Myosin expression in semitendinosus muscle during fetal development of cattle: immunocytochemical and electrophoretic analyses. Robelin, J, et al. Reprod. Nutr. Dev., 33: 25-41 (1993)
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The pattern of expression of different types of myosin and the development of different muscle cell populations were studied in the semitendinosus muscle of cattle from 39 d of gestation to 30 d of post-natal life. Monoclonal antibodies specific to different myosin heavy chains were used. Two cell generations were identified during myogenesis. They appeared successively and were characterized by different patterns of expression of myosins. The first population, which was present from the first stage studied (39 d of gestation), gave rise to type I fibers, which, in the mature animal, express only slow myosin. A second generation became differentiated at about 120 d of fetal life and then developed into type II fibers (IIa, IIb or IIc). The beginning of differentiation was characterized in all the cell populations by the expression of specific types of embryonic or fetal myosins. A comparison of these results with findings from previous works shows a marked similarity between species in the pattern of myogenesis but great differences in the length of the different stages of development. In this respect, myogenesis in cattle closely resembles that in man. | 8447941
Anti-myosin heavy chain monoclonal antibodies reveal two IIB (fast) fiber subtypes. Marini, J F, et al. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 37: 1721-9 (1989)
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Indirect immunofluorescence analysis of different rat skeletal muscles using anti-myosin heavy chain (MHC) monoclonal antibodies (MAb) revealed the presence of two immunologically distinct kinds of fibers within the IIB fibers, histochemically identified by myosin ATPase staining. Some IIB fibers (designated here as IIB1) were unreactive with one anti-fast MHC MAb, whereas they did react with another anti-fast MHC MAb; other IIB fibers (designated here as IIB2) reacted with both anti-fast MAbs. Neither of the two IIB fiber subtypes was significantly reactive with a neonatal MHC MAb. The number of each IIB fiber subtype was age-dependent, at least in the plantaris muscle. IIB1 fibers were observed only in the superficial portion of the plantaris and gastrocnemius muscle. The ratio of IIB1:IIB2 fibers was about the same throughout the extensor digitorum longus and extraocular muscles. Therefore, the two kinds of IIB fibers here observed have a different myosin heavy chain content. On the basis of their specific immunoreactivities, we suggest that IIB1 fibers contain the previously described MHCB. IIB2 fibers contain either a unique new MHC isoform or a mixture of at least two MHC, possibly composed of the MHCB and either the previously described MHCA or a new MHC isoform. | 2530269