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132657 Sada pro barvení alciáno modří, pH 2,5

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Katalogové čísloBalení ks/bal.
1326570001 Lepenková krabice 1 set
Catalogue Number132657
DescriptionAlcian blue staining kit, pH 2,5
OverviewAlcian blue pH 2.5 - for the detection of acidic mucosubstances - for microscopy, is a ready-to-use staining kit used to stain acidic mucopolysaccharides in human-histological specimen materials, for example histological sections of e. g. the intestine or stomach. Acidic mucosubstances are selectively stained in the tissue, after which the specimen is counterstained with nuclear fast red. An Acetic acid-Alcian blue solution is used for the staining, whereby carboxylated and sulfatic proteoglycans are selectively stained when a pH of 2.5 is applied. The differentiation between carboxyl and sulfate groups is only possible at pH 1. Counterstaining takes place with a nuclear fast red/aluminium sulfate solution. The package is sufficient for approx. 2500 applications. This product is registered as IVD and CE marked. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
Product Information
HS Code3212 90 00
Quality LevelMQ400
Applicationfor the detection of acidic mucosubstance for microscopy
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Hazard Statement(s)H318: Způsobuje vážné poškození očí.
Precautionary Statement(s)P280: Používejte ochranné brýle/ obličejový štít.
P305 + P351 + P338: PŘI ZASAŽENÍ OČÍ: Několik minut opatrně vyplachujte vodou. Vyjměte kontaktní čočky, jsou-li nasazeny a pokud je lze vyjmout snadno. Pokračujte ve vyplachování.
Storage class10 - 13 Ostatní kapalné a tuhé látky
WGKWGK 2 významně ohrožuje vodní prostředí
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
StorageSkladovat od +15°C až +25°C.
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Supplemental Information
Global Trade Item Number
Katalogové číslo GTIN
1326570001 04054839999949