Highly efficient direct conversion of human fibroblasts to neuronal cells by chemical compounds. Dai, P; Harada, Y; Takamatsu, T Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition
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Direct conversion of mammalian fibroblasts into induced neuronal (iN) cells has been attained by forced expression of pro-neural transcriptional factors, or by combining defined factors with either microRNAs or small molecules. Here, we show that neuronal cells can be converted from postnatal human fibroblasts into cell populations with neuronal purities of up to greater than 80% using a combination of six chemical compounds. The chemical compound-induced neuronal cells (CiNCs) express neuron-specific proteins and functional neuron markers. The efficiency of CiNCs is unaffected by either the donor's age or cellular senescence (passage number). We propose this chemical direct converting strategy as a potential approach for highly efficient generation of neuronal cells from human fibroblasts for such uses as in neural disease modeling and regenerative medicine. | | | 26060345
Regulation of density of functional presynaptic terminals by local energy supply. Zhou, H; Liu, G Molecular brain
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The density of functional synapses is an important parameter in determining the efficacy of synaptic transmission. However, how functional presynaptic terminal density is regulated under natural physiological conditions is still poorly understood.We studied the factors controlling the density of presynaptic functional terminals at single dendritic branches of hippocampal neurons and found that elevation of intracellular Mg(2+) concentration was effective in increasing the density of functional terminals. Interestingly, the upregulation was not due to synaptogenesis, but to the conversion of a considerable proportion of presynaptic terminals from nonfunctional to functional. Mechanistic studies revealed that the nonfunctional terminals had inadequate Ca(2+)-sensitivity-related proteins, resulting in very low Ca(2+) sensitivity within their vesicle release machinery. We identified energy-dependent axonal transport as a primary factor controlling the amount of Ca(2+)-sensitivity-related proteins in terminals. The elevation of intracellular Mg(2+) enhanced local energy supply and promoted the increase of Ca(2+)-sensitivity-related proteins in terminals, leading to increased functional terminal density.Our study suggests that local energy supply plays a critical role in controlling the density of functional presynaptic terminals, demonstrating the link between energy supply and efficacy of synaptic transmission. | | | 26184109
Cerebellar cortical lamination and foliation require cyclin A2. Otero, JJ; Kalaszczynska, I; Michowski, W; Wong, M; Gygli, PE; Gokozan, HN; Griveau, A; Odajima, J; Czeisler, C; Catacutan, FP; Murnen, A; Schüller, U; Sicinski, P; Rowitch, D Developmental biology
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The mammalian genome encodes two A-type cyclins, which are considered potentially redundant yet essential regulators of the cell cycle. Here, we tested requirements for cyclin A1 and cyclin A2 function in cerebellar development. Compound conditional loss of cyclin A1/A2 in neural progenitors resulted in severe cerebellar hypoplasia, decreased proliferation of cerebellar granule neuron progenitors (CGNP), and Purkinje (PC) neuron dyslamination. Deletion of cyclin A2 alone showed an identical phenotype, demonstrating that cyclin A1 does not compensate for cyclin A2 loss in neural progenitors. Cyclin A2 loss lead to increased apoptosis at early embryonic time points but not at post-natal time points. In contrast, neural progenitors of the VZ/SVZ did not undergo increased apoptosis, indicating that VZ/SVZ-derived and rhombic lip-derived progenitor cells show differential requirements to cyclin A2. Conditional knockout of cyclin A2 or the SHH proliferative target Nmyc in CGNP also resulted in PC neuron dyslamination. Although cyclin E1 has been reported to compensate for cyclin A2 function in fibroblasts and is upregulated in cyclin A2 null cerebella, cyclin E1 expression was unable to compensate for loss-of cyclin A2 function. | Western Blotting | | 24184637
A family of nonclassical class I MHC genes contributes to ultrasensitive chemodetection by mouse vomeronasal sensory neurons. Leinders-Zufall, T; Ishii, T; Chamero, P; Hendrix, P; Oboti, L; Schmid, A; Kircher, S; Pyrski, M; Akiyoshi, S; Khan, M; Vaes, E; Zufall, F; Mombaerts, P The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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The mouse vomeronasal organ (VNO) has a pivotal role in chemical communication. The vomeronasal sensory neuroepithelium consists of distinct populations of vomeronasal sensory neurons (VSNs). A subset of VSNs, with cell bodies in the basal part of the basal layer, coexpress Vmn2r G-protein-coupled receptor genes with H2-Mv genes, a family of nine nonclassical class I major histocompatibility complex genes. The in vivo, physiological roles of the H2-Mv gene family remain mysterious more than a decade after the discovery of combinatorial H2-Mv gene expression in VSNs. Here, we have taken a genetic approach and have deleted the 530 kb cluster of H2-Mv genes in the mouse germline by chromosome engineering. Homozygous mutant mice (ΔH2Mv mice) are viable and fertile. There are no major anatomical defects in their VNO and accessory