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109272 帕氏染色组3b,EA50染色试剂

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产品目录编号包装 数量 / 包装
1.09272.0500 塑胶瓶 500 ml
1.09272.1000 塑胶瓶 1 l
1.09272.2500 塑胶瓶 2.5 l
描述Papanicolaou's solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50
概述Papanicolaou’s solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50 - for cytology, is a ready-to-use solution used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serve the purpose of the cytological investigation of sample material of human origin, for example, gynecological and clinico-cytological specimen materials. Papanicolaou’s technique is the most used staining procedure for cytological specimen is and is intended for the the staining of exfoliative cells in cytological specimens. In the first step, the cell nuclei are stained either progressively or regressively with a hematoxylin solution, (Hematoxylin solution modified Gill II, ( 105175), Papanicolaou’s solution 1a Harris hematoxylin solution, ( 109253) or Papanicolaou’s solution 1b Hematoxylin solution S, ( 109254)). Nuclei are stained blue to dark violet. In the progressive hematoxylin staining method, staining is carried out to the endpoint, after which the slide is blued in tapwater. With the regressive method the material is over-stained and the excess of staining solution is removed by acid rinsing steps, followed by the bluing step. The structures of nuclei are more differentiated and better visible by the regressive method. The second staining step is cytoplasmic staining by orange staining solution (Papanicolaou’s solution 2b Orange II solution, Cat. no. 1106887 or Papanicolaou’s solution 2a Orange G solution (OG6), Cat. no. 106888), especially for demonstration of mature and keratinized cells. The target structures are stained orange in different intensities. In the third staining step is used the so-called polychrome solution, a mixture of eosin, light green SF and Bismarck brown, (Papanicolaou’s solution 3a polychromatic solution EA 31, ( 109271), Papanicolaou’s solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50, ( 109272), Papanicolaou’s solution 3c polychromatic solution EA 65( 109270), o Papanicolaou’s solution 3d polychromatic solution EA 65, ( The polychrome solution is used for demonstration of differentiation of squamous cells. Papanicolaou’s solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50 gives a blue-green-pinkish staining result in clinical specimen material.
The 500 ml bottle provides 1500 - 2000 stainings. This product is registered as IVD and CE marked. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
HS代码3212 90 00
Quality LevelMQ400
应用for cytology
密度0.82 g/cm3 (20 °C)
闪点17 °C
危害性声明H225: 高度易燃液体和蒸气。
H302 + H312 + H332: 吞咽、皮肤接触或吸入有害。
H317: 可能造成皮肤过敏反应。
H319: 造成严重眼刺激。
H370: 会损害器官。
注意事项声明P210: 远离热源、热表面、火花、明火和其他点火源。禁止吸烟。
P280: 配戴防护手套/防护服/护目用具/防护面具/听力保护装备.
P301 + P312: 如果误吞咽并觉不适: 立即呼叫中毒控制中心或就医。
P303 + P361 + P353: 如皮肤(或头发)沾染:立即脱掉所有沾染的衣服。用水清洗皮肤。
P304 + P340 + P312: 如果吸入:将患者移至空气新鲜处并保持呼吸舒适的姿势休息。 如觉不适,呼叫中毒控制中心或就医。
P308 + P311: 如接触到或有疑虑:呼叫急救中心/医生。
P403 + P233: 存放在通风良好的地方。保持容器密闭。
储存类别3 易燃液体
WGKWGK 2 严重水危害
有机无卤素溶剂: Category A.
危险种类?????, ???
储存于 +15°C 到 +25°C储存.
申报(铁路和陆路)ADR、RIDUN 1987 , 3, II
申报(空运)IATA-DGRUN 1987 , 3, II
申报(海运)IMDG-代码UN 1987 , 3, II
Suitability for microscopy (Vaginal smear)passes test
Nucleiblue to dark violet
Cyanophilic Cytoplasm (basophilic)blue-green
Eosinophilic Cytoplasm (acidophilic)pink
Global Trade Item Number
产品目录编号 GTIN
1.09272.0500 04022536112886
1.09272.1000 04022536676685
1.09272.2500 04022536112909


Accessories (Primary)

产品目录编号 描述
106887 帕氏染色组2b,橙II染色试剂
106888 帕氏染色组2a,橙G染色试剂
109253 帕氏染色组1a,Harris苏木素染色试剂(零售包装)
109254 帕氏染色组1b,苏木素S染色试剂(零售包装)
109269 帕氏染色剂
109271 帕氏染色组 3a, EA31染色试剂(零售包装)
109270 帕氏染色组 3c, EA65染色试剂

Accessories (Secondary)

产品目录编号 描述
106887 帕氏染色组2b,橙II染色试剂
106888 帕氏染色组2a,橙G染色试剂
109253 帕氏染色组1a,Harris苏木素染色试剂(零售包装)
109254 帕氏染色组1b,苏木素S染色试剂(零售包装)
109269 帕氏染色剂
109271 帕氏染色组 3a, EA31染色试剂(零售包装)
109270 帕氏染色组 3c, EA65染色试剂

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IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Cytology > Cytological Staining Reagents