Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
New Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005/7010/7015 integrated water purification system provides superior quality Type 1 and Type 2 water from tap. With Elix® EDI technology, touchscreens, Q-POD® and E-POD® dispensers, and mercury-free UV lamps, the system will exceed your most demanding expectations.
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...Regulated Instrumental Food Analysis Regulated Instrumental Food Analysis Discover complete solutions for food quality testing * The E-POD® dispenser is available with Milli-Q® Integral and Elix® Advantage systems. --> Let's ensure safe meals ...
Our water purification system accessories incorporate advanced technological developments to guarantee consistent purity of the stored and distributed water.
Several Merck water systems are designed to produce ultrapure (Type 1) water. Some can operate directly from tap (potable) water and others from pure water (Elix®, RiOs™, distilled or DI water).