Millipore Sigma Vibrant Logo

Purificación de la reacción de secuenciación

Provide efficient, centrifugation-free sequencing reaction cleanup in 96-well plate and 384-well plate formats.



Información para pedidos

Equipo necesarioBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónTamaño de envase
MSVMHTS00Colector de vacío MultiScreenHTS 1 Precios y disponibilidad
WP6111560Bomba de servicio químico, 115 V/60 Hz 1 Precios y disponibilidad
WP6122050Bomba de servicio químico, 220 V/50 Hz 1 Precios y disponibilidad
WP6110060Bomba de servicio químico, 100 V/50–60 Hz 1 Precios y disponibilidad
SLFG05010Unidad de filtración Millex-FG; 0,20 µm, PTFE hidrófobo, 50 mm 10 Precios y disponibilidad

El colector de vacío MultiScreen384 puede utilizarse con placas de filtración de 96 y 384 pocillos

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Referencias bibliográficas

Visión general referencias
Gene-scan method for the recognition of carriers and patients with p47phox-deficient autosomal recessive chronic granulomatous disease.
Jan Dekker, Martin de Boer and Dirk Roos; Experimental Hematology 29 (11): 1319-1325
Experimental Hematology 29 (11): 1319-1325  2001

Preguntas frecuentes

When using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit, how should I set up my sequencing reactions?Our definition of reaction scale:
A 1X reaction always uses 8 ul of BigDye or ET Terminator reagent
Irrespective of final reaction volume
1/2 = 4 ul BigDye Mix
1/4 = 2 ul
1/8th = 1 ul

Composition of a 1/8th reaction in 5 ul:
BigDye mix 1 ul
5 pmoles primer 1 ul
5X bulking buffer* 0.5 ul
100 ng plasmid template 2 ul

Milli-Q water q.s.p.
Total reaction volume 5 ul

*5X bulking buffer- 400 mM TrisHCl, pH 9.0; 10 mM MgCl2

nota bene: BigDye mix, primer, 5X bulking buffer and water are typically mixed together (i.e., “cocktail”) in a larger volume, and then 3 ul of the cocktail is dispensed to all 384 wells of the thermal cycling plate before adding template. This alleviates the need for dispensing sub-microliter quantities.

We rely on the convection of thermal cycling to mix the template with the cocktail, rather than aspirating to mix, and thereby risking the introduction of bubbles or splattering.
How much template should I add when using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit?Irrespective of reaction scale, our suggestion is 50-150 ng of plasmid template or 5-10 fmol of PCR product template. The amount of template and primer present is proportional to the amount of sequencing product synthesized in the reaction. Do not proportionately scale down the amount of template and primer as you miniaturize.
When using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit, why should I resuspend in Injection Solution vs. Water?We recommend injection solution for electrokinetic injection. Water does generate higher signal strength for miniaturized reactions, but it is also more difficult to control the electrokinetic injection from water, particularly using MegaBACE. Please also see considerations for injection parameters under "When using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit, what are the optimal injection parameters?".

Injection solution attenuates the electrokinetic injection on MegaBACE and results in more even migration of the sequencing products. Additionally, injection solution widens the range of acceptable template concentration for DNA sequencing, both with the ABI 3700 and the MegaBACE 1000.

We do not suggest resuspension in formamide. If you are using a slab gel, the samples should be resuspended in water, transferred into a separate thermal cycling plate, and vacuum-dried before resuspension in formamide loading buffer. For use with the 3100 and 3100 Avant, resuspend the samples in 25uL injection solution, transfer to the injection plate, and add 50% (v/v) of formamide. Cover plate with rubber mat and put onto sequencer.
How do you control evaporation when using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit?When thermal cycling in volumes less than 5 ul, evaporation can become a problem. We have found that 384 well thermal cycling plates are considerably better than 96 well thermal cycling plates for cycling small reactions. After cycling, we dilute with injection solution prior to transferring to the Montage SEQ plate. This ensures complete volumetric transfer of the small sequencing reaction volumes.
When using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit, what causes loss of short sequencing products? How do I prevent it? Extended over-drying (2-3 min) of the Montage SEQ membrane during vacuum filtration or processing can cause the loss of short sequencing products. Tailing of C peaks (BigDye v. 3.0 chemistry) or tailing of G peaks (BigDye v. 1.0 and 2.0 chemistry) is further evidence of overdrying. The wells should go visibly empty during vacuum filtration, and optimally, filtration should proceed 30-60 seconds after the fluid in the last well disappears. Blotting of the underside of the plate should be brief and light. The plates should not be left standing on absorbent materials during any stage of processing, since this can cause liquid to wick through the membrane support material on the underside of the plate, and excessively over-dry the samples.

