Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
We offers unique pluripotent mouse ES cell culture media solutions for mouse embryonic stem cell expansion including: ESGRO mLIF, ESGRO Complete plus medium, and ESGRO 2i medium.
FibroGRO mesenchymal stem cell media is an effective growth media to culture human mesenchymal stem cell from various sources including bone marrow, adipose tissue and umbilical cord.
Neural stem cell media guarantees proper cell proliferation and expansion rates to each neural stem cell line developed with it. Discover its supplements.
Merck, today announced an exclusive agreement to sell recombinant human insulin manufactured by the United Arab Emirates-based pharmaceutical production company Julphar Diabetes.
To satisfy your pluripotent mouse ES cells culture needs, we provide the largest and most comprehensive range of products such as : unique mLIF formulations: ESGRO, PMEF feeder cells, ESGRO Complete Plus, and RESGRO.