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101697 Benzonase®



Katalogové čísloBalení ks/bal.
1016970001 Hliníková tuba 500000 u
1016970010 Plastová láhev 5000000 u
Catalogue Number101697
Product Information
HS Code3507 90 90
Quality LevelMQ500
Physicochemical Information
pH value8.0 (H₂O, 25 °C)
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Ostatní kapalné a tuhé látky
WGKWGK 2 významně ohrožuje vodní prostředí
Storage and Shipping Information
StorageSkladovat od -10°C až -25°C.
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDKein Gefahrgut
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1845 , 9,
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1845 , 9,
Appearance (description)clear
Appearance (color)colorless
Activity (DNA; pH 8.0; 30 min; 37 °C)≥ 250 U/µl
Spec. activity (calc. on protein)≥ 1.1E+06 U/mg
Identity (electrophoresis)passes test
Purity (calc. on protein)≥ 99.0 %
Proteasesnot detectable
Al (Aluminium)≤ 50 ppm
Co (Cobalt)*≤ 0.5 ppm
Cr (Chromium)*≤ 110 ppm
Cu (Copper)*≤ 30 ppm
Fe (Iron)≤ 130 ppm
Mn (Manganese)≤ 25 ppm
Mo (Molybdenum)*≤ 150 ppm
Ni (Nickel)*≤ 2 ppm
Zn (Zinc)≤ 130 ppm
Residual solvents (ICH Q3C)excluded by production process
Colony count (aerobic bacteria)≤ 10 CFU in 100 000 U
Colony count (Yeasts and moulds)≤ 10 CFU in 100 000 U
Endotoxines (LAL-test)≤ 0.25 EU in 1000 U
Elemental impurity specifications have been set considering ICH Q3D (Guideline for Elemental Impurities). Class 1-3 elements are not
likely to be present above the ICH Q3D option 1 limit, unless specified and indicated (*).
Global Trade Item Number
Katalogové číslo GTIN
1016970001 04022536023717
1016970010 04022536654966