Extensive washing can also cause loss of short sequencing products. Using injection solution for washing and resuspension also appears to be better than water for recovering short sequencing products.
When using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit, why do you suggest BigDye v. 3.0?Our Phred and cross-match analyses consistently suggest that the use of BigDye v. 3.0 results in significantly longer, more accurate reads than any other dye terminator sequencing chemistry. Also, for those facilities where reagent cost reduction is an important consideration, BigDye v. 3.0 is more amenable to miniaturization than other dye terminator chemistries.
How do I automate using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit?There is a range of automation options available. Liquid handlers such as the Beckman MultiMek, Tomtec Quadra 96 and Robbins Hydra offer a workstation approach. Because of the footprint of the vacuum manifold base matches a standard microplate, the manifold fits easily onto the decks of several liquid handlers. Multiple vacuum manifolds can be placed on one liquid handler and processed in parallel for facilities requiring higher throughput. Programs and full automation support are available on certain instruments through Millipore (Check for updates).
When using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit, my signal strength is weak. Why?Inadequate resuspension and overdrying are the primary reasons for weak signal.

There are 3 options for resuspension of sequencing products:
1. Pipetting resuspension - Vigorous pipetting up and down is important with this method. See note below.
2 Shaking resuspension - Shake vigorously for 10 min on a plate shaker.
3. Passive resuspension - After dispensing injection solution for resuspension into each well, sequencing product will diffuse passively off the surface within 45 min at room temperature.

Pipetting resuspension- Please first verify that the plane of the tips is parallel with the plane of the deck. If you are resuspending by pipetting, adjust your pipettor just above the surface of the membrane. During set-up, this can be accomplished by stepping the pipetting head in small increments toward the membrane surface and then attempting to gently lift the SEQ plate. If the pipette tips are touching the membrane uniformly you will be unable to lift any of the corners or sides of the SEQ plates. Once the plate is unmovable, raise the pipetting head slightly, and then confirm the plate is vertically movable. The pipette tips should be positioned approximately 1 mm from the membrane surface.

A secondary, but less frequent of low signal cause can be inadequate template, this appears to be more of an issue with the BigDye v.3.0 chemistry which was evidently re-formulated to generate a greater proportion of longer sequencing products. Increasing the amount of template added by 1.5 to 2-fold can also increase the proportion of shorter sequencing products.
When using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit, why do I see short or poor quality reads?Too little primer or too much template can result top heavy sequence characterized by strong signal at the beginning of the electropherogram and faint signal toward the end. This is sometimes better visualized on the raw trace. Over-drying can also impact the quality of the read. Poor template quality can also impact the quality of the reads. We suggest the use of Millipore products to purify your templates, and to help realize the full potential of your DNA sequencer.
When using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit, why do I see low signal in one or more channel?Dye blobs (i.e., unincorporated dye terminator peaks) are the most common cause of this artifact. The sequencing analysis algorithm attempts to normalize the signal intensity in all four channels, and if there is a large unincorporated dye terminator peak corresponding to a particular peak, all subsequent peaks of this type will be minimized in the final electropherogram. Examination of the raw traces will indicate whether this is the cause. Ordinarily, the data can be reanalyzed at a start point beyond the artifact peak to alleviate any interference with analysis.

See the FAQ "When using Montage SEQ96 Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Kit, why do I see dye blobs?" to permanently eliminate this problem.

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Life Science Research > Cell Culture and Systems > Cell Culture Flasks, Plates, & Slides > Multiwell Plates