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MultiScreen® Plate Overview

MultiScreen® plates are proven as optimized, reliable tools for the advancement of drug discovery and life science research.



Ordering Information

MultiScreenHTS Plates with hydrophilic Durapore PVDF membrane. Used for neonatal screening, bead based assays, molecular biologyVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MSBVN1210MultiScreenHTS BV Filter Plate, 1.2 µm, clear, non-sterile 1.2 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSBVN1250MultiScreenHTS BV Filter Plate, 1.2 µm, clear, non-sterile 1.2 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSBVN1B50MultiScreenHTS BV Filter Plate, 1.2 µm, opaque, non-sterile 1.2 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSBVS1210MultiScreenHTS BV Filter Plate, 1.2 µm, clear, sterile 1.2 µm 96 Clear Styrene Sterile
MSDVN6510MultiScreenHTS DV Filter Plate, 0.65 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.65 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSDVN6550MultiScreenHTS DV Filter Plate, 0.65 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.65 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSDVN6B50MultiScreenHTS DV Filter Plate, 0.65 µm, opaque, non-sterile 0.65 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSGVN2210MultiScreenHTS GV Filter Plate, 0.22 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.22 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSGVN2250MultiScreenHTS GV Filter Plate, 0.22 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.22 µm 96 Clear Acrylic Non-Sterile
MSGVN2B50MultiScreenHTS GV Filter Plate, 0.22 µm, opaque, non-sterile 0.22 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSGVS2210MultiScreenHTS GV Filter Plate, 0.22 µm, clear, sterile 0.22 µm 96 Clear Styrene Sterile
MSHVN4510MultiScreenHTS HV Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSHVN4550MultiScreenHTS HV Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSHVN4B50MultiScreenHTS HV Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, opaque, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSHVS4510MultiScreenHTS HV Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Styrene Sterile
MZHVN0W10MultiScreenHTS 384 well 0.45 µm 384 Opaque SAN Non-Sterile
MZHVN0W50MultiScreenHTS384 well 0.45 µm 384 Opaque Styrene Non-Sterile
MVHVN4525MultiScreen 96 well High Volume Filter Plates 0.45 µm 96 Opaque Polypropylene Non-Sterile

Zpět nahoru

MultiScreenHTS 96-well Plates with glass fiber prefilter. Used for receptor ligand binding, kinase, DNA binding and other biochemical assays.Vymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MSFBN6B10MultiScreenHTS FB Filter Plate, 1.0/0.65 µm, opaque, non-sterile 1.0 / 0.65 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSFBN6B50MultiScreenHTS FB Filter Plate, 1.0/0.65 µm, opaque, non-sterile 1.0 / 0.65 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSFBNXB50MultiScreenHTS+ Hi Flow FB Filter Plate 1.0 / 0.65 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MZFBN0W10MultiScreenHTS 384 well 1.0 / 0.65 µm 384 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MZFBN0W50MultiScreenHTS 384 well 1.0 / 0.65 µm 384 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSFCN6B10MultiScreenHTS FC Filter Plate, 1.2/0.65 µm, opaque, non-sterile 1.2 / 0.65 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSFCN6B50MultiScreenHTS FC Filter Plate, 1.2/0.65 µm, opaque, non-sterile 1.2 / 0.65 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSFCNXB50MultiScreenHTS+ FC Filter Plate, Hi Flow, opaque, non-sterile 1.2 / 0.65 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MZFCN0W10MultiScreenHTS 384 well 1.2 / 0.65 µm 384 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MZFCN0W50MultiScreenHTS 384 well 1.2 / 0.65 µm 384 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MVFCN1225MultiScreen 96 well High Volume Filter Plates 1.2 µm 96 Opaque Polypropylene Non-Sterile

Zpět nahoru

MultiScreenHTS 96-well Plates with MCE membrane for Elispot and protein binding assaysVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MSHAN4B50MultiScreenHTS HA Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, opaque, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSHAS4B10MultiScreenHTS HA Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, opaque, sterile 0.45 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Sterile
MSHAN4510MultiScreenHTS HA Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSHAN4550MultiScreenHTS HA Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSHAS4510MultiScreenHTS HA Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Styrene Sterile

Zpět nahoru

MultiScreenHTS 96-well Plates with Immobilon™-P PVDF membrane for Elispot and protein binding assaysVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MSIPN4B10MultiScreenHTS IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, opaque, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSIPN4B50MultiScreenHTS IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, opaque, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MSIPS4510MultiScreenHTS IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Acrylic Sterile
MSIPN4510MultiScreenHTS IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Acrylic Non-Sterile
MSIPN4550MultiScreenHTS IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Acrylic Non-Sterile
MSIPN4W50MultiScreenHTS IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, white, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 White Acrylic Non-Sterile
MSIPS4W10MultiScreenHTS IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, white, sterile 0.45 µm 96 White Acrylic Sterile
M8IPS4510MultiScreenHTS IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, 8-Well Strips, clear, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Acrylic Non-Sterile

