Certipur® Secondary Reference Materials in Volumetry |
Proper titer determination is an important prerequisite for accurate and comparable analysis in the titration laboratory. Titration results are influenced by the volumetric solution itself, the measuring temperature, the equipment and the handling. Merck’s Certipur® secondary reference materials for volumetry are the perfect choice for reliable titer determination in order to standardize volumetric solutions.and processes.
Our Certipur® product range for volumetric standards comprises high-purity secondary reference materials for acidimetry, alkalimetry, argentometry, complexometry, iodometry, and redox titration. They are manufactured and extensively tested in compliance with the reagents parts of Pharmacopoeias and measured with the highest possible precision by our ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration lab. All Certipur® volumetric standards are directly traceable to standard reference material from NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, USA). A comprehensive, batch-specific Certificate of Analysis prepared for each product.
Catalog Number | Catalog Name |
102402 | 硫酸乙二铵亚铁四水合物 - (Iron(II) ethylenediammonium sulfate) |
102406 | 氯化钠(实验室用) - (Sodium chloride) |
102404 | 碘酸钾 - (Potassium iodate) |
102409 | 锌粒 - (Zinc) |
102405 | 碳酸钠 - (Sodium carbonate) |
102400 | 邻-苯二甲酸氢钾二级标准品 - (Potassium hydrogen phthalate) |
102401 | 苯甲酸 - (Benzoic acid) |
102403 | 重铬酸钾 - (Potassium dichromate) |
102407 | 草酸钠二级标准品 - (di-Sodium oxalate) |
102410 | 碳酸钙 Certipur® - (Calcium carbonate Certipur®) |
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