Essential role of the zinc finger transcription factor Casz1 for mammalian cardiac morphogenesis and development. Liu, Z; Li, W; Ma, X; Ding, N; Spallotta, F; Southon, E; Tessarollo, L; Gaetano, C; Mukouyama, YS; Thiele, CJ The Journal of biological chemistry
Chromosome 1p36 deletion syndrome is one of the most common terminal deletions observed in humans and is related to congenital heart disease (CHD). However, the 1p36 genes that contribute to heart disease have not been clearly delineated. Human CASZ1 gene localizes to 1p36 and encodes a zinc finger transcription factor. Casz1 is required for Xenopus heart ventral midline progenitor cell differentiation. Whether Casz1 plays a role during mammalian heart development is unknown. Our aim is to determine 1p36 gene CASZ1 function at regulating heart development in mammals. We generated a Casz1 knock-out mouse using Casz1-trapped embryonic stem cells. Casz1 deletion in mice resulted in abnormal heart development including hypoplasia of myocardium, ventricular septal defect, and disorganized morphology. Hypoplasia of myocardium was caused by decreased cardiomyocyte proliferation. Comparative genome-wide RNA transcriptome analysis of Casz1 depleted embryonic hearts identifies abnormal expression of genes that are critical for muscular system development and function, such as muscle contraction genes TNNI2, TNNT1, and CKM; contractile fiber gene ACTA1; and cardiac arrhythmia associated ion channel coding genes ABCC9 and CACNA1D. The transcriptional regulation of some of these genes by Casz1 was also found in cellular models. Our results showed that loss of Casz1 during mouse development led to heart defect including cardiac noncompaction and ventricular septal defect, which phenocopies 1p36 deletion syndrome related CHD. This suggests that CASZ1 is a novel 1p36 CHD gene and that the abnormal expression of cardiac morphogenesis and contraction genes induced by loss of Casz1 contributes to the heart defect. | 25190801
Targeting of αv integrin identifies a core molecular pathway that regulates fibrosis in several organs. Henderson, NC; Arnold, TD; Katamura, Y; Giacomini, MM; Rodriguez, JD; McCarty, JH; Pellicoro, A; Raschperger, E; Betsholtz, C; Ruminski, PG; Griggs, DW; Prinsen, MJ; Maher, JJ; Iredale, JP; Lacy-Hulbert, A; Adams, RH; Sheppard, D Nature medicine
Myofibroblasts are the major source of extracellular matrix components that accumulate during tissue fibrosis, and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are believed to be the major source of myofibroblasts in the liver. To date, robust systems to genetically manipulate these cells have not been developed. We report that Cre under control of the promoter of Pdgfrb (Pdgfrb-Cre) inactivates loxP-flanked genes in mouse HSCs with high efficiency. We used this system to delete the gene encoding α(v) integrin subunit because various α(v)-containing integrins have been suggested as central mediators of fibrosis in multiple organs. Such depletion protected mice from carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis, whereas global loss of β₃, β₅ or β₆ integrins or conditional loss of β₈ integrins in HSCs did not. We also found that Pdgfrb-Cre effectively targeted myofibroblasts in multiple organs, and depletion of the α(v) integrin subunit using this system was protective in other models of organ fibrosis, including pulmonary and renal fibrosis. Pharmacological blockade of α(v)-containing integrins by a small molecule (CWHM 12) attenuated both liver and lung fibrosis, including in a therapeutic manner. These data identify a core pathway that regulates fibrosis and suggest that pharmacological targeting of all α(v) integrins may have clinical utility in the treatment of patients with a broad range of fibrotic diseases. | 24216753
Primed pluripotent cell lines derived from various embryonic origins and somatic cells in pig. Park, JK; Kim, HS; Uh, KJ; Choi, KH; Kim, HM; Lee, T; Yang, BC; Kim, HJ; Ka, HH; Kim, H; Lee, CK PloS one
Since pluripotent embryonic stem cell (ESC) lines were first derived from the mouse, tremendous efforts have been made to establish ESC lines in several domestic species including the pig; however, authentic porcine ESCs have not yet been established. It has proven difficult to maintain an ESC-like state in pluripotent porcine cell lines due to the frequent occurrence of spontaneous differentiation into an epiblast stem cell (EpiSC)-like state during culture. We have been able to derive EpiSC-like porcine ESC (pESC) lines from blastocyst stage porcine embryos of various origins, including in vitro fertilized (IVF), in vivo derived, IVF aggregated, and parthenogenetic embryos. In addition, we have generated induced