Dynamic expression and localization of c-MET isoforms in the developing rat pancreas. Wu, Y; Cheng, M; Shi, Z; Feng, Z; Guan, X International journal of clinical and experimental pathology
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Pancreata from Sprague Dawley rats of different developmental stages were studied to determine the expression and cellular localization of different c-MET isoforms in the developing rat pancreas. Pancreatic mRNA and protein expression levels of c-MET at different developmental stages from embryo to adult were detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and by western blotting. To identify the cellular localization of c-MET protein in the developing rat pancreas, double immunofluorescent staining was performed using antibodies for cell type-specific markers and for c-MET. The expression of two isoforms of c-MET (190 kDa and 170 kDa) coincided with the development of the pancreas. The 190 kDa isoform of c-MET is expressed during embryonic stages, and its expression is replaced by the expression of the 170 kDa isoform as the pancreas develops. Only the 170 kDa isoform is expressed in the adult rat pancreas. Throughout all stages of pancreatic development, c-MET is expressed by vimentin-positive cells. In contrast, c-MET staining was stronger in rat pancreata from newborn to adult stages and overlapped with insulin-positive beta-cells. The dynamic expression and localization of different c-MET isoforms in the rat pancreas during different developmental stages indicates that distinct c-MET isoform might be involved in different aspects of pancreatic development. | 25674220
IGF-1 acts as controlling switch for long-term proliferation and maintenance of EGF/FGF-responsive striatal neural stem cells. Supeno, NE; Pati, S; Hadi, RA; Ghani, AR; Mustafa, Z; Abdullah, JM; Idris, FM; Han, X; Jaafar, H International journal of medical sciences
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Long-term maintenance of neural stem cells in vitro is crucial for their stage specific roles in neurogenesis. To have an in-depth understanding of optimal conditional microenvironmental niche for long-term maintenance of neural stem cells (NSCs), we imposed different combinatorial treatment of growth factors to EGF/FGF-responsive cells. We hypothesized, that IGF-1-treatment can provide an optimal niche for long-term maintenance and proliferation of EGF/FGF-responsive NSCs.This study was performed to investigate the cellular morphology and growth of rat embryonic striatal tissue derived-NSCs in long-term culture under the influence of different combinatorial effects of certain growth factors, such as EGF, bFGF, LIF and IGF-1.The NSCs were harvested and cultured from striatal tissue of 18 days old rat embryos. We have generated neurospheres from these NSCs and cultured them till passage 7 (28 days in vitro) under four different conditional microenvironments: (A) without growth factor, (B) EGF/bFGF, (C) EGF/bFGF/LIF, (D) EGF/bFGF/IGF-1 and (E) EGF/bFGF/LIF/IGF-1. Isolated NSCs were characterised by Immunoflouroscence for nestin expression. The cell growth and proliferation was evaluated at different time intervals (P1, P3, P5 & P7), assessing the metabolic activity based cell proliferation. Apoptosis was studied in each of these groups by In situ cell death assay.Our results demonstrated certain important findings relevant to long-term culture and maintenance of striatal NSC-derived neurospheres. This suggested that IGF-1 can induce enhanced cell proliferation during early stages of neurogenesis, impose long-term maintenance (up to passage 7) to cultured NSCs and enhance survival efficiency in vitro, in the presence of EGF and FGF.Our findings support the hypothesis that the enforcement of IGF-1 treatment to the EGF/FGF-responsive NSCs, can lead to enhanced cell proliferation during early stages of neurogenesis, and an extended life span in vitro. This information will be beneficial for improving future therapeutic implication of NSCs, by addressing improved in vitro production of NSCs. | 23532711
In vitro and in vivo antagonism of a G protein-coupled receptor (S1P3) with a novel blocking monoclonal antibody. Harris, GL; Creason, MB; Brulte, GB; Herr, DR PloS one
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S1P(3) is a lipid-activated G protein-couple receptor (GPCR) that has been implicated in the pathological processes of a number of diseases, including sepsis and cancer. Currently, there are no available high-affinity, subtype-selective drug compounds that can block activation of S1P(3). We have developed a monoclonal antibody (7H9) that specifically recognizes S1P(3) and acts as a functional antagonist.Specific binding of 7H9 was demonstrated by immunocytochemistry using cells that over-express individual members of the S1P receptor family. We show, in vitro, that 7H9 can inhibit the activation of S1P(3)-mediated cellular processes, including arrestin translocation, receptor internalization, adenylate cyclase inhibiton, and calcium mobilization. We also demonstrate that 7H9 blocks activation of S1P(3) in vivo, 1) by preventing lethality due to systemic inflammation, and 2) by altering the progression of breast tumor xenografts.We have developed the first-reported monoclonal antibody that selectively recognizes a lipid-activated GPCR and blocks functional activity. In addition to serving as a lead drug compound for the treatment of sepsis and breast cancer, it also provides proof of concept for the generation of novel GPCR-specific therapeutic antibodies. | 22496900
