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Independent audit certifies the Eshmuno® management systems

Issue: June 18, 2013
| Category: Downstream

As anyone who's had their passport photo taken knows, impartial instruments are seldom flattering. Sometimes, though, that objective view is just what you need – for example, in the field of quality assurance and especially when it comes to structures and processes.

That's why every year, independent DQS auditors scrutinize our management systems by examining the R&D, marketing, and sales processes that relate to a specific product by means of represantative examples. The most recent candidate was Eshmuno®, our new range of `smart´ion-exchange resins for high-productivity downstream purification of macromolecules.

As expected, both the cation exchanger Eshmuno® S and the anion-exchange resin Eshmuno® Q passed the audit with flying colors. DQS confirmed that they comply with all general standards – including those for environmental impact and current legal requirements.

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