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109261 Lugolův roztok (ředěný roztok jod-jodid draselný)

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Katalogové čísloBalení ks/bal.
1092611000 Skleněná láhev 1 l
1092612500 Skleněná láhev 2.5 l
Catalogue Number109261
SynonymsIodine-potassium iodide solution
DescriptionLugol's solution (diluted iodine-potassium iodide solution)
OverviewLugol’s solution (diluted iodine-potassium iodide solution - for the Gram staining method, is a ready-to-use solution used in Bacteriology, for example, for the staining of Gram bacteria. In bacteriology, the Gram staining allows a fast differentiation of bacteria in Gram-positive and Gram-negative. The mureine structure of the bacteria wall is the basis of the color affinity. In the first step, bacteria will be stained with crystal violet ( 109218), an aniline dye. After the treatment with iodine solution (Lugol’s solution), a dye-iodine complex will form. During the decolorizing step (Gram's decolorizing solution, Cat. no. 110218), this complex stays in the multilayer mureine structure of the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria - they will appear blue-violet. Gram-negative bacteria, by contrast, have a cell wall consisting of a single-layered murein structure, and correspondingly re-release the staining dye with the decoloring solution. Gram-negative bacteria will be counterstained with safranine solution ( 109217) and will then appear pink to red.
Lugol's solution (diluted iodine-potassium iodide solution) is capable of staining up to 500 slides. This product is registered as IVD and CE marked. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
Product Information
HS Code3212 90 00
Quality LevelMQ400
Applicationfor the Gram staining method
Physicochemical Information
Boiling point100 °C (1013 hPa)
Density1.01 g/cm3 (20 °C)
pH value3.5 (H₂O, 20 °C)
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Ostatní kapalné a tuhé látky
WGKWGK 2 významně ohrožuje vodní prostředí
Storage and Shipping Information
StorageSkladovat od +15°C až +25°C.
Suitability for microscopypasses test
gram-positve microorganismsblue-violet
gram-negative microorganismspink to red
Global Trade Item Number
Katalogové číslo GTIN
1092611000 04022536112701
1092612500 04022536557410