Thalamus-derived molecules promote survival and dendritic growth of developing cortical neurons. Sato, H; Fukutani, Y; Yamamoto, Y; Tatara, E; Takemoto, M; Shimamura, K; Yamamoto, N The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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The mammalian neocortex is composed of various types of neurons that reflect its laminar and area structures. It has been suggested that not only intrinsic but also afferent-derived extrinsic factors are involved in neuronal differentiation during development. However, the role and molecular mechanism of such extrinsic factors are almost unknown. Here, we attempted to identify molecules that are expressed in the thalamus and affect cortical cell development. First, thalamus-specific molecules were sought by comparing gene expression profiles of the developing rat thalamus and cortex using microarrays, and by constructing a thalamus-enriched subtraction cDNA library. A systematic screening by in situ hybridization showed that several genes encoding extracellular molecules were strongly expressed in sensory thalamic nuclei. Exogenous and endogenous protein localization further demonstrated that two extracellular molecules, Neuritin-1 (NRN1) and VGF, were transported to thalamic axon terminals. Application of NRN1 and VGF to dissociated cell culture promoted the dendritic growth. An organotypic slice culture experiment further showed that the number of primary dendrites in multipolar stellate neurons increased in response to NRN1 and VGF, whereas dendritic growth of pyramidal neurons was not promoted. These molecules also increased neuronal survival of multipolar neurons. Taken together, these results suggest that the thalamus-specific molecules NRN1 and VGF play an important role in the dendritic growth and survival of cortical neurons in a cell type-specific manner. | 23115177
Noninvasive assessment of antenatal hydronephrosis in mice reveals a critical role for Robo2 in maintaining anti-reflux mechanism. Wang, H; Li, Q; Liu, J; Mendelsohn, C; Salant, DJ; Lu, W PloS one
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Antenatal hydronephrosis and vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) are common renal tract birth defects. We recently showed that disruption of the Robo2 gene is associated with VUR in humans and antenatal hydronephrosis in knockout mice. However, the natural history, causal relationship and developmental origins of these clinical conditions remain largely unclear. Although the hydronephrosis phenotype in Robo2 knockout mice has been attributed to the coexistence of ureteral reflux and obstruction in the same mice, this hypothesis has not been tested experimentally. Here we used noninvasive high-resolution micro-ultrasonography and pathological analysis to follow the progression of antenatal hydronephrosis in individual Robo2-deficient mice from embryo to adulthood. We found that hydronephrosis progressed continuously after birth with no spontaneous resolution. With the use of a microbubble ultrasound contrast agent and ultrasound-guided percutaneous aspiration, we demonstrated that antenatal hydronephrosis in Robo2-deficient mice is caused by high-grade VUR resulting from a dilated and incompetent ureterovesical junction rather than ureteral obstruction. We further documented Robo2 expression around the developing ureterovesical junction and identified early dilatation of ureteral orifice structures as a potential fetal origin of antenatal hydronephrosis and VUR. Our results thus demonstrate that Robo2 is crucial for the formation of a normal ureteral orifice and for the maintenance of an effective anti-reflux mechanism. This study also establishes a reproducible genetic mouse model of progressive antenatal hydronephrosis and primary high-grade VUR. | 21949750
The colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) receptor sustains ERK1/2 activation and proliferation in breast cancer cell lines. Morandi, A; Barbetti, V; Riverso, M; Dello Sbarba, P; Rovida, E PloS one