pluripotent stem cells (piPSCs) via plasmid transfection of reprogramming factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) into porcine fibroblast cells. In this study, we analyzed characteristics such as marker expression, pluripotency and the X chromosome inactivation status in female of our EpiSC-like pESC lines along with our piPSC line. Our results show that these cell lines demonstrate the expression of genes associated with the Activin/Nodal and FGF2 pathways along with the expression of pluripotent markers Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, SSEA4, TRA 1-60 and TRA 1-81. Furthermore all of these cell lines showed in vitro differentiation potential, the X chromosome inactivation in female and a normal karyotype. Here we suggest that the porcine species undergoes reprogramming into a primed state during the establishment of pluripotent stem cell lines. | 23326334
β-catenin is essential for efficient in vitro premyogenic mesoderm formation but can be partially compensated by retinoic acid signalling. Wong, J; Mehta, V; Voronova, A; Coutu, J; Ryan, T; Shelton, M; Skerjanc, IS PloS one
Previous studies have shown that P19 cells expressing a dominant negative β-catenin mutant (β-cat/EnR) cannot undergo myogenic differentiation in the presence or absence of muscle-inducing levels of retinoic acid (RA). While RA could upregulate premyogenic mesoderm expression, including Pax3/7 and Meox1, only Pax3/7 and Gli2 could be upregulated by RA in the presence of β-cat/EnR. However, the use of a dominant negative construct that cannot be compensated by other factors is limiting due to the possibility of negative chromatin remodelling overriding compensatory mechanisms. In this study, we set out to determine if β-catenin function is essential for myogenesis with and without RA, by creating P19 cells with reduced β-catenin transcriptional activity using an shRNA approach, termed P19[shβ-cat] cells. The loss of β-catenin resulted in a reduction of skeletal myogenesis in the absence of RA as early as premyogenic mesoderm, with the loss of Pax3/7, Eya2, Six1, Meox1, Gli2, Foxc1/2, and Sox7 transcript levels. Chromatin immunoprecipitation identified an association of β-catenin with the promoter region of the Sox7 gene. Differentiation of P19[shβ-cat] cells in the presence of RA resulted in the upregulation or lack of repression of all of the precursor genes, on day 5 and/or 9, with the exception of Foxc2. However, expression of Sox7, Gli2, the myogenic regulatory factors and terminal differentiation markers remained inhibited on day 9 and overall skeletal myogenesis was reduced. Thus, β-catenin is essential for in vitro formation of premyogenic mesoderm, leading to skeletal myogenesis. RA can at least partially compensate for the loss of β-catenin in the expression of many myogenic precursor genes, but not for myoblast gene expression or overall myogenesis. | 23460868
Identification, selection, and enrichment of cardiomyocyte precursors. Zanetti, BF; Gomes, WJ; Han, SW BioMed research international
The large-scale production of cardiomyocytes is a key step in the development of cell therapy and tissue engineering to treat cardiovascular diseases, particularly those caused by ischemia. The main objective of this study was to establish a procedure for the efficient production of cardiomyocytes by reprogramming mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue. First, lentiviral vectors expressing neoR and GFP under the control of promoters expressed specifically during cardiomyogenesis were constructed to monitor cell reprogramming into precardiomyocytes and to select cells for amplification and characterization. Cellular reprogramming was performed using 5'-azacytidine followed by electroporation with plasmid pOKS2a, which expressed Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4. Under these conditions, GFP expression began only after transfection with pOKS2a, and less than 0.015% of cells were GFP(+). These GFP(+) cells were selected for G418 resistance to find molecular markers of cardiomyocytes by RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry. Both genetic and protein markers of cardiomyocytes were present in the selected cells, with some variations among them. Cell doubling time did not change after selection. Together, these results indicate that enrichment with vectors expressing GFP and neoR under cardiomyocyte-specific promoters can produce large numbers of cardiomyocyte precursors (CMPs), which can then be differentiated terminally for cell therapy and tissue engineering. | 23853770
DNA damage, somatic aneuploidy, and malignant sarcoma susceptibility in muscular dystrophies. Schmidt, WM; Uddin, MH; Dysek, S; Moser-Thier, K; Pirker, C; Höger, H; Ambros, IM; Ambros, PF; Berger, W; Bittner, RE PLoS genetics
