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PCR Cleanup Filter Plates

Remove primers and unincorporated dNTPs in one step



Ordering Information

Filter PlatesClear Sorting & Filtering Show Filter
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack Size
MSNU03010MultiScreen-PCR96 Filter Plate 10 Show Pricing & Availability

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Required EquimentClear Sorting & Filtering Show Filter
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack Size
MSVMHTS00MultiScreenHTS Vacuum Manifold 1 Show Pricing & Availability
WP6111560Chemical Duty Pump, 115 V/60 Hz 1 Show Pricing & Availability
WP6122050Chemical Duty Pump, 220 V/50 Hz 1 Show Pricing & Availability
WP6110060Chemical Duty Pump, 100 V/50–60 Hz 1 Show Pricing & Availability

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Reference overviewApplication
PCR Amplification on a Microarray of Gel-Immobilized Oligonucleotides: Detection of Bacterial Toxin- and Drug-Resistant Genes and Their Mutations
Strizhkov, B.N. Drobyshev, A.L. Mikhailovich, V.M. Mirzabekov, A.D.
BioTechniques 29:844-857  2000

A Concise Guide to cDNA Microarray Analysis
P. Hegde, R. Qi, K. Abernathy, C. Gay, S. Dharap, R. Gaspard, J.E. Hughes, E. Snesrud, N. Lee, and J. Quackenbush
BioTechniques Vol. 29, No. 3: pp 548-562 (Sep 2000)  2000

A specific and sensitive PCR assay suitable for large-scale detection of toxigenic Pasteurella multocida in nasal and tonsillar swabs specimens of pigs
Kamp, E.M. etal., J.Vet Diagn Invest 8:, 304-309
J.Vet Diagn Invest 8:, 304-309  1996

Nucleic Acid Purification and Concentration
Use of MultiScreen Plates for the Preparation of Bacterial DNA Suitable for PCR
Reek, F.H., Smits, M.A., Kamp, E. M., Smith, H.E.
BioTechniques. 19: 2, 282 – 285  1995

Nucleic Acid Purification and Concentration


My recoveries with the MultiScreen384-PCR plate are lower than expected. How can I improve them?Here a few things to check:
  • Make sure the vacuum is set to 10"Hg.
  • For detergent free PCR buffers, dilute sample up to 100ul prior to filtration.
  • Make sure the product is filtered to dryness. This will take at least 15 minutes.
  • Ensure adequate mixing by either automated pipetting or agitation on a shaker.
Will mineral oil be removed by the MultiScreen 384-PCR plate?No. Oil will resuspend with PCR products. All 384 thermocyclers use "Hot Bonnet" technology, however, eliminating the need for oil.
When using the Multiscreen PCR plates, what is the minimum and maximum DNA loading capacity per well?The minimum DNA loading capacity is one microgram per well. There is no upper limit.
What is the minimum recovery volume possible when using the MultiScreen-PCR plates?The minimum recovery volume is 50µl. Use of smaller volumes can be used but will result in a decrease in DNA recovery.
What are the dimensions of the Multiscreen-PCR plate?The plate length is 123.4mm. The plate width is 82.7mm. the plate depth is 14.6mm without the cover. 16.5mm with cover.
When using the Montage kits how can I tell when filtration in the MultiScreen plate is complete?Filtration is complete when the individual wells of the MultiScreen plate are empty and the membranes appears shiny. Filtration usually takes about 10 minutes, depending on starting volume.
What is the DNA binding capacity of the MultiScreen FB for PCR purification?The DNA binding capacity is 4-5ug per well.
When using the Montage PCR-96 kit, what is the recommended procedure for resuspension of PCR fragments post filtration?Avoid manual pipetting. The use of a plate shaker or automated pipettor (on robotic liquid handling system) is highly recommended.
What is the minimum resuspension volume for product recovery from the Montage PCR96 Kit?50 microliters per sample.
What is the maximum binding capacity for DNA in the PCR Product Purification protocol using the MultiScreen-FB plate?The binding capacity of the MultiScreen FB, after treatment with "binding" buffer is 4-5ug of DNA per well.