olfactory bulb (AOB). Their VSNs can be stimulated with chemostimuli (peptides and proteins) to the same maximum responses as VSNs of wild-type mice, but require much higher concentrations. This physiological phenotype is displayed at the single-cell level and is cell autonomous: single V2rf2-expressing VSNs, which normally coexpress H2-Mv genes, display a decreased sensitivity to a peptide ligand in ΔH2Mv mice, whereas single V2r1b-expressing VSNs, which do not coexpress H2-Mv genes, show normal sensitivity to a peptide ligand in ΔH2Mv mice. Consistent with the greatly decreased VSN sensitivity, ΔH2Mv mice display pronounced deficits in aggressive and sexual behaviors. Thus, H2-Mv genes are not absolutely essential for the generation of physiological responses, but are required for ultrasensitive chemodetection by a subset of VSNs. | | | 24719092
High content image analysis identifies novel regulators of synaptogenesis in a high-throughput RNAi screen of primary neurons. Nieland, TJ; Logan, DJ; Saulnier, J; Lam, D; Johnson, C; Root, DE; Carpenter, AE; Sabatini, BL PloS one
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The formation of synapses, the specialized points of chemical communication between neurons, is a highly regulated developmental process fundamental to establishing normal brain circuitry. Perturbations of synapse formation and function causally contribute to human developmental and degenerative neuropsychiatric disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, intellectual disability, and autism spectrum disorders. Many genes controlling synaptogenesis have been identified, but lack of facile experimental systems has made systematic discovery of regulators of synaptogenesis challenging. Thus, we created a high-throughput platform to study excitatory and inhibitory synapse development in primary neuronal cultures and used a lentiviral RNA interference library to identify novel regulators of synapse formation. This methodology is broadly applicable for high-throughput screening of genes and drugs that may rescue or improve synaptic dysfunction associated with cognitive function and neurological disorders. | Immunofluorescence | | 24633176
Gp120 in the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus-associated pain. Yuan, SB; Shi, Y; Chen, J; Zhou, X; Li, G; Gelman, BB; Lisinicchia, JG; Carlton, SM; Ferguson, MR; Tan, A; Sarna, SK; Tang, SJ Annals of neurology
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Chronic pain is a common neurological comorbidity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 infection, but the etiological cause remains elusive. The objective of this study was to identify the HIV-1 causal factor that critically contributes to the pathogenesis of HIV-associated pain.We first compared the levels of HIV-1 proteins in postmortem tissues of the spinal cord dorsal horn (SDH) from HIV-1/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients who developed chronic pain (pain-positive HIV-1 patients) and HIV-1 patients who did not develop chronic pain (pain-negative HIV-1 patients). Then we used the HIV-1 protein that was specifically increased in the pain-positive patients to generate mouse models. Finally, we performed comparative analyses on the pathological changes in the models and the HIV-1 patients.We found that HIV-1 gp120 was significantly higher in pain-positive HIV-1 patients (vs pain-negative HIV-1 patients). This finding suggested that gp120 was a potential causal factor of the HIV-associated pain. To test this hypothesis, we used a mouse model generated by intrathecal injection of gp120 and compared the pathologies of the model and the pain-positive human HIV-1 patients. The results showed that the mouse model and pain-positive human HIV-1 patients developed extensive similarities in their pathological phenotypes, including pain behaviors, peripheral neuropathy, glial reactivation, synapse degeneration, and aberrant activation of pain-related signaling pathways in the SDH.Our findings suggest that gp120 may critically contribute to the pathogenesis of HIV-associated pain. | | | 24633867
Generation of neural progenitor cells by chemical cocktails and hypoxia. Cheng, L; Hu, W; Qiu, B; Zhao, J; Yu, Y; Guan, W; Wang, M; Yang, W; Pei, G Cell research
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Neural progenitor cells (NPCs) can be induced from somatic cells by defined factors. Here we report that NPCs can be generated from mouse embryonic fibroblasts by a chemical cocktail, namely VCR (V, VPA, an inhibitor of HDACs; C, CHIR99021, an inhibitor of GSK-3 kinases and R, Repsox, an inhibitor of TGF-β pathways), under a physiological hypoxic condition. These chemical-induced NPCs (ciNPCs) resemble mouse brain-derived NPCs regarding their proliferative and self-renewing abilities, gene expression profiles, and multipotency for different neuroectodermal lineages in vitro and in vivo. Further experiments reveal that alternative cocktails with inhibitors of histone deacetylation, glycogen synthase kinase, and TGF-β pathways show similar efficacies for ciNPC induction. Moreover, ciNPCs can also be induced from mouse tail-tip fibroblasts and human urinary cells with the same chemical cocktail VCR. Thus our study demonstrates that lineage-specific conversion of somatic cells to NPCs could be achieved by chemical cocktails without introducing exogenous factors. | | | 24638034
