In vitro culture of Keratinocytes from human umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells: the Saigonese culture. Cong Toai Tran,Duy Thao Huynh,Ciro Gargiulo,Phuong Thao Nguyen,Thi Thanh Thuy Tran,Minh Tuan Huynh,Thanh Tung Nguyen,Luis Filgueira,D Micheal Strong Cell and tissue banking
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There have been many attempts to acquire and culture human keratinocytes for clinical purposes including from keratotome slices in media with fetal calf serum (FCS) or pituitary extract (PE), from skin specimens in media with feeder layers, from suction blister epidermal roofs' in serum-free culture and from human umbilical cord blood (hUCB) mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in media with skin feeder layers. Conversely this study was designed to investigate whether keratinocytes could be obtained directly from hUCB MSCs in vitro. It is widely established that mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord blood have multipotent capacity and the ability to differentiate into disparate cell lineages hUCB MSCs were directly induced to differentiate into keratinocytes by using a specific medium composed of primary culture medium (PCM) and serum free medium (SFM) in a ratio 1:9 for a period of 7 days and tested by immunostain p63 and K1-K10. Cells thus cultured were positive in both tests, confirming the possibility to directly obtain keratinocytes from MSCs hUCB in vitro. | 20349146
Expression of simple epithelial keratins 8 and 18 in epidermal neoplasia. Markey, A C, et al. J. Invest. Dermatol., 97: 763-70 (1991)
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A systematic study of keratin expression in epidermal lesions (six actinic keratoses, 10 Bowen's disease, seven squamous cell carcinomas) has been undertaken by using a large panel of monospecific monoclonal antibodies to individual keratins. Expression of differentiation-specific keratins was frequently delayed or lost from dysplastic regions. Novel expression of the embryonic, or simple epithelial, keratins 8 and 18 was widely observed in intradermal areas of poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinomas. In addition, the most proliferative of in situ malignancies (Bowen's disease) also contained small numbers of cells expressing simple epithelial keratins. These observations suggest that the expression of simple epithelial keratins may be of functional importance in malignancy of keratinocytes and could be related to tumor invasion and/or to changes in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. | 1717607
An investigation of cytokeratin expression in skin epithelial cysts and some uncommon types of cystic tumours using chain-specific antibodies. Broekaert, D, et al. Arch. Dermatol. Res., 282: 383-91 (1990)
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The differentiation state of skin epithelial cysts and some uncommon types of epithelial skin tumours was investigated by immunohistochemical staining, mainly using cytokeratin (CK) polypeptide-specific monoclonal antibodies. Samples of interfollicular epidermis, hair follicles and eccrine sweat glands were included as reference tissues. The CK reactivity in epidermoid cysts and milia is not restricted to CKs involved in epidermal-type differentiation, i.e. CK1, 5, 10 and 14, but in addition CK16, a hyperproliferative keratinocyte marker is suprabasally expressed. CK1 and 10 are other prominent suprabasal markers, while CK14 seems to be preferentially expressed in the basal cell layer. Of the non-epidermal CKs, only CK4 was focally or more extensively detected in about 50% of the cases. In terms of CK reactivity, keratinization of trichilemmal cysts corresponds to the keratinization of the anagen-phase hair follicle in the isthmus. The CK reactivity is again restricted to CK1, 5, 10, 14 and 16. However, the CK1 as well as CK10 reactivity is subject to serious limitations, since both CKs were only convincingly observed in foci of terminal differentiation. Eccrine hydrocystoma obligatorily expresses a complex CK set, including CK7, 8, 14, 18 and 19. This CK set perfectly corresponds to the CK composition observed in acini of eccrine sweat glands. In addition, a discontinuous CK4 and 16 reactivity was seen in about 50% of the sites, while CK1 and 10 displayed a strictly focal appearance. On the other hand, syringoma produces in its distinct structures, a CK pattern reminiscent of the one observed in eccrine sweat gland ducts and includes CK1, 5, 10, 14, 16 and 19.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) | 1701984