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Elispot accessoriesVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPack Size
M8IPFRAMEMultiScreenHTS Support Frame 10

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Harvest Plates · MultiScreen Plates with glass fiber filter for traditional cell harvesting assaysVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MAHFB1H60MultiScreen 96 well Harvest 1.0 / 0.65 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MAHFC1H60MultiScreen 96 well Harvest 1.2 / 0.65 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile

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MultiScreenHTS Solvinert with PTFE membrane for organic solvent filtrationVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MDRLN0410MultiScreen Deep, 96 Well Solvinert 0.45 µm 96 Clear Polyolefin copolymer Non-Sterile
MDRPN0410MultiScreen Deep, 96 Well Solvinert 0.45 µm 96 Clear Polyolefin copolymer Non-Sterile
MDRPNP410MultiScreen Deep, 96 Well Solvinert 0.45 µm 96 Clear Polyolefin copolymer Non-Sterile
MSRLN0410MultiScreen Solvinert 96 Well Filter Plate 0.45 µm 96 Clear Polyolefin copolymer Non-Sterile
MSRLN0450MultiScreen Solvinert 96 Well Filter Plate 0.45 µm 96 Clear Polyolefin copolymer Non-Sterile
MSRPN0410MultiScreen Solvinert 96 Well Filter Plate 0.45 µm 96 Clear Polyolefin copolymer Non-Sterile
MSRPN0450MultiScreen Solvinert 96 Well Filter Plate 0.45 µm 96 Clear Polyolefin copolymer Non-Sterile

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MultiScreenHTS Plates with polycarbonate membraneVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MSSLBPC10MultiScreenHTS-PCF Filter plate, non-sterile 0.4 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSSLBPC50MultiScreenHTS-PCF Filter plate, non-sterile 0.4 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile

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Genomics products for nucleic acid purificationVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
LSKP09604Plasmid Miniprep96 Kit 96 Clear
LSKP09624Plasmid Miniprep96 Kit 96 Clear
LSKS09604Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit 96 Blue Non-Sterile
LSKS09624Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit 96 Blue Non-Sterile
LSKMPCR10MultiScreen PCRµ96 Filter Plate Proprietary 96 Purple Styrene Non-Sterile
LSKMPCR50MultiScreen-PCRµ96 Filter Plate Proprietary 96 Purple Styrene Non-Sterile
MSNU03010MultiScreen-PCR96 Filter Plate Proprietary 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MSNU03050MultiScreen-PCR96 Filter Plate Proprietary 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
S384PCR10MultiScreen PCR384 Filter Plate Proprietary 384 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
S384PCR50MultiScreen PCR384 Filter Plate Proprietary 384 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
S384SEQ10MultiScreen SEQ384 Filter Plate Proprietary 384 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
S384SEQ50MultiScreen SEQ384 Filter Plate Proprietary 384 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile

Zpět nahoru

MultiScreenHTS Vacuum Manifold and accessories for use with HTS style platesVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPack Size
MSVMHTS00MultiScreenHTS Vacuum Manifold 1
WP6111560Chemical Duty Pump, 115 V/60 Hz 1
WP6110060Chemical Duty Pump, 100 V/50–60 Hz 1
WP6122050Chemical Duty Pump, 220 V/50 Hz 1
SLFG05010Millex-FG, 0.20 µm, hydrophobic PTFE, 50 mm 10
MSVMHTSHVMultiScreen High Volume Collar, 1 pk 1

Zpět nahoru

Collection plates and sealing tapeVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPack Size
MATAHCL00MultiScreen Sealing Tape, clear, non-sterile 100
MDCPN2M5096 well Collection Plate 50
MSCPNPP0096-well Collection Plate 100
MSCPNPS0096-well Collection Plate 100
MSCPNUV4096-well Collection Plate 40

Zpět nahoru

Millicell plates for epithelial cell growthVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsDevice MaterialSterilityPack Size
PSRP010R5Millicell-24 Cell Culture Insert Plate, polyethylene terephthalate, 1.0 µm 1.0 µm 24 Polystyrene Sterile 5
PSST010R1Millicell-24 Cell Culture Insert Plate 3.0 µm 24 Polystyrene Sterile 1
PSST010R5Millicell-24 Cell Culture Insert Plate 5.0 µm 24 Polystyrene Sterile 5
PSMT010R1Millicell-24 Cell Culture Insert Plate 5.0 µm 24 Polystyrene Sterile 1
PSMT010R5Millicell-24 Cell Culture Insert Plate 5.0 µm 24 Polystyrene Sterile 5
PSET010R1Millicell-24 Cell Culture Insert Plate 8.0 µm 24 Polystyrene Sterile 1
PSET010R5Millicell-24 Cell Culture Insert Plate 8.0 µm 24 Polystyrene Sterile 5

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Millicell Plate AccessoriesVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
PSSW010R5Single-well Feeder Tray with Lid 1 Clear Polystyrene Sterile
PSMW010R524 well Collection Tray 24 Clear Polystyrene Sterile
MACAC0RS596-well Collection Plate Not Applicable 96 Clear Polystyrene Sterile

