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109701 Test pro stanovení kyanidů

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Katalogové čísloBalení ks/bal.
1097010001 Lepenková krabice 100 tests
Catalogue Number109701
OverviewThe method corresponds to DIN 38405-13 and is analogous to ISO 6703, EPA 335.2, APHA 4500-CN- E, and ASTM D2036-09 D.

This Spectroquant® Cyanide Reagent Test allows the accurate quantification of the free and readily liberated cyanide content in aqueous samples.

Method applied: Cyanide ions react with a chlorinating agent to form cyanogen chloride. In a follow-up reaction with 1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid in the presence of pyridine a violet dye (König reaction) is formed which is determined photometrically (only free cyanide. For readily liberated cyanide samples must be decomposed by digestion).

The Spectroquant® Reagent Test Kits contain highly stable, ready-to-use reagent mixtures to perform the analysis according to the procedure described in the accompanying instruction leaflet.

All our Cell and Reagent Test Kits are equipped with the unique Live ID which allows seamless method recognition and contains essential information such as lot number, expiry date, and automatic calibration updates.
Product Information
HS Code3822 19 90
Quality LevelMQ100
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s)
Hazard Pictogram(s)
Hazard Statement(s)H290: Může být korozivní pro kovy.
H314: Způsobuje těžké poleptání kůže a poškození očí.
H335: Může způsobit podráždění dýchacích cest.
H412: Škodlivý pro vodní organismy, s dlouhodobými účinky.
Precautionary Statement(s)P234: Uchovávejte pouze v původním balení.
P261: Zamezte vdechování mlhy/ par.
P273: Zabraňte uvolnění do životního prostředí.
P280: Používejte ochranné rukavice/ ochranný oděv/ ochranné brýle/ obličejový štít/ ochranu sluchu.
P303 + P361 + P353: PŘI STYKU S KŮŽÍ (nebo s vlasy): Veškeré kontaminované části oděvu okamžitě svlékněte. Opláchněte kůži vodou.
P305 + P351 + P338: PŘI ZASAŽENÍ OČÍ: Několik minut opatrně vyplachujte vodou. Vyjměte kontaktní čočky, jsou-li nasazeny a pokud je lze vyjmout snadno. Pokračujte ve vyplachování.
Signal WordNebezpečí
Storage class8A Hořlavé, leptavé nebezpečné látky
WGKWGK 2 významně ohrožuje vodní prostředí
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
StorageSkladovat od +15°C až +25°C.
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 3316 Chemie-Testsatz, 9, II
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 3316 CHEMICAL KIT, 9, II
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 3316 CHEMICAL KIT, 9, II
Supplemental Information
Global Trade Item Number
Katalogové číslo GTIN
1097010001 04022536638645


Test pro stanovení kyanidů MSDS


Safety Data Sheet (SDS) 

Test pro stanovení kyanidů Certificates of Analysis

Katalogové číslo BaleníSpecifikaceČíslo šarže
1097010001 Lepenková krabiceSpecifikující dokument ve formátu PDF

Technical Info

Programming data for Spectrophotometer and Spectroquant Test Kits

Data Sheet

Data Sheet (CoQ) - 1.09701

User Guides

Analytical Procedures and Appendices Spectroquant Prove 300
Analytical Procedures and Appendices Spectroquant®Prove 600
Manual Spectroquant Multy - Operating manual
Manual Spectroquant®Prove Connect to Dashboard - English
Manual Spectroquant®Prove Connect to LIMS - English
Quick Guide Spectroquant Photometer NOVA 60A (EN, DE, FR, ES, IT)
User Guide (IFU) - 1.09701

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Analytics and Sample Preparation > Test Kits and Photometric Methods > Areas of Application > Drinking Water > Cyanide
Analytics and Sample Preparation > Test Kits and Photometric Methods > Areas of Application > Waste Water > Cyanide
Analytics and Sample Preparation > Test Kits and Photometric Methods > Base Parameters from A to Z > Cyanide
Analytics and Sample Preparation > Test Kits and Photometric Methods > Instrumental Test Systems for Quantitative Analyses > Photometric Measurements, Spectroquant® System > Spectroquant® Tests
Analytics and Sample Preparation > Test Kits and Photometric Methods > Areas of Application > Environment > Cyanide
Analytics and Sample Preparation > Test Kits and Photometric Methods > Areas of Application > Electroplating > Cyanide
Analytics and Sample Preparation > Test Kits and Photometric Methods > Areas of Application > Groundwater, Surface Water > Cyanide
Analytics and Sample Preparation > Test Kits and Photometric Methods > Areas of Application > Disposal Drainage Water > Cyanide
Analytics and Sample Preparation > Test Kits and Photometric Methods > Areas of Application > Mineral Water > Cyanide