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115498 薄层层析板 RP-18 含荧光指示剂

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Replacement Information
Replacement InformationIn North America 1.15498.0001 replaces and is identical to 15498-6


产品目录编号包装 数量 / 包装
1.15498.0001 纤维箱 25 units
Replaces15498-6; 15498
描述HPTLC Silica gel 60 RP-18 F₂₅₄s with concentrating zone 20 x 2.5 cm
概述These plates allow users to quickly and easily apply any kind of sample, even large volumes of diluted samples. Our concentrating zone plates are based on different adsorption properties of two adsorbents. The first is a large pore concentrating adsorbent where the samples are applied; the second is a selective layer for separation. Regardless of the spots’ shape, size, or position, the sample always concentrates as a narrow band where the two adsorbents overlap and where the separation starts. These plates allow users to quickly and easily apply any kind of sample, even large volumes of diluted samples.
HS代码3822 19 90
Quality LevelMQ100
应用Glass HPTLC Silica gel 60 RP-18 F₂₅₄s with concentrating zone 20 x 2.5 cm plates. Silica gel HPTLC plates size 20 x 10 cm, 25 sheets.
储存类别10 - 13 其它液体及固体
储存于 +2°C 到 +30°C储存.
Specific surface area (according to BET; 5-Pt. measurement)480 - 540 m²/g
Pore volume (N₂-isotherm)0.74 - 0.84 ml/g
d 50 (laser diffraction, size distribution)5 - 7 µm
Layer thickness150 - 200 µm
Deviation of layer thickness per plate≤ 35 µm
layer thickness concentrating zone70 - 110 µm
Fluctuation in the thickness of the concentration zone≤ 35 µm
Chromatographic testings:
A) cholesterin test
- cholesterin, cholesterin test

11 - 23
B) Steroide test
- methyltestosterone, steroid test20 - 40
- Reichstein S, steroid test50 - 70
- hydrocortisone, steroid test65 - 85
Typical value determined on a activated plate (120°C, 15 min)
Eluent a) acetone/ water (95/5 v/v)
Eluent b) acetonitrile/ water (70/30 v/v)
Global Trade Item Number
产品目录编号 GTIN
1.15498.0001 04022536160672