Albeit genetically highly heterogeneous, muscular dystrophies (MDs) share a convergent pathology leading to muscle wasting accompanied by proliferation of fibrous and fatty tissue, suggesting a common MD-pathomechanism. Here we show that mutations in muscular dystrophy genes (Dmd, Dysf, Capn3, Large) lead to the spontaneous formation of skeletal muscle-derived malignant tumors in mice, presenting as mixed rhabdomyo-, fibro-, and liposarcomas. Primary MD-gene defects and strain background strongly influence sarcoma incidence, latency, localization, and gender prevalence. Combined loss of dystrophin and dysferlin, as well as dystrophin and calpain-3, leads to accelerated tumor formation. Irrespective of the primary gene defects, all MD sarcomas share non-random genomic alterations including frequent losses of tumor suppressors (Cdkn2a, Nf1), amplification of oncogenes (Met, Jun), recurrent duplications of whole chromosomes 8 and 15, and DNA damage. Remarkably, these sarcoma-specific genetic lesions are already regularly present in skeletal muscles in aged MD mice even prior to sarcoma development. Accordingly, we show also that skeletal muscle from human muscular dystrophy patients is affected by gross genomic instability, represented by DNA double-strand breaks and age-related accumulation of aneusomies. These novel aspects of molecular pathologies common to muscular dystrophies and tumor biology will potentially influence the strategies to combat these diseases. | 21533183
Neuronal nitric oxide inhibits intestinal smooth muscle growth. Pelletier, AM; Venkataramana, S; Miller, KG; Bennett, BM; Nair, DG; Lourenssen, S; Blennerhassett, MG American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology
Hyperplasia of smooth muscle contributes to the thickening of the intestinal wall that is characteristic of inflammation, but the mechanisms of growth control are unknown. Nitric oxide (NO) from enteric neurons expressing neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) might normally inhibit intestinal smooth muscle cell (ISMC) growth, and this was tested in vitro. In ISMC from the circular smooth muscle of the adult rat colon, chemical NO donors inhibited [(3)H]thymidine uptake in response to FCS, reducing this to baseline without toxicity. This effect was inhibited by the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor ODQ and potentiated by the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor zaprinast. Inhibition was mimicked by 8-bromo (8-Br)-cGMP, and ELISA measurements showed increased levels of cGMP but not cAMP in response to sodium nitroprusside. However, 8-Br-cAMP and cilostamide also showed inhibitory actions, suggesting an additional role for cAMP. Via a coculture model of ISMC and myenteric neurons, immunocytochemistry and image analysis showed that innervation reduced bromodeoxyuridine uptake by ISMC. Specific blockers of nNOS (7-NI, NAAN) significantly increased [(3)H]thymidine uptake in response to a standard stimulus, showing that nNOS activity normally inhibits ISMC growth. In vivo, nNOS axon number was reduced threefold by day 1 of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced rat colitis, preceding the hyperplasia of ISMC described earlier in this model. We conclude that NO can inhibit ISMC growth primarily via a cGMP-dependent mechanism. Functional evidence that NO derived from nNOS causes inhibition of ISMC growth in vitro predicts that the loss of nNOS expression in colitis contributes to ISMC hyperplasia in vivo. | 20338922
Cytotoxic role of methylglyoxal in rat retinal pericytes: Involvement of a nuclear factor-kappaB and inducible nitric oxide synthase pathway. Kim J, Kim OS, Kim CS, Kim NH, Kim JS Chem Biol Interact
Methylglyoxal (MGO), a cytotoxic metabolite, is produced from glycolysis. Elevated levels of MGO are observed in a number of diabetic complications, including retinopathy, nephropathy and cardiomyopathy. Loss of retinal pericyte, a hallmark of early diabetic retinal changes, leads to the development of formation of microaneurysms, retinal hemorrhages and neovasculization. Herein, we evaluated the cytotoxic role of MGO in retinal pericytes and further investigated the signaling pathway leading to cell death. Rat primary retinal pericytes were exposed to 400muM MGO for 6h. Retinal vessels were prepared from intravitreally MGO-injected rat eyes. We demonstrated apoptosis, nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) induction in cultured pericytes treated with MGO and MGO-injected retinal vessels. In MGO-treated pericytes, TUNEL-positive nuclei were markedly increased, and NF-kappaB was translocalized into the nuclei of pericytes, which paralleled the expression of iNOS. The treatment of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (an NF-kappaB inhibitor) or l-N6-(1-iminoethyl)-lysine (an iNOS inhibitor) prevented apoptosis of MGO-treated pericytes. In addition, in intravitreally MGO-injected rat eyes, TUNEL and caspase-3-positive pericytes were significantly increased, and activated NF-kappaB and iNOS were highly expressed. These results suggest that the increased expression of NF-kappaB and iNOS caused by MGO is involved in rat retinal pericyte apoptosis. Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. | 20621070