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Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in western countries. Colony-Stimulating Factor-1 (CSF-1) and its receptor (CSF-1R) regulate macrophage and osteoclast production, trophoblast implantation and mammary gland development. The expression of CSF-1R and/or CSF-1 strongly correlates with poor prognosis in several human epithelial tumors, including breast carcinomas. We demonstrate that CSF-1 and CSF-1R are expressed, although at different levels, in 16/17 breast cancer cell lines tested with no differences among molecular subtypes. The role of CSF-1/CSF-1R in the proliferation of breast cancer cells was then studied in MDAMB468 and SKBR3 cells belonging to different subtypes. CSF-1 administration induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation and enhanced cell proliferation in both cell lines. Furthermore, the inhibition of CSF-1/CSF-1R signaling, by CSF-1R siRNA or imatinib treatment, impaired CSF-1 induced ERK1/2 activation and cell proliferation. We also demonstrate that c-Jun, cyclin D1 and c-Myc, known for their involvement in cell proliferation, are downstream CSF-1R in breast cancer cells. The presence of a proliferative CSF-1/CSF-1R autocrine loop involving ERK1/2 was also found. The wide expression of the CSF-1/CSF-1R pair across breast cancer cell subtypes supports CSF-1/CSF-1R targeting in breast cancer therapy. Full Text Article | 22096574
Expression and localization of paxillin in rat pancreas during development. Jing Guo,Li-Jie Liu,Li Yuan,Ning Wang,Wei De World journal of gastroenterology : WJG
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To investigate the expression and localization of paxillin in rat pancreas during development. Full Text Article | 22110278
Cellular changes in diabetic and idiopathic gastroparesis. Madhusudan Grover,Gianrico Farrugia,Matthew S Lurken,Cheryl E Bernard,Maria Simonetta Faussone-Pellegrini,Thomas C Smyrk,Henry P Parkman,Thomas L Abell,William J Snape,William L Hasler,Aynur Ünalp-Arida,Linda Nguyen,Kenneth L Koch,Jorges Calles,Linda Lee,James Tonascia,Frank A Hamilton,Pankaj J Pasricha, Gastroenterology
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Cellular changes associated with diabetic and idiopathic gastroparesis are not well described. The aim of this study was to describe histologic abnormalities in gastroparesis and compare findings in idiopathic versus diabetic gastroparesis. | 21300066
Interaction of connexin43 and protein kinase C-delta during FGF2 signaling. Niger, C; Hebert, C; Stains, JP BMC biochemistry
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We have recently demonstrated that modulation of the gap junction protein, connexin43, can affect the response of osteoblasts to fibroblast growth factor 2 in a protein kinase C-delta-dependent manner. Others have shown that the C-terminal tail of connexin43 serves as a docking platform for signaling complexes. It is unknown whether protein kinase C-delta can physically interact with connexin43.In the present study, we investigate by immunofluorescent co-detection and biochemical examination the interaction between Cx43 and protein kinase C-delta. We establish that protein kinase C-delta physically interacts with connexin43 during fibroblast growth factor 2 signaling, and that protein kinase C delta preferentially co-precipitates phosphorylated connexin43. Further, we show by pull down assay that protein kinase C-delta associates with the C-terminal tail of connexin43.Connexin43 can serve as a direct docking platform for the recruitment of protein kinase C-delta in order to affect fibroblast growth factor 2 signaling in osteoblasts. These data expand the list of signal molecules that assemble on the connexin43 C-terminal tail and provide a critical context to understand how gap junctions modify signal transduction cascades in order to impact cell function. | 20338032
Nucleocytoplasmic translocation of HDAC9 regulates gene expression and dendritic growth in developing cortical neurons. Noriyuki Sugo,Hiroaki Oshiro,Mitsuhiro Takemura,Toshiaki Kobayashi,Yusuke Kohno,Naofumi Uesaka,Wen-Jie Song,Nobuhiko Yamamoto The European journal of neuroscience
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Transcriptional regulation of gene expression is thought to play a pivotal role in activity-dependent neuronal differentiation and circuit formation. Here, we investigated the role of histone deacetylase 9 (HDAC9), which regulates transcription by histone modification, in the development of neocortical neurons. The translocation of HDAC9 from nucleus to cytoplasm was induced by an increase of spontaneous firing activity in cultured mouse cortical neurons. This nucleocytoplasmic translocation was also observed in postnatal development in vivo. The translocation-induced gene expression and cellular morphology was further examined by introducing an HDAC9 mutant that disrupts the nucleocytoplasmic translocation. Expression of c-fos, an immediately-early gene, was suppressed in the mutant-transfected cells regardless of neural activity. Moreover, the introduction of the mutant decreased the total length of dendritic branches, whereas knockdown of HDAC9 promoted dendritic growth. These findings indicate that chromatin remodeling with nucleocytoplasmic translocation of HDAC9 regulates activity-dependent gene expression and dendritic growth in developing cortical neurons. | 20525066