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Calbiochem® Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktails

Pre-mixed cocktails preserve protein sample integrity

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Protease and phosphatase inhibitors are essential for maintenance of expressed proteins and subsequently for their characterization, biomarker discovery, mapping of post-translational modifications and protein quantification. Calbiochem® protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktails are provided as ready-to-use, no-waste liquid stock solutions with complete formulation details. Choose the product that’s designed for your specific application.

Features & Benefits

  • Ready-to-use, waste-free liquid formulations for greater convenience
  • Stringent quality control for reproducibility and excellent inhibition over a wide range of protease classes
  • Full disclosure of formulations and a comprehensive selection of specific cocktails optimized for most tissue or cell type extracts ensures greater experimental flexibility


Protein Sample Preparation and Preservation, Signal Transduction Studies, Western Blotting

Product Performance