Dynamic and redundant regulation of LRRK2 and LRRK1 expression. Biskup, S; Moore, DJ; Rea, A; Lorenz-Deperieux, B; Coombes, CE; Dawson, VL; Dawson, TM; West, AB BMC neuroscience
Abstract anzeigen
Mutations within the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene account for a significant proportion of autosomal-dominant and some late-onset sporadic Parkinson's disease. Elucidation of LRRK2 protein function in health and disease provides an opportunity for deciphering molecular pathways important in neurodegeneration. In mammals, LRRK1 and LRRK2 protein comprise a unique family encoding a GTPase domain that controls intrinsic kinase activity. The expression profiles of the murine LRRK proteins have not been fully described and insufficiently characterized antibodies have produced conflicting results in the literature.Herein, we comprehensively evaluate twenty-one commercially available antibodies to the LRRK2 protein using mouse LRRK2 and human LRRK2 expression vectors, wild-type and LRRK2-null mouse brain lysates and human brain lysates. Eleven antibodies detect over-expressed human LRRK2 while four antibodies detect endogenous human LRRK2. In contrast, two antibodies recognize over-expressed mouse LRRK2 and one antibody detected endogenous mouse LRRK2. LRRK2 protein resides in both soluble and detergent soluble protein fractions. LRRK2 and the related LRRK1 genes encode low levels of expressed mRNA species corresponding to low levels of protein both during development and in adulthood with largely redundant expression profiles.Despite previously published results, commercially available antibodies generally fail to recognize endogenous mouse LRRK2 protein; however, several antibodies retain the ability to detect over-expressed mouse LRRK2 protein. Over half of the commercially available antibodies tested detect over-expressed human LRRK2 protein and some have sufficient specificity to detect endogenous LRRK2 in human brain. The mammalian LRRK proteins are developmentally regulated in several tissues and coordinated expression suggest possible redundancy in the function between LRRK1 and LRRK2. | | 18045479
A comparative analysis of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (Lrrk2) expression in mouse brain and Lewy body disease. H L Melrose,C B Kent,J P Taylor,J C Dachsel,K M Hinkle,S J Lincoln,S S Mok,J G Culvenor,C L Masters,G M Tyndall,D I Bass,Z Ahmed,C A Andorfer,O A Ross,Z K Wszolek,A Delldonne,D W Dickson,M J Farrer Neuroscience
Abstract anzeigen
Pathogenic substitutions in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2, Lrrk2) have been genetically linked to familial, late-onset Parkinsonism. End-stage disease is predominantly associated with nigral neuronal loss and Lewy body pathology, but patients may have gliosis, tau or ubiquitin inclusions (pleomorphic pathology). The anatomical distribution of Lrrk2 protein may provide insight into its function in health and neurodegeneration, thus we performed a comparative study with 'in-house' and commercially available Lrrk2 antibodies using brain tissue from wild type and human Lrrk2 transgenic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) mice, and from diffuse Lewy body disease (DLBD) patients. Lrrk2 protein was ubiquitously expressed and relatively abundant in most brain regions, including the substantia nigra, thalamus and striatum. Lrrk2 was not a major component of Lewy body or neuritic pathology associated with Parkinson's disease. However, selective loss of dopaminergic neurons in Lrrk2-associated Parkinsonism argues the protein may have regional-specific interactions. Lrrk2 immunohistochemical staining was present in the subventricular zone, a region containing stem cells that give rise to both neurons and glia. A role for Lrrk2 in neurogenesis might provide further insight into the aberrant role of mutant protein in age-associated neurodegeneration with pleomorphic pathology. | | 17611037
LRRK2 is expressed in areas affected by Parkinson's disease in the adult mouse brain. Simón-Sánchez, Javier, et al. Eur. J. Neurosci., 23: 659-66 (2006)
Abstract anzeigen
The leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene was recently found to have multiple mutations that are causative for autosomal dominant inherited Parkinson's disease (PD). Previously, we used Northern blot analysis to show that this gene was expressed in the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, medulla, spinal cord, occipital pole, frontal lobe, temporal lobe and caudate putamen. However, a more comprehensive map of LRRK2 mRNA localization in the central nervous system is still lacking. In this study we have mapped the distribution of the mRNA encoding for LRRK2 using nonradioactive in situ hybridization. We detected a moderate expression of this PD-related gene throughout the adult B2B6 mouse brain. A stronger hybridization signal was observed in deep cerebral cortex layers, superficial cingulate cortex layers, the piriform cortex, hippocampal formation, caudate putamen, substantia nigra, the basolateral and basomedial anterior amygdala nuclei, reticular thalamic nucleus and also in the cerebellar granular cell layer. Given that LRRK2 mRNA is highly enriched in motor systems and also is expressed in other systems, we may conclude that mutations in LRRK2 may affect several motor and nonmotor structures that may play an important role in the development of PD. | Mouse | 16487147