Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Studying the mechanisms by which cells control changes in DNA structure and respond to DNAdamage will help to elucidate the factors that cause aging, cellular degeneration, cancer, and death. Merck has the antibody solutions you need for your research.
DNAdamage and TUNEL assays are used to examine DNA fragmentation in apoptosis to get some data about DNAdamage as it is related to the apoptotic process.
A Nuclear function is to be home of an entire genome that can physically fit inside the nucleus and to allow the cell to differentiate, divide, and endure environmental stresses while protecting its valuable genetic information.
The ImageStream images and quantifies nuclear foci formed by DNA repair proteins and micronuclei formed during DNAdamage. The powerful combination of quantitative image analysis and flow cytometry in a single platform creates exceptional new experimental capabilities.
Muse signaling assays were developed to give researchers a rapid, simple method for detecting the activation of key signaling pathways in cell populations.
Apoptosis is the ability of tumor cells to elude programmed cell death. Antibodies and Assays are used in many steps of the apoptosis pathway such as: The detection process.
Learn about the environmental factors that can hinder DNA repair. There are many evidence linking genomic and epigenomic changes to disorders involving accelerated aging. Evidence points to general physiological stress and disrupted circadian. It is also possible that decreased DNA repair is also a symptom, not a cause, of aging. To investigate this possibility, researchers will need to examine changes in transcriptional regulators of repair genes, such as ncRNAs, hormones, and other chromatin modulators.
As we age, our stem cells eventually lose their ability to divide and we are unable to replace the stem cells that have migrated, differentiated, or died. As a result, we show outward symbols of aging.
Telomerase attrition expression is silenced in many adult cells, to curb rampant cell proliferation and tumorigenesis, and so telomeres get progressively shorter with age.