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Minicon® Concentrators

Static concentration of bodily fluids

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Minicon® ConcentratorsBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónLímite de peso molecular nominal (NMWL)VolumenVolumen de concentrado final mínimoTamaño de envase
9051Minicon CS15, 10 células/unidad 15 KDa 2.5 mL 30 µL 50 Precios y disponibilidad

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Referencias bibliográficas

Visión general referenciasAplicación
Development of capillary electrophoresis as an alternative to high resolution agarose electrophoresis for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
Sanders E.; Katzmann J.A.; Clark R.; Oda R.P.; Shihabi Z.; Landers J.P.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 37/1 (37-45) 1999  1998

Clinical Lab
The urinary light-chain ladder pattern a product of improved methodology that may complicate the recognition of Bence Jones proteinuria
Bailey, Elizabeth M et al.
Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine July, 1993; Original Article: p707|  1992

Clinical Lab
An effective concentration method for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)
Takasaki T; Sano K; Tanaka E; Morimatsu S; Kifune K; Tsurutani R; Nakai M; Yamaguchi J
Kansenshogaku zasshi; 66 (5) p579-83, May 1992  1992

Clinical Lab
Two cases of not determined G1M1-2-3 antigens of the serum in cases of urinary bladder cancer and angiomyolipoma
Nozawa E. et al.,Research and Practice in Forensic Medicine 33 (0). 1990. 77-80
Research and Practice in Forensic Medicine 33 (0). 1990. 77-80  1990

Immunoidentification of Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidis With Commercial Exoantigen Reagents; Effect of Culture Age
Body, Barbara A et al.
Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine May, 1988; 112: 519-522  1987

Periorbital Cellulitis; Clinical and Laboratory Findings in 146 Episodes, Including Tear Countercurrent Immunoelectrophoresis in 89 Episodes
Powell, Keith R. et al.
American Journal of Diseases of Children August, 1988; 142: 853-857  1987

Effect of Long-term Azathioprine Administration in Adults With Minimal-Change Glomerulonephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome Resistant to Corticosteroids
,Copyright 1986 American Medical Association
Copyright 1986 American Medical Association  1986

Clinical Lab
Concentration of cerebrospinal fluid does not affect immunoglobulin G oligoclonal banding patterns
Shapshak P. et al.,Electrophoresis 6 (10). 1985. 504-508
Electrophoresis 6 (10). 1985. 504-508  1985

Clinical Lab, Protein Concentration, Protein Desalting
Concentrating of urinary proteins with minicon B15 concentrators
Alt J.M.; Maess B.,Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 14/11 (484-486) 1985
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 14/11 (484-486) 1985  1985

Clinical Lab
Isolation from Fusarium-solani-f-sp-phaseoli of an enzymic system responsible for kievitone and phaseolidin de-toxification
Kuhn P J; Smith D A,Physiological Plant Pathology 14 (2). 1979. 179-190
Physiological Plant Pathology 14 (2). 1979. 179-190  1979

Preguntas frecuentes

How can I dispose of a used Minicon device?You can dispose of a Minicon by autoclaving it or incinerating it.
Which Minicon do I use?The Minicon unit you chose should be based on the fluid being processed. See below.

Urine - B15 or Miniplus
Cerebrospinal Fluid - B15 or CS15
Dilute body fluid - A25
What is the molecular weight cut-off of the Minicon unit?The molecular weight cut-off varies with the device. The ratings for the Minicon devices are listed below.
Minicon B15 15,000 Daltons
Minicon CS15 15,000 Daltons
Minicon A25 25,000 Daltons
Miniplus 10,000 Daltons
Will the Minicon unit concentrate to dryness?At about 100x, the membrane has been treated to retard further concentration and accidental reduction to dryness. However, Spinal fluid and other very dilute specimens may occasionally concentrate beyond 100x. To assure recovery of valuable sample, check concentration level periodically and remove concentrate once it has reached 100x. If sample appears to go to dryness, pipette up to 0.5ml of saline or buffer into the sample chamber. Mix concentrate by drawing liquid in and out of a pipette several times before removal from chamber.
What is the Minicon maximum concentration factor?The maximum concentration factor for each device is listed below. Please note: Spinal fluid and other very dilute specimens may occasionally concentrate beyond 80X. To assure recovery of valuable samples, check concentration level periodically and remove concentrate once it has reached 80X.

Minicon B15 - 100x
Minicon CS15 - 80x
Minicon A25 - 20x
Miniplus - 200x
Are the Minicon test results quantitative?No. There is some nonspecific binding of solute on the membrane as well as non-recoverable film loss due to wetting of the chamber that is not recoverable.
Can I use Minicon after its expiration date?It is not recommended. The flow rates will slow down after the expiration date.
Can Minicon be reused?Yes. The unused chambers can be used if a bacteriastat such as sodium azide is added to any used chamber and the Minicon is stored refrigerated.
Can the Minicon cell be refilled? How many times?Yes, the units can be refilled. See the following chart for specific devices. Minicon - B15 2 times Minicon - CS15 2 times Minicon - A25 3 times Miniplus 2 times
Does the Minicon cell have to be pressurized in order to concentrate the sample?No, the absorbent material in the device pulls solvent and microsolute through the ultrafilter, concentrating the sample.