Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Related Resources: Brochures | Application NotesElectric currents, wires, leads, combs, leaks… so many opportunities for trouble. But we still use gels, because electrophoresis remains an effective way to separate proteins — so that the results of antibody-based immunodetection can be fairly unequivocal.
Click on the Sample Preparation and Gel Electrophoresis topics to read about the possible causes and remedies:
Remove gel comb carefully to avoid disruption of the wells. Rinse wells gently with electrophoresis buffer prior to sample loading to detect damaged wells.
Wells damaged during sample loading
Load sample carefully, ensuring that pipette tip does not touch the bottom or sides of the wells.
Gel run is “smiling.” This is caused by too high a voltage. Also, target bands are bleached, caused by using the detection reagent at too high of a concentration.
Run gel at a lower voltage for longer time. Use chilled buffers and run gel in a cold room or packed on ice.