CellASIC® ONIX微流体平台
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Heritable change caused by transient transcription Gordon AJ, Satory D, Halliday JA, Herman C PLoS Genetics 9 (6): e1003595 2013 显示摘要 Abstract Transmission of cellular identity relies on the faithful transfer of information from the mother to the daughter cell. This process includes accurate replication of the DNA, but also the correct propagation of regulatory programs responsible for cellular identity. Errors in DNA replication (mutations) and protein conformation (prions) can trigger stable phenotypic changes and cause human disease, yet the ability of transient transcriptional errors to produce heritable phenotypic change (‘epimutations’) remains an open question. Here, we demonstrate that transcriptional errors made specifically in the mRNA encoding a transcription factor can promote heritable phenotypic change by reprogramming a transcriptional network, without altering DNA. We have harnessed the classical bistable switch in the lac operon, a memory-module, to capture the consequences of transient transcription errors in living Escherichia coli cells. We engineered an error-prone transcription sequence (A9 run) in the gene encoding the lac repressor and show that this ‘slippery’ sequence directly increases epigenetic switching, not mutation in the cell population. Therefore, one altered transcript within a multi-generational series of many error-free transcripts can cause long-term phenotypic consequences. Thus, like DNA mutations, transcriptional epimutations can instigate heritable changes that increase phenotypic diversity, which drives both evolution and disease. | 23825966 |
CellASIC® ONIX微流体平台为活细胞分析实验提供了突破性的控制工具,其集最高精度的控制、最强大的功能、与简单的用户操作等特点于一身,特别适用于要求高的长时间灌注实验。该系统实现了以前不可能做到的长时间动态实验。前沿性的微流体技术改善了细胞培养的微环镜,具有高倍显微技术所要求的杰出质量以及卓越的培养基切换能力。
直观、易于编程的CellASIC® ONIX FG软件,将整个可定制的细胞培养方案自动化,因此您只用这个平台,就可以把更多时间用在探索无限的实验可能性上。
CellASIC® 技术的常见应用
过去的想象如今已成为现实,使用CellASIC® ONIX系统可以设计动态细胞生物实验。这已经被我们自己的科学家和忠诚的客户所证实。下面所列举的应用仅仅是您可以执行的几个令人兴奋的实验举例,所实现的精度史无前例:
- 细胞随着时间的反应
- 研究三维细胞培养
- 趋化性/迁移
- 药物剂量/反应
- 神经干细胞分析
- 宿主-病原体间相互作用
- 缺氧条件,以模拟肿瘤环境
- 细菌单细胞分析
- 酵母单细胞分析
- 根据环境参数(包括培养基、活化剂、抑制剂、检测试剂、气体混合、以及温度)预编程动态输入,实现完全自动操作
- 软件控制流体切换,流速可完全定制,并可在预设的时间点改变
- 与大多数倒置显微镜兼容,因此可以进行在静态培养皿中不可能进行的动态活细胞显微实验
- 用面向多应用的培养板可以设计多种实验
- 特定应用设置向导使软件设置简单易行,让您能立即开始工作