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IQ70XXPKIT Milli-Q® IQ 7010/15 Ultrapure Water Purification Kit

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Replacement Information
Replacement InformationIQ70XXPKT1
Catalogue NumberIQ70XXPKIT
Trade Name
  • Milli-Q®
DescriptionMilli-Q® IQ 7010/15 Ultrapure Water Purification Kit
OverviewFor use with Milli-Q® IQ 7010/15 ultrapure water purification systems.

This water purification kit includes:
• Two IPAK Gard® pretreatment cartridges composed of a pleated filter for the removal of particulates, minerals and colloids and a carbon block for the removal of free chlorine. This protects the reverse osmosis (RO) membrane and improves system performance.
• IPAK Quanta® polishing cartridge for Elix® pure water contains innovative IQnano® ion-exchange media for ion removal down to trace levels, plus high-grade synthetic activated carbon targets trace organic contaminants.
• Tank vent filter to protect stored pure (Type 2) water from airborne contaminants. It contains activated carbon, soda lime and a membrane filter to prevent impure air from entering the tank.
• One Drain Cap per cartridge to remove excess water and reduce weight of the exhausted cartridge at disposal.

e-Sure tags enable RFID connection with the system, for seamless consumable status monitoring, data management and full traceability.

63% of the parts suppliers for the IPAK Gard® cartridge and 78% of the parts suppliers for IPAK Quanta® cartridge included in this kit are ISO 14001 environmental management system-certified.
Product Information
  • • Two IPAK Gard® pretreatment cartridges
    • IPAK Quanta® polishing cartridge for Elix® pure water
    • Tank vent filter
    • One Drain Cap per cartridge
Feed Water Nature
  • Tap water within specifications of the water purification system
Quality LevelMQ300
Application• For Milli-Q® IQ 7010/15 systems
• Contains two IPAK Gard® packs, one IPAK Quanta® cartridge for Elix® feed water, and Tank Vent Filter
• Ensures consistent production of ultrapure water, and protects RO membranes and stored pure water
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Materials Information
  • Pleated filter, carbon block, IQnano® ion-exchange media, activated carbon and soda lime
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
Storage Conditions- Temperature: 5 to 30 °C
- RH: 10 to 80%
- In original sealed packaging to protect purification elements
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Transport Information
Supplemental Information
Global Trade Item Number
Katalogové číslo GTIN
IQ70XXPKIT 04065272041591


Certificates of Quality

F4JB71543 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit
F4MB84983 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit
F4PB17376 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit
F4SB19955 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit
F4SB27873 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit
F5AB37057 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit
F5AB37058 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit
F5AB40087 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit
F5AB42741 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit
F5AB42742 Milli-Q IQ 7010/15 purification kit