genome Research 14:2486-2494, 2004  2004

Highly selective membranes in protein ultrafiltration
Feins M, Sirkar KK,Biotechnol Bioeng. 2004 Jun 20;86(6):603-11
Biotechnol Bioeng. 2004 Jun 20;86(6):603-11  2004

Protein Purification
Electrokinetic characterisation of ultrafiltration membranes by streaming potential, electroviscous effect, and salt retention
Huisman IH (REPRINT) ; Pradanos P; Hernandez A
Journal of membrane science 2000, V178, N1-2, p55-64 2000  1999

Effect of Solution pH on Protein Transport Through Ultrafiltration Membranes
Douglas B. Burns and Andrew L. Zydney
Biotechnol Bioeng 64: 27-37, 1999.  1998

Integrated process for the removal of emulsified oils from effluents in the steel industry
Benito JM; Rios G; Gutierrez B; Pazos C; Coca J (REPRINT)
Separation Science and Technology 1999, V34, N15, P3031-3043 SN- 0149-6395  1998

Industrial QC
Performance Characteristics of Waste Oil Emulsion Treatment by Ultrafiltration
Lin, S. H.; Lan, W. J. Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
J Environ Sci Health-Toxic Hazard Subst Environ Eng 1998,SO- vA33, n3, p385(20)  1998

General approach for the development of high-performance liquid chromatography methods for biosurfactant analysis and purification
Lin, S.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Lin, Y.-M.
J. Chromatogr., A ; Journal of Chromatography, A v. 825 pg 149-159 6 Nov 1998  1998

Filtration 15 nm: Aspects Techniques
Chtourou S,Sang thrombose vaisseaux, 21-27, 1998
Sang thrombose vaisseaux, 21-27, 1998  1998

Distribution of trace elements associated with dissolved compounds (<0.45 .mu.m-1 nm) in freshwater using coupled (frontal cascade) ultrafiltration and chromatographic separations
Pham, M. K. Garnier, J.-M.
Environmental Science and Technology, v32, pg. 440-449, 15 Feb. 1998  1998

Acrylamide production in an ultrafiltration-membrane bioreactor using cells of Brevibacterium imperialis CBS 489-74
Cantarella M (reprint) ; Spera A; Cantarella L; Alfani F ; Journal of membrane science, v147, N2, p279-290 1998
Journal of membrane science, v147, N2, p279-290 1998  1998

Enzyme Assays

Preguntas frecuentes

When doing diafiltration, how many initial volumes would it take to remove the salt?It takes three initial volumes to remove 95% of the salt and five initial volumes to remove 99.9% of the salt.
What molecular weight cut-off should I select for proteins of different sizes?As a rule, when using Ultracel membranes it is best to select a membrane 2-3 times smaller than the solute to be retained by the membrane. In the case of the Biomax membranes 4-5 times smaller than the NMWL is suggested. For more information on choosing the appropriate membrane cutt off:
What is the best way to store disc membranes?Solutions of 10% ethanol in water or 0.1% azide in water will preserve the membrane. For long-term storage, refrigeration is recommended.
What is the pH range for YM membrane?The pH range is 3-13.
My recovery is low. Why?1. What concentration are you using?
a. If it is protein and <10ug/ml, the protein may be binding to the plastic (not the membrane). We suggest passivation (See passivation protocol).
b. If it is DNA and >100ug/ml, most likely the DNA is precipitating out. There is no solution except use less DNA.

2. Are you using a detergent?
a. If yes, and it is greater than the critical micelle concentration, it will not pass through the membrane pores. Suggest diluting out the sample (See detergent study).
What is the temperature limit for the Ultracel YM membrane?The temperature limit for the Ultracel YM membrane is 121 degrees C.
What is the temperature limit for the Biomax membrane?The temperature limit for the Biomax membrane is 50 degrees C.
What is the average thickness of the Ultracel YM membrane?The average thichness of the Ultracel YM membrane is 8 mil.
What is the difference between Biomax and Ultracel membrane?Biomax is a polyethersulfone membrane designed with maximum flow characteristics. The protein retention is typically 80-85% of a globular solute with that molecular weight limit. Ultracel is a regenerated cellulose membrane designed with maximum recovery characteristics. The protein retention is typically 90-95% of a globular solute with that molecular weight limit.
What are the different membranes types and advantages?MEMBRANE TYPE & MW Cut-off

YMRegenerated Cellulose AcetateHigh Recovery
PLRegenerated Cellulose AcetateHigh Recovery
PM BioMaxPolyethersulfoneHigh Flux
PM PolyethersulfoneHigh Flux
PCRegenerated Cellulose AcetateHigh Recovery
YCCellulose AcetateLowest MWCO