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MultiScreen-MIC Plates with tissue-culture-treated polycarbonate membraneVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MAMIC3S10MultiScreen Migration Invasion and Chemotaxis Filter Plate, 96 well 3.0 µm 96 Clear Styrene Sterile
MAMIC5S10MultiScreen Migration Invasion and Chemotaxis Filter Plate, 96 well 5.0 µm 96 Clear Styrene Sterile
MAMIC8S10MultiScreen Migration Invasion and Chemotaxis Filter Plate, 96 well 8.0 µm 96 Clear Styrene Sterile

Zpět nahoru

Column loaders for 96-well chromatography in Classic MultiScreen platesVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPack Size
MACF09604MultiScreen Centrifuge Alignment Frame, blue, aqueous applications 4
MACL09600MultiScreen Column Loader 1
MACL09625MultiScreen Column Loader 1
MACL09645MultiScreen Column Loader 1
MACL09680MultiScreen Column Loader 1
MACL0SC03Scraper for MultiScreen Column Loader 3

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MultiScreen-MIC AccessoriesVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MAMCS961096 well Collection Plate Not Applicable 96 Clear Styrene Sterile

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MultiScreen Classic filter plate with hydrophilic Durapore PVDF membrane. Used for neonatal screening, bead based assays, molecular biologyVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MAGVS2210MultiScreen-GV Filter Plate, 0.22 µm, clear, sterile 0.22 µm 96 Clear Acrylic Sterile
MAHVN4510MultiScreen-HV Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MAHVN4550MultiScreen-HV Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MADVN6550MultiScreen-DV Filter Plate, 0.65 µm, clear, non-sterile 0.65 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile
MABVN0B50MultiScreen-BV Filter Plate, 1.2 µm, opaque, non-sterile 1.2 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile
MABVN1250MultiScreen-BV Filter Plate, 1.2 µm, clear, non-sterile 1.2 µm 96 Clear Styrene Non-Sterile

Zpět nahoru

MultiScreen 96-well Plates with Immobilon™-P PVDF membrane for Elispot and protein binding assaysVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MAIPS4510MultiScreen-IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Acrylic Sterile
MAIPSWU10MultiScreen-IP Filter Plate w/o underdrain, 0.45 µm, white, sterile 0.45 µm 96 White Acrylic Sterile
MAIPN0B50MultiScreen-IP Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, opaque, non-sterile 0.45 µm 96 Opaque Barex®/TiO<sub>2</sub> Non-Sterile

Zpět nahoru

MultiScreen 96-well Plates with MCE membrane for Elispot and protein binding assaysVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPore SizeNumber of WellsColor CodeDevice MaterialSterility
MAHAS4510MultiScreen-HA Filter Plate, 0.45 µm, clear, sterile 0.45 µm 96 Clear Styrene Sterile

Zpět nahoru

Vacuum Manifold for use with MultiScreen Classic filter platesVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPack Size
MAVM0960RMultiScreen™ Vacuum Manifold 96-well 1
WP6111560Chemical Duty Pump, 115 V/60 Hz 1
WP6110060Chemical Duty Pump, 100 V/50–60 Hz 1
WP6122050Chemical Duty Pump, 220 V/50 Hz 1
SLFG05010Millex-FG, 0.20 µm, hydrophobic PTFE, 50 mm 10

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Radioactive assay detection accessoriesVymazat řazení a filtrování Show Filter
Katalogové čísloDescriptionPack Size
MADP19650MultiScreen Disposable Punch Tips 5 x 10
MAMP09608MultiScreen Multiple Punch 1
MACR08124MultiScreen Carrier Rack for 4 mL vials 1
MACR08127MultiScreen Carrier Rack for 7 mL vials 1
MACR81275MultiScreen Carrier Rack for 12 mm x 75 mm tubes 1
MSTPCWH50Packard Top Count Adapter for MultiScreenHTS 96-well plate 50

Zpět nahoru



Reference overviewApplication
Supercritical fluid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for fast bioanalysis of R/S-warfarin in human plasma
Roger A. Coe, Jonathan O. Rathe, and Jean W. Lee; Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 42 (2006) 573-580
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 42 (2006) 573-580  2005

Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry Sample Prep
96-well chromatography with the Multiscreen(R) Assay System
Diehl P; Scientist, 1998, v12, n14 (Jul. 6), p17-17
Scientist, 1998, v12, n14 (Jul. 6), p17-17  1998

A 96-Well Plate Protein Assay for Samples Containing Sodium Dodecyl Sulfare and Reducing Agent Using the Multiscreen Nitrocellulose Filtration Plaste with Amido Black
Mahoney, C.W., Nakanishi, N., and Ohashi, M.A; Analytical BioChemistry, 248:182-184. 1997
Analytical BioChemistry, 248:182-184. 1997  1997

Sample Prep

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Life Science Research > Cell Culture and Systems > Cell Culture Flasks, Plates, & Slides > Multiwell Plates