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Elija paneles personalizables y kits premezclos - O - MAPmates™ de señalización celular
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Paneles personalizados y kits premezclados
Nuestra amplia cartera de productos consta de paneles multiplex que le permiten elegir, dentro del panel, los analitos que mejor se ajustan a sus requisitos. En una pestaña distinta puede elegir el formato de citocina premezclada o un kit single plex.
Kits de señalización celular y MAPmates™
Elija los kits preparados para poder explorar las vías o los procesos enteros. O diseñe sus propios kits eligiendo single plex MAPmates™ según las directrices proporcionadas.
No deben combinarse los siguientes MAPmates™: -MAPmates™ que requieren un tampón de ensayo diferente. -Pares MAPmate™ fosfoespecíficos y totales, por ejemplo, GSK3β y GSK3β (Ser 9). -MAPmates™ con panTyr y específicos de sitio; por ejemplo, receptor del fosfo-EGF y fosfo-STAT1 (Tyr701). -Más de 1 fosfo-MAPmate™ para una sola diana (Akt, STAT3). -La GAPDH y la β-tubulina no pueden combinarse con kits o MAPmates™ que contengan panTyr.
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Para empezar a diseñar su kit MILLIPLEX® MAP, seleccione una especie, un tipo de panel o un kit de interés.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
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96-Well Plate
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Añadir más reactivos (Se necesita tampón y un kit de detección para usar con MAPmates)
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Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Opción para ahorrar espacio Los clientes que adquieran múltiples kits pueden optar por ahorrar espacio de almacenamiento retirando el embalaje del kit y recibiendo los componentes de sus ensayos multiplex en bolsas de plástico para un almacenamiento más compacto.
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Atención: Nos hemos mudado. Los productos Merck Millipore ya no pueden adquirirse en MerckMillipore.comMás información
Western Blot Detection Data Western Blot of non-enriched lysate and LC3-II-enriched protein fraction from HeLa cells prepared with the LC3-II Enrichment Kit (Western Blot) (Catalogue No. 17-10232). Proteins were subjected to SDS-PAGE and were transferred to a PVDF membrane. The membrane was probed with primary anti-LC3 and anti-TOMM22, followed by secondary antibodies. The blot was developed by enhanced chemiluminescence. Immunoblotting results of non-enriched lysates indicate the LC3-I signal decreases over time after induced autophagy, as the LC3-II signal increases. After enrichment, the LC3-I signal is no longer detectable and the LC3-II signal is retained. (Click image to enlarge.)
LC3 precursors are proteolytically processed to form LC3-I, which is diffusely distributed in the cytosol. Upon initiation of autophagy, the C-terminal glycine of LC3-I is modified by addition of a phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to form LC3-II, which translocates rapidly to nascent autophagosomes in a punctate distribution.
However, detecting and interpreting the relative amounts of LC3-I and LC3-II in standard assay methods can be complicated. When LC3 is immunochemically detected by Western Blotting following SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, LC3-II typically appears as a slightly lower band than the 18 kDa LC3-I band as a result of the greater hydrophobicity of LC3-II.
However, in some instances, the LC3-I and LC3-II bands are incompletely resolved, which complicates analysis. Also, even when LC3-I and LC3-II are adequately separated on an immunoblot, changes in the relative ratios of the isoforms may not be directly proportional to autophagosome quantity, due to differential immunoreactivity of the isoforms. Merck’s LC3-II Enrichment Kit (Western Blot) enables sensitive and accurate quantification of autophagosome density by utilizing a selective permeabilization procedure that removes cytosolic LC3-I and retains autophagosome-bound LC3-II. This procedure reveals quantities of LC3-II, without interference from LC3-I, by Western blotting analysis.
However, in some instances, the LC3-I and LC3-II bands are incompletely resolved, which complicates analysis. Also, even when LC3-I and LC3-II are adequately separated on an immunoblot, changes in the relative ratios of the isoforms may not be directly proportional to autophagosome quantity, due to differential immunoreactivity of the isoforms.
Merck’s LC3-II Enrichment Kit (Western Blot) enables sensitive and accurate quantification of autophagosome density by utilizing a selective permeabilization procedure that removes cytosolic LC3-I and retains autophagosome-bound LC3-II. This procedure reveals quantities of LC3-II, without interference from LC3-I, by Western blotting analysis.