Discrete responses of myenteric neurons to structural and functional damage by neurotoxins in vitro. Sandra Lourenssen,Kurtis G Miller,Michael G Blennerhassett American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology
Damage to the enteric nervous system is implicated in human disease and animal models of inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease, but the mechanism of death and the response of surviving neurons are poorly understood. We explored this in a coculture model of myenteric neurons, glia, and smooth muscle during exposure to the established or potential neurotoxins botulinum A, hydrogen peroxide, and acrylamide. Neuronal survival, axonal degeneration and regeneration, and neurotransmitter release were assessed during acute exposure (0-24 h) to neurotoxin and subsequent recovery (96-144 h). Unique and selective responses to each neurotoxin were found with acrylamide (0.5-2.0 mM) causing a 30% decrease in axon number without neuronal loss, whereas hydrogen peroxide (1-200 microM) caused a parallel loss in both axon and neuron number. Immunoblotting identified the loss of synaptic vesicle proteins that paralleled axon damage and was associated with marked suppression of depolarization-induced release of acetylcholine (ACh). The caspase inhibitor zVAD, but not DEVD, significantly prevented neuronal death, implying a largely caspase-3/7-independent mechanism of apoptotic death that was supported by staining for annexin V and cleaved caspase-3. In contrast, botulinum A (2 microg/ml) caused a 40% decrease in ACh release without effect on neuronal survival or axon structure. By 96 h after exposure to acrylamide or hydrogen peroxide, axon number was restored to or even surpassed the level of time-matched controls, regardless of partial neuronal loss, but ACh release remained markedly suppressed. Neural responses to toxic factors are initially unique but then converge upon robust axonal regeneration, whereas neurotransmitter release is both vulnerable to damage and slow to recover. | 19407212
Contribution of hepatic stellate cells and matrix metalloproteinase 9 in acute liver failure. Chunli Yan, Ling Zhou, Yuan-Ping Han, Chunli Yan, Ling Zhou, Yuan-Ping Han Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Fulminant hepatitis or acute liver failure (ALF), initiated by viral infection or hepatic toxin, is a devastating medical complication without effective therapeutic treatment. In this study, we addressed the potential roles of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and their produced matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in development of ALF. METHODS: Mice were given lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and beta-galactosamine (GA) or carbon tetrachloride to create ALF and establish the association of IL-1, MMP-9, and caspase-3 in acute liver failure. RESULTS: In response to the hepatic toxin, IL-1 and MMP-9 were promptly induced within 1 hour, followed by caspase-3 activation at 2 hours, and dehiscence of sinusoids at 4 hours, and consequent lethality. In contrast, MMP-9 knockout mice were resistant to lethality and absent of caspase-3 activation, demonstrating an MMP-9-dependent activation of caspase in vivo. Further, IL-1-receptor knockout mice were resistant to lethality in MMP-9 dependent manner, indicating a causative relationship. Although many hepatic cells are capable to produce MMP-9 in vitro, HSCs were demonstrated here as the major hepatic cells to express MMP-9 in liver injury. To recapitulate the sinusoidal microenvironment we cultured primary HSCs in 3-dimensional ECM. In response to IL-1, massive MMP-9 was produced by the 3D culture concomitantly with degradation of type-IV collagen. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these evidences, we propose a novel model to highlight the initiation of acute liver failure: IL-1-induced MMPs by HSCs within the space of Disse and thereafter ECM degradation may provoke the collapse of sinusoids, leading parenchymal cell death and loss of liver functions. | 18507761