Mena, a relative of VASP and Drosophila Enabled, is implicated in the control of microfilament dynamics. Gertler, F B, et al. Cell, 87: 227-39 (1996)
Drosophila Enabled is required for proper formation of axonal structures and is genetically implicated in signaling pathways mediated by Drosophila AbI. We have identified two murine proteins, Mena and Evl, that are highly related to Enabled as well as VASP (Vasodilator-Stimulated Phosphoprotein). A conserved domain targets Mena to localized proteins containing a specific proline-rich motif. The association of Mena with the surface of the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes and the G-actin binding protein profilin suggests that this molecule may participate in bacterial movement by facilitating actin polymerization. Expression of neural-enriched isoforms of Mena in fibroblasts induces the formation of abnormal F-actin-rich outgrowths, supporting a role for this protein in microfilament assembly and cell motility. | Cell Attachment | 8861907
Basement membrane complexes with biological activity. Kleinman, H K, et al. Biochemistry, 25: 312-8 (1986)
We have studied the reconstitution of basement membrane molecules from extracts prepared from the basement membrane of the EHS tumor. Under physiological conditions and in the presence of added type IV collagen and heparan sulfate proteoglycan, gellike structures form whose ultrastructure appears as interconnected thin sheets resembling the lamina dense zone of basement membrane. The major components of the reconstituted structures include laminin, type IV collagen, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, entactin, and nidogen. These components polymerize in constant proportions on reconstitution, suggesting that they interact in defined proportions. Molecular sieve studies on the soluble extract demonstrate that laminin, entactin, and nidogen are associated in large but dissociable complexes which may be a necessary intermediate in the deposition of basement membrane. The reconstituted matrix was biologically active and stimulated the growth and differentiation of certain cells. | | 2937447
Extracellular matrix regulates Sertoli cell differentiation, testicular cord formation, and germ cell development in vitro. Hadley, M A, et al. J. Cell Biol., 101: 1511-22 (1985)
Sertoli cell preparations isolated from 10-day-old rats were cultured on three different substrates: plastic, a matrix deposited by co-culture of Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells, and a reconstituted basement membrane gel from the EHS tumor. When grown on plastic, Sertoli cells formed a squamous monolayer that did not retain contaminating germ cells. Grown on the matrix deposited by Sertoli-myoid cell co-cultures, Sertoli cells were more cuboidal and supported some germ cells but did not allow them to differentiate. After 3 wk however, the Sertoli cells flattened to resemble those grown on plastic. In contrast, the Sertoli cells grown on top of the reconstituted basement membrane formed polarized monolayers virtually identical to Sertoli cells in vivo. They were columnar with an elaborate cytoskeleton. In addition, they had characteristic basally located tight junctions and maintained germ cells for at least 5 wk in the basal aspect of the monolayer. However, germ cells did not differentiate. Total protein, androgen binding protein, transferrin, and type I collagen secretion were markedly greater when Sertoli cells were grown on the extracellular matrices than when they were grown on plastic. When Sertoli cells were cultured within rather than on top of reconstituted basement membrane gels they reorganized into cords. After one week, tight junctional complexes formed between adjacent Sertoli cells, functionally compartmentalizing the cords into central (adluminal) and peripheral (basal) compartments. Germ cells within the cords continued to differentiate. Thus, Sertoli cells cultured on top of extracellular matrix components assume a phenotype and morphology more characteristic of the in vivo, differentiated cells. Growing Sertoli cells within reconstituted basement membrane gels induces a morphogenesis of the cells into cords, which closely resemble the organ from which the cells were dissociated and which provide an environment permissive for germ cell differentiation. | | 4044644