Dopaminergic-like neurons derived from oral mucosa stem cells by developmental cues improve symptoms in the hemi-parkinsonian rat model. Ganz, J; Arie, I; Buch, S; Zur, TB; Barhum, Y; Pour, S; Araidy, S; Pitaru, S; Offen, D PloS one
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Achieving safe and readily accessible sources for cell replacement therapy in Parkinson's disease (PD) is still a challenging unresolved issue. Recently, a primitive neural crest stem cell population (hOMSC) was isolated from the adult human oral mucosa and characterized in vitro and in vivo. In this study we assessed hOMSC ability to differentiate into dopamine-secreting cells with a neuronal-dopaminergic phenotype in vitro in response to dopaminergic developmental cues and tested their therapeutic potential in the hemi-Parkinsonian rat model. We found that hOMSC express constitutively a repertoire of neuronal and dopaminergic markers and pivotal transcription factors. Soluble developmental factors induced a reproducible neuronal-like morphology in the majority of hOMSC, downregulated stem cells markers, upregulated the expression of the neuronal and dopaminergic markers that resulted in dopamine release capabilities. Transplantation of these dopaminergic-induced hOMSC into the striatum of hemi-Parkinsonian rats improved their behavioral deficits as determined by amphetamine-induced rotational behavior, motor asymmetry and motor coordination tests. Human TH expressing cells and increased levels of dopamine in the transplanted hemispheres were observed 10 weeks after transplantation. These results demonstrate for the first time that soluble factors involved in the development of DA neurons, induced a DA phenotype in hOMSC in vitro that significantly improved the motor function of hemiparkinsonian rats. Based on their neural-related origin, their niche accessibility by minimal-invasive procedures and their propensity for DA differentiation, hOMSC emerge as an attractive tool for autologous cell replacement therapy in PD. | | | 24945922
Novel cell types, neurosecretory cells, and body plan of the early-diverging metazoan Trichoplax adhaerens. Smith, CL; Varoqueaux, F; Kittelmann, M; Azzam, RN; Cooper, B; Winters, CA; Eitel, M; Fasshauer, D; Reese, TS Current biology : CB
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Trichoplax adhaerens is the best-known member of the phylum Placozoa, one of the earliest-diverging metazoan phyla. It is a small disk-shaped animal that glides on surfaces in warm oceans to feed on algae. Prior anatomical studies of Trichoplax revealed that it has a simple three-layered organization with four somatic cell types.We reinvestigate the cellular organization of Trichoplax using advanced freezing and microscopy techniques to identify localize and count cells. Six somatic cell types are deployed in stereotyped positions. A thick ventral plate, comprising the majority of the cells, includes ciliated epithelial cells, newly identified lipophil cells packed with large lipid granules, and gland cells. Lipophils project deep into the interior, where they alternate with regularly spaced fiber cells whose branches contact all other cell types, including cells of the dorsal and ventral epithelium. Crystal cells, each containing a birefringent crystal, are arrayed around the rim. Gland cells express several proteins typical of neurosecretory cells, and a subset of them, around the rim, also expresses an FMRFamide-like neuropeptide.Structural analysis of Trichoplax with significantly improved techniques provides an advance in understanding its cell types and their distributions. We find two previously undetected cell types, lipohil and crystal cells, and an organized body plan in which different cell types are arranged in distinct patterns. The composition of gland cells suggests that they are neurosecretory cells and could control locomotor and feeding behavior. | | | 24954051
The X-linked mental retardation protein OPHN1 interacts with Homer1b/c to control spine endocytic zone positioning and expression of synaptic potentiation. Nakano-Kobayashi, A; Tai, Y; Nadif Kasri, N; Van Aelst, L The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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At glutamatergic synapses, local endocytic recycling of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) is important for the supply of a mobile pool of AMPARs required for synaptic potentiation. This local recycling of AMPARs critically relies on the presence of an endocytic zone (EZ) near the postsynaptic density (PSD). The precise mechanisms that couple the EZ to the PSD still remain largely elusive, with the large GTPase Dynamin-3 and the multimeric PSD adaptor protein Homer1 as the two main players identified. Here, we demonstrate that a physical interaction between the X-linked mental retardation protein oligophrenin-1 (OPHN1) and Homer1b/c is crucial for the positioning of the EZ adjacent to the PSD, and present evidence that this interaction is important for OPHN1's role in controlling activity-dependent strengthening of excitatory synapses in the rat hippocampus. Disruption of the OPHN1-Homer1b/c interaction causes a displacement of EZs from the PSD, along with impaired AMPAR recycling and reduced AMPAR accumulation at synapses, in both basal conditions and conditions that can induce synaptic potentiation. Together, our findings unveil a novel role for OPHN1 as an interaction partner of Homer1b/c in spine EZ positioning, and provide new mechanistic insight into how genetic deficits in OPHN1 can lead to impaired synapse maturation and plasticity. | | | 24966368