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MultiScreen® Deep Well and MultiScreen Solvinert Filter Plates



Información para pedidos

Placas de filtración MultiScreen Deep Well SolvinertBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaQuímica Tamaño de envase
MDRLN0410PTFE hidrófilo 10 Precios y disponibilidad

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AccesoriosBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónTamaño de envase
MSVMHTS00Colector de vacío MultiScreenHTS 1 Precios y disponibilidad

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Referencias bibliográficas

Visión general referenciasAplicación
LC–MS-MS Total Drug Analysis of Biological Samples Using a High-Throughput Protein Precipitation Method
Bogdan Sleczka, Jian Wang, and Timothy Olah, Bristol-Myers Squibb Bioanalytical and Discovery Analytical Sciences, Princeton, New Jersey
LC-GC, Volume 24 Number 7 July 2006  2005

Assessment of filter plates for multi-well in-gel digestion of proteins separated by polyacrylamide gel elelctrophoresis to identify them with LC-ESI/MSMS
Kazuhisa Kameyama, Tomohiro Nanri, Yuko Yamanaka, Mikikio Arima, Hiroshi Kawasaki
Journal Electrophoresis. 2005; 49, 71-75  2004

Mass Spectrometry

Preguntas frecuentes

What is the maximum volume that should be used with the MultiScreen Deep Well filter plate?The maximum recommended volume to be used with the MultiScreen Deep Well filter plate is 1.8 mL (1.5 mL with shaking).
Should the MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plate be used with vacuum or centrifuge?The MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plate with both vacuum and centrifuge. However, vacuum should not be used with volitile solvents (e.g., TFA).
At what g force should the MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plates be spun?The MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plates should be spun at 500-3,000 x g.
What is the active membrane surface area of the MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plate?The active membrane surface area of the MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plate is 0.28cm2.
What is the extractables level for the MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well filter plate?The extractables level of the MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plates is extremely low, making this product ideal for processing samples to be analyzed by HPLC or LC/MS/MS.
When I wet out the membranes in the MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plate they become translucent. Is this normal?Yes, this is completely normal and expected.
Is the MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plate automation compatible?Yes, the MultiScreen Solvinert Deep Well plate is automation compatible.
When using the MultiScreen Solvinert or Solvinert Deep Well for Total Drug Analysis, can I add the serum all at once to each well? Why do I have to drip the serum in slowly for the manual procedure?Slow addition of the serum to each well allows for maximum surface area exposure of the plasma with the acetonitrile. Subsequent mixing of the solution provides for complete dispersion of the plasma into the acetonitrile thus allowing complete protein precipitation.
When using the MultiScreen Solvinert or Solvinert Deep Well for Total Drug Analysis, why does the protocol require 90% acetonitrile? Can I use 100% acetonitrile?The specific density of acetonitrile and plasma are rather different, which can lead to incomplete mixing. Prewetting of the acetonitriile with 10% water improves mixing and allows for complete integration of the plasma/serum into the acetonitrile.
When using the MultiScreen Solvinert or Solvinert Deep Well plate for Total Drug Analysis, how fast should I shake the plate after adding the serum/plasma and acetonitrile to each well? At what setting should my plate shaker be set?It is recommended to shake the plate as fast as possible without spilling the solution from the wells. With the clear wells of the Solvinert Deep Well plate it is easy to see the level of the solution in the wells as it shakes. Simply turn the dial of the plate shaker up until the solution is approaching the top of the wells. It has been our experience that plate shakers can have different gauge settings, and even the same setting on different plates can have different actual rates.

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Life Science Research > Cell Culture and Systems > Cell Culture Flasks, Plates, & Slides > Multiwell Plates