A novel interplay between the Fanconi anemia core complex and ATR-ATRIP kinase during DNA cross-link repair. Tomida, J; Itaya, A; Shigechi, T; Unno, J; Uchida, E; Ikura, M; Masuda, Y; Matsuda, S; Adachi, J; Kobayashi, M; Meetei, AR; Maehara, Y; Yamamoto, K; Kamiya, K; Matsuura, A; Matsuda, T; Ikura, T; Ishiai, M; Takata, M Nucleic acids research
Abstract anzeigen
When DNA replication is stalled at sites of DNA damage, a cascade of responses is activated in the cell to halt cell cycle progression and promote DNA repair. A pathway initiated by the kinase Ataxia teleangiectasia and Rad3 related (ATR) and its partner ATR interacting protein (ATRIP) plays an important role in this response. The Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway is also activated following genomic stress, and defects in this pathway cause a cancer-prone hematologic disorder in humans. Little is known about how these two pathways are coordinated. We report here that following cellular exposure to DNA cross-linking damage, the FA core complex enhances binding and localization of ATRIP within damaged chromatin. In cells lacking the core complex, ATR-mediated phosphorylation of two functional response targets, ATRIP and FANCI, is defective. We also provide evidence that the canonical ATR activation pathway involving RAD17 and TOPBP1 is largely dispensable for the FA pathway activation. Indeed DT40 mutant cells lacking both RAD17 and FANCD2 were synergistically more sensitive to cisplatin compared with either single mutant. Collectively, these data reveal new aspects of the interplay between regulation of ATR-ATRIP kinase and activation of the FA pathway. | | 23723247
Ssdp proteins interact with the LIM-domain-binding protein Ldb1 to regulate development. Chen, L; Segal, D; Hukriede, NA; Podtelejnikov, AV; Bayarsaihan, D; Kennison, JA; Ogryzko, VV; Dawid, IB; Westphal, H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Abstract anzeigen
The LIM-domain-binding protein Ldb1 is a key factor in the assembly of transcriptional complexes involving LIM-homeodomain proteins and other transcription factors that regulate animal development. We identified Ssdp proteins (previously described as sequence-specific, single-stranded-DNA-binding proteins) as components of Ldb1-associated nuclear complexes in HeLa cells. Ssdp proteins are associated with Ldb1 in a variety of additional mammalian cell types. This association is specific, does not depend on the presence of nucleic acids, and is functionally significant. Genes encoding Ssdp proteins are well conserved in evolution from Drosophila to humans. Whereas the vertebrate Ssdp gene family has several closely related members, the Drosophila Ssdp gene is unique. In Xenopus, Ssdp encoded by Drosophila Ssdp or mouse Ssdp1 mRNA enhances axis induction by Ldb1 in conjunction with the LIM-homeobox gene Xlim1. Furthermore, we were able to demonstrate an interaction between Ssdp and Chip (the fly homolog of Ldb1) in Drosophila wing development. These findings indicate functional conservation of Ssdp as a cofactor of Ldb1 during invertebrate and vertebrate development. | Flow Cytometry | 12381786
A monoclonal antibody 7G7/B6, binds to an epitope on the human interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor that is distinct from that recognized by IL-2 or anti-Tac. Rubin, L A, et al. Hybridoma, 4: 91-102 (1985)
Abstract anzeigen
Murine splenocytes immune to influenza virus-activated human T-cells were fused with SP2/0 cells, selected in chemically defined HAT media, and subcloned to yield a monoclonal antibody (MAb) termed 7G7/B6. 7G7/B6 binds to lectin- and antigen-activated T-cells, but not resting T-cells or B-lymphoblastoid lines from the same donor. 7G7/B6 immunoprecipitates a 50-55 kD band from cell surface iodinated PHA-activated T-cells or the T-cell leukemia line HUT 102B2, as shown on SDS-PAGE. Cross-clearing studies demonstrate that 7G7/B6 binds the same cell surface molecule(s) as anti-Tac, a MAb which has been shown previously to recognize the human receptor for IL-2. 35S-methionine pulse chase experiments in HUT 102B2 cells reveal that 7G7/B6 binds to an early (less than 30 min) 35-37 kD and late (greater than 4 h) 50 kD protein. Sequential immunoprecipitations demonstrate that these are identical to the molecules identified by anti-Tac under similar conditions. However, only anti-Tac coprecipitates a higher molecular band at 110 kD. 7G7/B6 and anti-Tac do not competitively inhibit the binding of each other to PHA-activated T-cells. Functional studies reveal that in contrast to anti-Tac, 7G7/B6 has almost no inhibitory effect in vitro on IL-2-driven proliferation of IL-2-dependent T-cell lines, or alloimmune cytotoxic T-cell generation (however, once generated, these cytotoxic T-cells were both 7G7/B6 and anti-Tac positive). Finally, IL-2 does not inhibit the binding of 7G7/B6 to activated T-cells under conditions which result in up to 75% inhibition of anti-Tac binding. Therefore, 7G7/B6 is another MAb recognizing the human IL-2 receptor, but binding to an epitope distinct from that recognized by either IL-2 or anti-Tac. | | 2408992