Loss of striatal type 1 cannabinoid receptors is a key pathogenic factor in Huntington's disease. Blázquez, C; Chiarlone, A; Sagredo, O; Aguado, T; Pazos, MR; Resel, E; Palazuelos, J; Julien, B; Salazar, M; Börner, C; Benito, C; Carrasco, C; Diez-Zaera, M; Paoletti, P; Díaz-Hernández, M; Ruiz, C; Sendtner, M; Lucas, JJ; de Yébenes, JG; Marsicano, G; Monory, K; Lutz, B; Romero, J; Alberch, J; Ginés, S; Kraus, J; Fernández-Ruiz, J; Galve-Roperh, I; Guzmán, M Brain : a journal of neurology
Endocannabinoids act as neuromodulatory and neuroprotective cues by engaging type 1 cannabinoid receptors. These receptors are highly abundant in the basal ganglia and play a pivotal role in the control of motor behaviour. An early downregulation of type 1 cannabinoid receptors has been documented in the basal ganglia of patients with Huntington's disease and animal models. However, the pathophysiological impact of this loss of receptors in Huntington's disease is as yet unknown. Here, we generated a double-mutant mouse model that expresses human mutant huntingtin exon 1 in a type 1 cannabinoid receptor-null background, and found that receptor deletion aggravates the symptoms, neuropathology and molecular pathology of the disease. Moreover, pharmacological administration of the cannabinoid Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol to mice expressing human mutant huntingtin exon 1 exerted a therapeutic effect and ameliorated those parameters. Experiments conducted in striatal cells show that the mutant huntingtin-dependent downregulation of the receptors involves the control of the type 1 cannabinoid receptor gene promoter by repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor and sensitizes cells to excitotoxic damage. We also provide in vitro and in vivo evidence that supports type 1 cannabinoid receptor control of striatal brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression and the decrease in brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels concomitant with type 1 cannabinoid receptor loss, which may contribute significantly to striatal damage in Huntington's disease. Altogether, these results support the notion that downregulation of type 1 cannabinoid receptors is a key pathogenic event in Huntington's disease, and suggest that activation of these receptors in patients with Huntington's disease may attenuate disease progression. | 20929960
The endocannabinoid system promotes astroglial differentiation by acting on neural progenitor cells. Aguado, Tania, et al. J. Neurosci., 26: 1551-61 (2006)
Endocannabinoids exert an important neuromodulatory role via presynaptic cannabinoid CB1 receptors and may also participate in the control of neural cell death and survival. The function of the endocannabinoid system has been extensively studied in differentiated neurons, but its potential role in neural progenitor cells remains to be elucidated. Here we show that the CB1 receptor and the endocannabinoid-inactivating enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase are expressed, both in vitro and in vivo, in postnatal radial glia (RC2+ cells) and in adult nestin type I (nestin(+)GFAP+) neural progenitor cells. Cell culture experiments show that CB1 receptor activation increases progenitor proliferation and differentiation into astroglial cells in vitro. In vivo analysis evidences that, in postnatal CB1(-/-) mouse brain, progenitor proliferation and astrogliogenesis are impaired. Likewise, in adult CB1-deficient mice, neural progenitor proliferation is decreased but is increased in fatty acid amide hydrolase-deficient mice. In addition, endocannabinoid signaling controls neural progenitor differentiation in the adult brain by promoting astroglial differentiation of newly born cells. These results show a novel physiological role of endocannabinoids, which constitute a new family of signaling cues involved in the regulation of neural progenitor cell function. | 16452678
Endocannabinoids in the intact retina: 3 H-anandamide uptake, fatty acid amide hydrolase immunoreactivity and hydrolysis of anandamide. Sherrye T Glaser, Dale G Deutsch, Keith M Studholme, Sarah Zimov, Stephen Yazulla Visual neuroscience
There is much evidence for an endocannabinoid system in the retina. However, neither the distribution of endocannabinoid uptake, the regulation of endocannabinoid levels, nor the role of endocannabinoid metabolism have been investigated in the retina. Here we focused on one endocannabinoid, anandamide (AEA), and its major hydrolyzing enzyme, fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), in the goldfish retina. Immunoblots of FAAH immunoreactivity (IR) in goldfish retina, brain and rat retina, and brain homogenates showed a single band at 61 kDa that was blocked by preadsorption with peptide antigen. Specific FAAH IR (blocked by preadsorption) was most prominent over Müller cells and cone inner segments. Weaker label was observed over some amacrine cells, rare cell bodies in the ganglion cell layer, and in four lamina in the inner plexiform layer. FAAH activity assays showed that goldfish-retinal and brain homogenates hydrolyzed AEA at rates comparable to rat brain homogenate, and the hydrolysis was inhibited by methyl arachidonyl fluorophosphonate (MAFP) and N-(4 hydroxyphenyl)-arachidonamide (AM404), with IC(50)s of 21 nM and 1.5 microM, respectively. Cellular 3H-AEA uptake in the intact retina was determined by in vitro autoradiography. Silver-grain accumulation at 20 degrees C was most prominent over cone photoreceptors and Müller cells. Uptake was significantly reduced when retinas were incubated at 4 degrees C, or preincubated with 100 nM MAFP or 10 microM AM404. There was no differential effect of blocking conditions on the distribution of silver grains over cones or Müller cells. The codistribution of FAAH IR and 3H-AEA uptake in cones and Müller cells suggests that the bulk clearance of AEA in the retina occurs as a consequence of a concentration gradient created by FAAH activity. We conclude that endocannabinoids are present in the goldfish retina and underlay the electrophysiological effects of cannabinoid ligands previously shown on goldfish cones and bipolar cells. | 16469181
The endocannabinoid system drives neural progenitor proliferation. Aguado, Tania, et al. FASEB J., 19: 1704-6 (2005)
The discovery of multipotent neural progenitor (NP) cells has provided strong support for the existence of neurogenesis in the adult brain. However, the signals controlling NP proliferation remain elusive. Endocannabinoids, the endogenous counterparts of marijuana-derived cannabinoids, act as neuromodulators via presynaptic CB1 receptors and also control neural cell death and survival. Here we show that progenitor cells express a functional endocannabinoid system that actively regulates cell proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. Specifically, NPs produce endocannabinoids and express the CB1 receptor and the endocannabinoid-inactivating enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH). CB1 receptor activation promotes cell proliferation and neurosphere generation, an action that is abrogated in CB1-deficient NPs. Accordingly, proliferation of hippocampal NPs is increased in FAAH-deficient mice. Our results demonstrate that endocannabinoids constitute a new group of signaling cues that regulate NP proliferation and thus open novel therapeutic avenues for manipulation of NP cell fate in the adult brain. | 16037095